USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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So what democratic law is Trump talking about.
President Trump wants to reform the whole immigration system, the first and most important step is the Trump Wall. Other steps include sanctions against sanctuary cities to insure equitable treatment for immigration law scofflaws from coast to coast.
So, jim…lets skip the semantic gymnastics,if you go to bed without being hungry and you have a positive balance in your bank account, do you have enough to share, or do you need more “just in case”?

It unfair for me to expect a rationalization, and infair for you to expect i accept one…so lets just leave it at that,
That’s up to the individual not a person in government or in the Church.

Free will offering is the only true act of charity.

There is nothing Biblical nor Magisterial to support helping one underprivileged group at the expense of another.
Is their anything Biblical or Magisterial about a secular government providing charity to any group?

I don’t think its salvific for either the government officials authorizing the payments or the taxpayers who are ponying up for the bill.
I think I’m right about Mr. Trump. He could be working on a bipartisan level to establish a just path to citizenship rather than dehumanizing others as “animals” and snatching their children away.
The President referred to the MS 13 criminals as “animals” not all immigrants and not all illegals.

Actually Mr. Trump has a plan to try and bring immigrants to America who will be able to invest in the country as well as bring their technical expertise. His sons are working to bring people from China to New York to buy apartments, invest in the country and attain permanent residency.
It would be wrong regardless of who is in office. This isnt a partisan issue. It isnt even political. It is a moral one, and i feel strongly about it. I was made aware of it because the AG announced it as a new policy or a stricter policy, but if it was done before, then shame. It would always be wrong if done as a deliberate policy.
There is a hierarchy of who our love is devoted too. I cannot love my neighbor and my child with the same level of devotion and provide proper care for the one I am truly responsible for.
I thought Jesus said something about even the tax collectors loving their own? Which amounts to there being no difference between believers in Christ and anyone else in our acts of love if that’s the case. I get what you’re saying because Yes we love our family members and community as we should but isn’t God calling us for more than this by reaching out to the stranger or foreigner with love and understanding?
The President referred to the MS 13 criminals as “animals” not all immigrants and not all illegals.

Actually Mr. Trump has a plan to try and bring immigrants to America who will be able to invest in the country as well as bring their technical expertise. His sons are working to bring people from China to New York to buy apartments, invest in the country and attain permanent residency.
I wonder why more people don’t realize that this is good for the rich in China and elsewhere but I don’t see how that’s good for our blue collar workers whose kids now have to compete with the rich kids from other places for college admissions and jobs. Not to mention white collar workers who now have to compete with technical experts for existing well paying jobs.
isn’t God calling us for more than this by reaching out to the stranger or foreigner with love and understanding?
Yes, but not at the expense of others that we have a more immediate responsibility to
isn’t God calling us for more than this by reaching out to the stranger or foreigner with love and understanding?
Yes, but not at the expense of others that we have a more immediate responsibility to
I want to side with you on this but I don’t believe Jesus would agree. His expectations for us are much greater than this limited view of love. We are to even love our enemies after all which implies a level of self sacrifice that is hard to comprehend.
It was state above that essentially “our” people in the U.S. are more important to serve thatn “their” people. At what point does your link apply this notion directly to denying charity to those of other nations?
When applying charity to other nations is detrimental to our people. The state exists to serve its citizens and better their lives. If, we can reasonably accommodate foreigners without hurting our citizens then we should do so. That does not apply to those who seek to enter illegally.
When applying charity to other nations is detrimental to our people.
A) There’s nothing in your link that says precisely that.
B) There is not proof that providing a safe and just path to citizenship for immigrants is “detrimental to our [sic] people.” Undocumented immigrants pay taxes.
C) Why not make them “our” people with said citizenship?

I’m still shaking my head at how many people here feel that they are more qualified than these learned bishops to interpret the immigration issue theologically.
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