USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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Many people make descent money mowing and landscaping. Someone who can put down a descent cut is worth it!
I do not believe that there is much hope of getting the USCCB back on the rails. IMO, it should be dissolved, pondered, prayed over and a replacement sought.

It is poisoned with radical progressive politics.
What did the USCCB say that could possibly be identified with “radical progressive politics”?
I’m sorry that hard work isn’t good enough for you. But there are those of us who do that stuff for a living. Personally, I find your remarks repugnant!
Well, we could dissolve the Vatican, too—until we get a pope that agrees with Trump.
President Trump has a way of getting along with everyone, I’m sure that if he spent more time with the pope they would get along great
Where El Salvador is concerned, it’s hard to find a special “safe zone” in the murder capital of the world.
She could escape the bad neighbor in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica Columbia, Guyana, Surinam, French Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, or Brazil? Perhaps she could flee the local hooligans in Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, or Canada?

Maybe the Socialists in Cuba and Venezuela who claim to be a utopia would love to have them.

What about the British in the BVI’s, Grand Cayman or Bermuda? The Dutch in Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire? Perhaps the French in Martinique and Guadalupe? Maybe the independent nations of St. Kitts & Nevis, Haiti or the Dominican Republic?

I am sure they would feel more comfortable in a nation that speaks Spanish and does not have a policy of separating a parent from a child who breaks the law. They do not need to come to America to take resources away from actual Americans.
So basically they’re this horrible resource-sucking burden that should be dumped on someone else. Spoken like a true Christian. :roll_eyes:
Personally, I feel more for the child in the mountains of West Virginia whose mother is locked up for violating her parole. I don’t like her child going into foster care. Frankly, if that child is removed from parental custody, it is worse than removal of the child whose mother knows full well is going to be removed when she gets caught breaking into the US.
“Suffer the little children to come unto me . . . but keep in mind that some children are more important than others.” #thingsjesusneversaid
Tell me, Black Forest, how many illegal foster children have you taken in. Or are you just a hypocrite who can only say, “Do as I say, Don’t do as I do, now excuse me while I eat my cake.”
Are you pro-life? How many children have you adopted?

Are you against wife-beating? How many battered women have you sheltered in your home?

Are you against religious persecution in China? How many Chinese Catholics have you helped escape?

Just stahp already.
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I think that what has the USCCB vestments in a bunch is not actually those in office - not those who obey the law - but those liberal democrats and liberal republicans that made the unjust law in the first place! And, whichever president signed it into law. Let the chips fall where they may.
The only logical explanation is to rule these countries in their people’s stead until such time as they can form a viable government.
“Trump has a way of getting along with everyone.” You should write for the late night comedians
The President’s record speaks for itself. The North Korean President , Mr. Un, was calling Mr. Trump a “dotard” and threatening all kind of nuclear holocausts.

Once they got together, they got along real well, Un was really impressed with the President’s ride. I thought Trump was going to give him the keys to drive it around the block in Singapore
The 9 p.m. newscast on the radio indicated the President is looking to sign a new law which would mandate children to be detained with their parents.

Even though the President is giving in, expect to hear complaints if this passes from bleeding hearts suggesting that the penitentiary isn’t a proper environment for children and they really need to be separated.
I’ve heard some Catholics condone the practice of the federal government separating asylee children from their parents and famlies. The latest statement from USCCB should put to rest any debate on whether this is a morally acceptable practice.
Additionally, I join Bishop Joe Vásquez, Chairman of USCCB’s Committee on Migration, in condemning the continued use of family separation at the U.S./Mexico border as an implementation of the Administration’s zero tolerance policy. Our government has the discretion in our laws to ensure that young children are not separated from their parents and exposed to irreparable harm and trauma. Families are the foundational element of our society and they must be able to stay together. While protecting our borders is important, we can and must do better as a government, and as a society, to find other ways to ensure that safety. Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral."
I’ll let these recent tweets by Tucker Carlson speak for themselves:
You think any of these people care about family separation? If they did, they’d be upset about the collapse of the American family, which is measurable and real. They’re not. They welcome that collapse, because strong families are an impediment to their political power.
That’s why they’re always lecturing you about the patriarchy and the evil of the nuclear family. Millions and millions of American kids are growing up with one parent at home thanks to their policies. That’s fine with them.
Because the US invading always works so well and never leads to years upon years of war with guerrillas.
Thank you for juxtaposing the Catholic Church’s statement with Tucker Carlson’s. That’s a lovely syllogism you’ve laid out there:
  1. The Catholic Church stands against separating migrant children from their families.
  2. People who stand against separating migrant children from their families welcome the collapse of the American nuclear family.
  3. Therefore the Catholic Church welcomes the collapse of the American nuclear family.
Go ahead and defend this one. I’ll wait.
I think that most of them are undereducated and not knowledgeable about US laws and are just seeking a better life for their children. It seems to be mostly young mothers that are being separated from their children.
We as Christians are held to a higher standard and it is clear that immigrants of any type are not criminals and should be treated humanely as brothers and sisters in Christ. God’s Word is very clear on how immigrants or foreigners should be treated.
OK. So everyone who crosses into the USA, legally or not, must be treated as a brother or sister in Christ according to the law of God? Why not then apply the law of God and have everyone from Mexico, Central America, South America, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Pakistan, India, Bangledesh, Somalia and Nigeria move illegally to the USA as brothers and sisters in Christ?
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