I look at Russia and I see a country that is returning to God in a big way. When I look at the US I see gay marriage, abortion, Hollywood and self indulgence. Russia will defend Christianity Obama will not. God is working through Mr Putin.
What the elites do does not necessarily determine the nature of a country. There a lot of things to consider in making moral judgments about nations if, indeed, one can legitimately do that.
It is very premature to say Russia is a country that is returning to God in a big way. Few actually go to church there. The Russian abortion rate is possibly the highest in the world. Refraining from knocking churches down and sending priests to Gulag, combined with a few bows to religion from Putin, does not make a “return to God in a big way”. How did Napoleon put it? “Paris is worth a Mass”. But he does invade countries that Russia twice agreed should be independent and include Crimea. Well, then there was the Georgia invasion and seizure too. Moldova will be next if eastern Ukraine is not.
There is more than one kind of evil in the world. And one of the 20th Century’s most evil individuals (Lenin) is still enshrined and honored in Moscow. The statue of another, Dzerzhinsky, is being refurbished for replacement in front of the Lubyanka. Russia is still half in love with the notion of the Soviet state, astonishingly evil though it was. It is half in love with it because it took for “greatness” what was actually murderous tyranny.
And consistent with the numerous past genocides of the Soviet state, Russians are now “ethnically cleansing” Crimea of ethnic Ukrainians and Tatars. And I have little doubt it’s supported by the majority of Russians.
I am not an admirer of Chechen culture, there is much about it that is anything but good. All the same, the Chechens are a subject people who do not want to be part of Russia. And yet, they are bombed, tortured, shot for wanting to be independent, and for what? There’s nothing in Chechnya that would be a natural addition to Russia except…yes…the oil Russia sells to the West. One remembers the “Terror Famine” in Ukraine during Soviet years, when Russia starved Ukrainians so it could sell their grain to the West. Not quite the same, but akin.
Russia missed its chance to be a moral state, a “converted” state. It missed the chance when it declined to have Nuremberg-style trials of people who were every bit as bad as Hitler’s worst people.
It missed its chance when it retained Lenin’s place of honor. It is STILL a custom in Moscow for newlyweds to visit Lenin’s tomb and view the evil man’s body. The bride leaves her flowers there. Russia missed its chance when it opted to put a KGB colonel in charge of the nation. Perhaps it was just too painful to face the evil it perpetrated on so many…or perhaps too many were complicit???
Far greater numbers of Americans than Russians attend church, though the record is not envious. The abortion rate, shameful as it is, is massively below Russia’s.
Russia could easily aid in defending Christianity in Syria, but does not. There are many places where it could, but does not. No, utilizes its forces to invades a weak state for national aggrandizement instead. Ukrainian Catholic church leaders have lamented the Russian conquest of crimea and the threat Russia poses to the rest of Ukraine. It is not lost on them that the Catholic Church is oppressed in Russia, for one thing.
We should stand in solidarity with those Church leaders, not with a KGB colonel.