That is true, but I am a bit confused on why some point that out so frequently. Is it supposed to prove a particular point? I’m honestly asking here, because I feel like I’m missing it.
Because, the only reason that this has gone on for so long, is because there is a network of these men who have been covering up for homosexual ‘priests’, ‘deacons’ and ‘seminarians’ for decades. It has been kept hidden behind the closed doors and walls of parishes, chanceries and seminaries for fear that if Catholics in the pews ever found out, they would demand for it to stop, immediately.
They have been living a life of ease, luxury, and debauchery, while at the same time secretly paying off any victims that might come forward looking for “restitution”, without reporting it to the civil authorities (aka blackmail), with the money that we have been putting in the collection baskets and giving to “Bishop’s Funds” and “appeals” for years on end.
This needs to STOP! These men do not even believe in God or in the Faith, but they sure know how to act like they do in front of the people sitting in the pews. We need to tell the Bishops that we will no longer support their constant “appeals” for more money, until they do something to expose these men for what they are. They are predators. They are killing the faith of good Catholics in the Church a little bit at a time. I have so many friends and family members who have completely lost their faith, and left the Church, over these scandals. Most Catholics that remain have assumed that it was all fixed and stopped after the Boston Globe exposé, but, that didn’t even come close to solving the real problem.
I can understand why so many people refuse to believe that this could be going on. I used to be one of those people, too. I didn’t
want to believe that this could happen in the Catholic Church. But, the more I saw stories from all over the world about these disgusting things happening, the more I realized that I had been blind. It makes me sick to even think about it.
How much more disgusted do people think Jesus feels about all of this going on
in His Own Church? How long does anyone think it will be before
He does something about it,
Himself? God will not be mocked, especially not in His own house! Maybe some of these Priests, Bishops and Cardinals should rethink their position in light of that possibility. What will they say to Him when He asks, “Where were you while all this was going on? Why didn’t you do something to stop it? Where are all those souls that I placed in your care?”