This priest says it better than I ever could:
When priests, deacons and bishops abuse the Sacred Liturgy or allow others to do so, it sends a message to the people that disobedience is permissable. Bad liturgy reinforces bad theology. IF someone refutes the dogma of the Real Presence, the best way to promote that heresy is to remove the Tabernacle from the Church. If someone rejects the doctrine that the Mass is a Sacrifice, then they will insist that reverence, ritual and formality be removed from the liturgy and a pedestrian atmosphere replaces the sanctuary of holiness.
Bad theology is reinforced and perpetuated by bad liturgy and these two lead ultimately to bad morality. Abortion, contraception, fornication, homosexuality, adultery, pornography, gluttony, sloth, avarice, greed, anger, etc. These SINS are violations of the MORAL LAW. People, be they priests or bishops, parents or single adults, will be more likely to break the moral law if they have been indoctrinated in theological and liturgical disobedience as well. If it is OK to reject dogmas and to violate liturgical laws, then the next logical step is to break the moral law. Faith and Morals are connected to each other.
Good, orthodox theology, on the other hand, as we have in the Summa Theologica of Aquinas and in the current Catechism of the Catholic Church, teaches us the TRUTH about God. Good, reverent Liturgy helps us give fitting worship to that same God and reaffirms the doctrines about Him so that LEX ORANDI, LEX CREDENDI (what we pray, we believe). When parishioners and seminarians are exposed to orthodox theology and reverent, proper liturgies, then it is much easier to understand and to fulfill the moral law of God. The Commandments make SENSE when we BELIEVE and WORSHIP properly.
Therefore, if we want to purge the Church in America of sexual misconduct, besides being more vigilant on candidates as they enter the formation program, it is VITAL, URGENT and NECESSARY that college professors, seminary faculty and diocesan officials all uphold, defend and promote the PROFESSION OF FAITH. An oath to orthodoxy and consequences for violations of it needs to be aggressively implemented and not just done for the formality of it. Accountability in the realm of sound doctrine, liturgical compliance and reverence, and finally but most importantly, moral accountability as well is what the People of God deserve and need, and NOTHING LESS.
Rather than spending time and effort on ‘renovating’ parishes by removing altars, tabernacles, communion rails and statues; rather than stopping the faithful from kneeling and genuflecting; rather than replacing reverence with banality; what we need is STRONG leadership. We need MANLY priests who espouse the virtues of TRUTH, OBEDIENCE, REVERENCE and CHASTITY. Cleaning house in parishes, seminaries, and chancery offices will take time but that is a greater priority than altering holy days of obligation, changing liturgical postures and issuing documents on global warming.
We are in a CRISIS and the good, orthodox and pious clergy (bishops, priests, deacons) need to stand up and be counted and remove the cancers that infect the Body of Christ, namely, heterodoxy, irreverence and immorality. If we only focus on the sex culprits, the problems will not go away. All three objectives: bad theology, bad liturgy and bad behavior are the enemy and as President Bush said, ‘you are either with us or against us.’
Fr. John Trigilio on 04-10-2002