Sigh! If you are suggesting that he prefers the “Old Mass” to an Adoremus style Novus Ordo then I believe that you would be mistaken. He is sympathetic to those who are attached to the “Old Mass”. So am I! What I take issue with is the constant charge that the Protestants had any more (name removed by moderator)ut in VII than in Trent.It would be interesting to see when that quote from Ratzinger/Benedict was taken. I may be wrong, but I suspect it is an earlier one. If you look into his stuff on liturgy, you will see that he thinks the Novus Ordo Mass has a great deal of problems, and he is more than sympathetic to the Old Mass.
The Church does not need SSPX to foster devotion to the TLM. We have, already, the FSSP, ICRSS and Campos. The Holy Father, out of love and charity, is seeking reconciliation with the SSPX for their sakes and the sakes of those who might lean in that direction.Before long he will liberalise the Traditional Mass, for the two reasons of Reconciliation with that terrible society the…dare I whisper it… SSPX, and to foster devotion to the Traditional Mass.
I’m all for preserving it. That said, I am curious about this statement:So to get back to the topic of Latin and vernacular in the Mass. Can you not accept that Latin is traditional, and we should at least preserve it, as Vatican 2 instructed. As I said earlier
I asked my very pre-VII mother about this comment a few minutes ago. She said that she never was taught that. She can’t recall once that anyone said that the Mass could never change in all her years of Catholic education. She did say that she was taught that you can’t do anything outside of the rubrics set by Rome. When the Novus Ordo was promulgated, she, her relatives and my father never thought that the Mass was not supposed to change regardless of whether they had a preference for that change.People up until the 50s were taught that the Tridentine was the Mass from God, and it would NEVER change