You didn’t cite three “invasions of Russia” by the West in the last century so why did you offer it? It’s silly.No such “invasions” occurred. In one you did cite, Germany, the US and Britain were Russia’s (using Russia for Soviet Union where applicable) allies. In fact the US and Russia were allies in the two world wars, although in the first Russia withdrew as Marxism lead to the upheaval of its society and political structure.
Your statements regarding JFK are simply not true history. For one, numerous American Presidents have engaged in relations and rapprochement with Russia. FDR, for example, and many members of his administration, according to some accounts, were sympathetic to Communists. There is no doubt FDR sat down with Stalin as an equal at Yalta. Likewise Nixon, Carter and Reagan made a variety of serious attempts at normal relations with the Soviet Union. As to JFK, his relations with Khrushchev are a matter of history and were by no means normal ( cfr the first meeting between the two, cfr the Cuban Missile Crisis, cfr Cuba and the Bay of Pigs).
There is no doubt that in the aftermath of WWII, while the US engaged in the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe, Stalin built a wall to partition Germany, a symbol of what came to be referred to as “the Iron Curtain.” If you wish to date the beginning of the Cold War, this might be a good place to mark it, and if not there, then perhaps Sputnik where Khrushchev tried to assert dominance in space, launched the “space race” and had children all over this country learning to hide beneath their desks in the event of a nuclear attack from Russia. Your assertion the missiles in Turkey started the cold war kind of ignores the whole history of Communism in Russia and deserves a face palm.
You cannot seriously speak sympathetically of Stalin. Even if you chose to overlook the purge (murder) of members of his administration and his own family, you cannot overlook his murder of at least as many millions of his countrymen as Hitler murdered of his. Likewise, you cannot pretend that through most of the last century Russia became the Soviet Union, a Marxist state. You may need to look up Dialectic Materialism to understand the implications of Marxism and why it is not only offensive to the free world but also to the Church. It might be enough to say, however, that the Dialectic presumes conquest by the Marxist state. It is aggressive, it believes, as a matter of scientific fact and the whole point of the Marxist state is to be a place holder until the world succumbs.
Now I hate long responses. I don’t object to other people’s perspectives, but you can’t distill history to the extent you have and make it history at all. It becomes fiction.