USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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The law was passed and enforced under Barack Obama.

The original pictures of children in cages were taken during the Obama administration.

Your anger is misplaced. Barack Obama is the bad guy. Donald Trump is just enforcing Obama’s actions.
As they should
…trump, sessions, and even sanders should be ashamed of perverting sacred scriptire to justify immoral public policy!
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How do you know they knew the consequences before applying for asylum? Do you work at US Immigration? If they apply for asylum, are they informed that they will be separated from their children? Are they given a chance to turn around and leave? What is the process?

Even if they knew, they are asylum seekers, meaning they fear for their lives or the lives of their children if they don’t come to the United States. What is the reason for separating children from their parents who are legitimately seeking asylum for their families.
The law was passed and enforced under Barack Obama.

The original pictures of children in cages were taken during the Obama administration.

Your anger is misplaced. Barack Obama is the bad guy. Donald Trump is just enforcing Obama’s actions.
So why does this president not do anything to fix it, but instead just points fingers…SAD
Have you ever lived in a border state or had a job that brings you into contact with illegal immigrants? They know the laws and policies of entering the US better than most lawyers in the US.
The fix is quite simple. Stay in your home country. Work hard, and Make Your Home Country Great Again!
I’m not talking about people in America, but the USCCB’s specifically.

Threatening Catholics who work for ICE or Border Patrol with excommunication if they follow US regulations on illegal immigrants, is flawed.

Why? Most of these economic migrants take jobs and harm lower income minority’s that are US citizens, the US owes more to it’s own citizens than it does a foreigner.
I think you are wrong about Mr. Trump.

I think he would rather live in a world where he did not have this problem to begin with. Imagine what we could do if all of the money for border enforcement went towards Trump’s infrastructure improvements.
The Bishops are not denying that the Trump administration has the right to set immigration policy. They are stating, accurately in my opinion, that children should not be separated from their parents in the process of enforcing said immigration policy. This is all in line with CCC #2241, and I don’t see much controversy here.
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Threatening Catholics who work for ICE or Border Patrol with excommunication if they follow US regulations on illegal immigrants, is flawed.
When you see the Catholic Bishops threatening like this and making a stance should make any real Catholic examine theirs hearts.

Its a wake up call to Catholic Americans to separate the sheep from the goats, the saved, from the un-saved, the righteous, from the un-righteous, the sinner, from the saint!!!
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They are stating, accurately in my opinion, that children should not be separated from their parents in the process of enforcing said immigration policy. This is all in line with CCC #2241,
I can certainly agree with that. Families should be housed together while awaiting adjudication.
I am sorry. I’d prefer the resources that are helping people in this country illegally be used on people who are already citizens.

There is not an unlimited pile of money to fix every evil in the world.

I’d rather promote literacy in Appalachia than literacy for a child from another country.

It is sad that you don’t seem to care about people living in poverty in America.
Without a doubt. Imagine being 4, 5 years old and not understanding in the least what is going on. Terrifying and potentially traumatizing.
And ignore the negative impact on our fellow citizens?

Our first duty is to God.
Then our families
Then our countrymen
And then the foreigner.

If aiding the foreigner harms our countrymen we do not aid them.
If aiding our countrymen harms our family we do not aid them.
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