USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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Then we may as well just annex everything down to the Panama Canal and make them all citizens. If we’re to be responsible for everyone that wants to come here let’s at least have access to their lands and resources to make it viable.
Also did you ignore my link that showed the negative effect of both illegal and legal immigration on African American males?
It’s ok to separate them because Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III said it’s in the Bible, so obviously those un-American papists are wrong.

Just like Jesus said, “Those people don’t belong here! Send them back so my taxes don’t go up again.”
If you look at Trump supporters who are Baby Boomers, one of their top fears …I mean, issues, is immigration.

20th Century immigration was very low during the Baby Boom years.

My theory is that the Baby Boomer Trump supporters are xenophobic because they grew up in a society that was white, middle class, economically prosperous, and they weren’t exposed to immigrants. Now there are immigrants around, and they’re fearful of them.
And then there’s people that can’t differentiate between legal and illegal immigration :man_shrugging:t2:
My mother’s an immigrant. Most of my customers are Cuban or Eastern European immigrants. I don’t have a problem with immigration. I just expect people to follow the rules, and I expect the rules to mostly allow for people that will become good citizens and contribute to American society.
My theory is that the Baby Boomer Trump supporters are xenophobic because they grew up in a society that was white, middle class, economically prosperous, and they weren’t exposed to immigrants. Now there are immigrants around, and they’re fearful of them.
And your theory would be wrong. My grandparents were immigrants and I wasn’t fearful of them.
I wonder why more people don’t realize that this is good for the rich in China and elsewhere but I don’t see how that’s good for our blue collar workers
Wealthy people have money to invest, to make the whole economy bigger, talented people come up with new ideas.
Folks if you have any reservations about what the USCCB says publicly, put it in a letter to your Bishop, it’s common courtesy that they hear your advice before random people online do
Just wondering if the bishops would have a different opinion, if clergy and bishops from Honduras or El Salvador were appearing at the border seeking positions and sees here in America?
I’m still shaking my head at how many people here feel that they are more qualified than these learned bishops to interpret the immigration issue theologically.
Its because being a die hard US White Nationalist in more important that trying to understand the stance that the CC Bishops has taken in light of Christ.

Trump has moved the US into a very dangerous place racially. Hitler did the same thing to Germany and look what they did to the Jews.
I am personally shocked (and possibly affronted) that not a single case occurred from Jan 2009 until Jan 2017.
And then there’s people that can’t differentiate between legal and illegal immigration :man_shrugging:t2:
Yes, a difference. But equating the undocumented with bank robbers and other criminals is unjust. There are degrees of legality and degrees of punishment. Some unjust in a system that is sometimes unjust. And so we have this predicament. If we want to get tough enforcing this law at least give families the option of being detained together.
Are they talking about illegal immigrants who do shady things, or ALL immigrants?
give families the option of being detained together.
We don’t really have facilities for that. The parents are sent to a general detainment center, I don’t think we want to be locking up children with other potentially violent criminals.

On top of that 95% of the kids that are in the custody of the government showed up at the border unaccompanied. So it’s really a non issue that’s being blown out of proportion
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