Our God is indeed and awesome God. And i beleive you are an awesome Mom. You and your family are in my prayers.For all the prayers we’ve been getting for my daughter, I want to say thank you all and further say that you all must have a pretty good line to Heaven because she talked to me today and wants to stay at home and has a job interview tomorrow and wants to take her GED test since she’s not in school.
She said she hasn’t ruled out adoption, she’s just not ready to make a final decision about it yet. I told her she didn’t have to and asked her if I call Catholic Charities would she talk to someone. She said she would.
She also told me that she’s sorry she screwed up her life and would God ever forgive her and maybe she should go to confession. I told her she hadn’t screwed it up, she’s taking a little detour. And things will work out. And whenever she’s ready, I’d take her to talk to Father.
I know we’re not out of the woods yet, but I’m beginning to see a little light ahead.
My sweet girl is still in there somewhere and she’s fighting to come to the surface. So all of you with that direct line, please keep those prayers coming. We may get through this yet.