USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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Human trafficking is a MAJOR component of a major problem and must be addressed daily.

50,000 arrests per month:

We have no idea what the total illegal border flow is,

The vast majority continue to come across the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, but so far this year a greater portion have been taken into custody in southern Arizona, suggesting that migration flows may be shifting west once more. In the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, the number of underage migrants detained has risen 42 percent since last September. In the Yuma sector, the increase is 110 percent.
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This is precisely why I hate when religion and politics mix. Using scripture to defend something like this. I don’t think any political party is reflective of Christ’s teaching. Trying to add religion into the mix and making it seem like God is on their side turns me off.
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Can anyone still justify that what we’re doing is the right thing?
Just because the AP reports the story, doesn’t mean its true.

The AP, and the rest of the drive-bys have an overreaching mission to say anything, repeat anything and do anything to get President Trump removed from office.

I suppose this story “could” be true, but its more likely wildly overstated if not completely woven out of whole cloth.
Can anyone still justify that what we’re doing is the right thing?
Just because the AP reports the story, doesn’t mean its true.

The AP, and the rest of the drive-bys have an overreaching mission to say anything, repeat anything and do anything to get President Trump removed from office.

I suppose this story “could” be true, but its more likely wildly overstated if not completely woven out of whole cloth.
I saw some AP articles reporting on how families had been separated–from back during the Obama administration. I wonder if those were true? Or if they were fake news aimed at taking down Obama?

The articles were on a Facebook friend’s feed, and because of the way it’s constantly updating, I can’t find them at the moment.
So why shouldn’t illegal immigrants follow the above advice and do their part to Make Their Country Great Again? Moving is just going to make life more difficult for their countrymen.
How far are you willing to take this?

The U.S. sent boatloads of Jewish refugees back to their deaths. Was it these refugees’ fault that they couldn’t take up arms and Make Europe Great Again?

When a Salvadoran mother watches gangsters decapitate her family members, is it her fault for not Making El Salvador Great Again? Should she have run for office against the election-rigging gangsters who already occupy these high seats?

The victim blaming is getting seriously insufferable.
When a Salvadoran mother watches gangsters decapitate her family members, is it her fault for not Making El Salvador Great Again?
Crime is a problem in parts of El Salvador, but its also a severe problem in many parts of the United States.

Do American victims of gangs or domestic violence have a right to emigrate to foreign countries too?
On top of that 95% of the kids that are in the custody of the government showed up at the border unaccompanied. So it’s really a non issue that’s being blown out of proportion
That’s why we need to punish countries that are allowing this to occur. I want sanctions and UN involvement!
Agreed. If these countries are such failed states we need to get a UN peacekeeping force in to settle the problems.
So true they like to drink beers & beat up women on purpose.

Oh wait… they are mad now.
So why shouldn’t illegal immigrants follow the above advice and do their part to Make Their Country Great Again? Moving is just going to make life more difficult for their countrymen.
How far are you willing to take this?

The U.S. sent boatloads of Jewish refugees back to their deaths. Was it these refugees’ fault that they couldn’t take up arms and Make Europe Great Again?

When a Salvadoran mother watches gangsters decapitate her family members, is it her fault for not Making El Salvador Great Again? Should she have run for office against the election-rigging gangsters who already occupy these high seats?

The victim blaming is getting seriously insufferable.
So I guess the only way she can get relief from her terror is to move to the US? She could not get relief in the next city. She could not get relief by moving from the state of Acajulta to the another state like La Palma? She could escape the bad neighbor in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Columbia, Guyana, Surinam, French Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, or Brazil? Perhaps she could flee the local hooligans in Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, or Canada?

Maybe the Socialists in Cuba and Venezuela who claim to be a utopia would love to have them.

What about the British in the BVI’s, Grand Cayman or Bermuda? The Dutch in Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire? Perhaps the French in Martinique and Guadalupe? Maybe the independent nations of St. Kitts & Nevis, Haiti or the Dominican Republic?

I am sure they would feel more comfortable in a nation that speaks Spanish and does not have a policy of separating a parent from a child who breaks the law. They do not need to come to America to take resources away from actual Americans.

Personally, I feel more for the child in the mountains of West Virginia whose mother is locked up for violating her parole. I don’t like her child going into foster care. Frankly, if that child is removed from parental custody, it is worse than removal of the child whose mother knows full well is going to be removed when she gets caught breaking into the US.

I feel more for her Salvadoran neighbor who goes through the asylum process properly and is told that she can’t come because her neighbor just stole her spot.

As long as there is an American who can’t read, there should never be an illegal learning how to read instead.

Until we have a pot of money that can solve the world’s problems, I want my tax money helping Americans.

Tell me, Black Forest, how many illegal foster children have you taken in. Or are you just a hypocrite who can only say, “Do as I say, Don’t do as I do, now excuse me while I eat my cake.”
Instead of accusing people like me of victim blaming, tell me what you have done to solve the problem on the Southern Border? I am sorry, if I have greater sympathy for the kids in Arkansas who are using textbooks first distributed in the 1980’s than kids from other nations who want to take those books from the kids in Arkansas. I think you should as well. Unless you want to explain to that kid in Arkansas why he just isn’t very important compared to your example of the child in El Salvador.

And yes, I have done missionary work in Haiti and have spent a few weeks in places like Honduras, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Dominica, and Columbia. I have actually been to Venezuela in the 1990’s.

I volunteer between 25 to 40 hours per week pro bono to help less advantaged people in America. There are a lot of other things I could do with that time like earning more money or having an actual social life. However, I am not a hypocrite. I use vacation time for missionary work.

Do you put your time, money and energy where your keyboard is? or… Do you just accuse people like me of being heartless and uncaring?
Can anyone still justify that what we’re doing is the right thing?
You mean enforcing the border?

Or do you mean cutting down on human trafficking? … which is a really big deal … we are arresting 50,000 people per month who do not cross at the border crossings.

If someone crosses at the border crossings we let them in.
You gotta start somewhere.
That’s one of the things I did when I was starting out as a kid- mowing people’s lawns. Perfectly respectable.

Delivering newspapers isn’t as lucrative as it was when I was a kid, and neither is shining shoes.
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