USCCB Condemns Separating Immigrant Children from Families

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Under the law, if a the sole parent of a child is arrested for committing a crime, they are taken into custody and the children are placed with Children’s Health and Human Services.

In this case, the parents who entered the US illegally, have broken the law and are taken into custardy and the children placed by the CHS. Most are single parents and from what I hust saw in the news, it’s not little kids, but teens.

AG Jeff Sessions is using the same law concerning illegal immigrants, as citizens in the US who break the law.

It’s probably inappropriate, but not grounds for excommunication of Catholics who work in immigration agencies who follow the regulations.

There is not an unlimited pile of money to fix every evil in the world.
Maybe its a Franciscan thing, but any money, great or small, is not ours…we are stewards of what nelongs to him, and what we are entrusted with.
From what I know about the Franciscans, I can see where your perspective would differ from mine. It makes sense to me.
But God isn’t looking for us to give away our savings and put ourselves into destition.

There is a hierarchy of who our love is devoted too. I cannot love my neighbor and my child with the same level of devotion and provide proper care for the one I am truly responsible for.
But God isn’t looking for us to give away our savings and put ourselves into destition.
God always provides enough, and while He may not be looking us to put ourselves into destitution, we are not called to enrich ourselves while ignoring the plight of the marginalized.
True, but most Americans, just getting bye is the norm.

We’re not all on Trump’s level of income.

Actually it’s not.

There are different meanings of love and love of a parent toward a child, is different than love of a neighbor

A parent should never love a neighbor more than their own child.

It’s human nature, actually. You can’t possibly say you love a random person on the street as much as your own child.

As it relates to your financial argument, the Church teaches that wealthy countries should accept immigrants to the extent they are able; it does not promote unlimited immigration.
There is a minimal level of wealth that a person should have.

If not, why bother praying and helping the poor ?

It’s human nature, actually. You can’t possibly say you love a random person on the street as much as your own child.
Really? Can you say you love God more than your own child, or do you love your own child more than God?
For forms of love from Greek.

Eros, or sexual passion, romantic love

Philiao, or deep friendship and love for others

Agape, or love for everyone as God loves.

Storge love of a parent toward a child

In English, we only use the one word “love,” to define the four different aspects, so you have to discern the context of how the word is used.

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Your child and a stranger are trapped in a burning building at opposite ends. You can only save one before the building collapses and kills the other.

Every parent in the world would pick their child over a stranger. Which would you pick?
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