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Maybe, there could be a hidden factor blurrring the lines. But it would be impossible for that to be a factor in each graph. Impossible.

Would you be surprised and annoyed to know there is fetal DNA in the mmr vaccine?
No, please, look at the charts. I know it takes a long time to sort it all out, but it is beyond a doubt if you look at the charts.

Then tell me what you think.
One of the issues of the “charts” is that they tend towards an ex post facto, ergo propter facto argument.

For starters, the first question - which has been brought up elsewhere, is whether or not the alleged reporting of autism as a diagnosis has anything to do with actual incidents of autism. Which is another way of saying, if a child had autism and it was misdiagnosed, then the reporting of actual autism is inaccurate.

I don’t know anyone in their right mind who wants to risk causing significant harm to a child. The original study has been debunked, but like most urban myths, it refuses to die. And I have yet to see any scientifically done clinical studies which can show that autism is caused by vaccinations.

There are, however, plenty of clinical studies which show how many children, infected by the diseases for which vaccination is available, die.

Charts, done by people with little or no scientific background, and who have not charted for any other commonalities, are simply non-scientific “proof” of what they already determined were the causes.
This is a valid point.Yet I have to wonder,why the spectrum was broadened to include even the most nuanced symptoms?Is there an agenda in place?
A fairly simple answer to that without presupposing some sort of conspiracy, is that children with autism may be helped through special needs programs if the underlying problem (autism) can be identified.
Yeh, early intervention is most successful when the delay is caught before age 5.

I don’t think the rise in autism rates can be fully explained by new diagostics, it went from 1:10,000 to 1:80. Some may have been miss diagnosed but that is too great of a disparity to be explained away so simply.

These are scientists who put these findings forth. You are not doing your reading are you?
Yeh, early intervention is most successful when the delay is caught before age 5.

I don’t think the rise in autism rates can be fully explained by new diagostics, it went from 1:10,000 to 1:80. Some may have been miss diagnosed but that is too great of a disparity to be explained away so simply.

These are scientists who put these findings forth. You are not doing your reading are you?
See the links (name removed by moderator) listed.

I suppose someone who was a conspiracy theorist could say that they have all been bought off by the drug companies, but other than making the claim, one actually needs to come up with some proof.

Either that, or they are so calloused that they don’t care how many kids have the problem. And I don’t buy that either.

According to what I have read, in the 70’s and 80’s, the rate was about 1 in 2000.(not 10,000) and the rate now is about 1 in 150 for 8 year olds; however, that rate includes autism, Asperger’s syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder, so it is lumping two other issues together with autism.

And in fact there is a serious debate going on as to whether or not there actually has been an increase, and if so, how large. Part of the issue could be under reporting in the past; and there is at least one research in England, over two 3 year periods showed no significant increase (American Journal of Psychiatry, 2005); studies in the US seem to differ with that.

Some of the increase may be due to labeling (10 years ago, a child with autism might be labeled mentally retarded). There are at least 60 different disorders associated with autism; genetic, metabolic and neurological. Most scientists are agreeing that a combination of genetics and environmental factors may be sourcing the problem.

In genetics, if one identical twin has it, there is a 75% chance the other will too; if the twins are fraternal, the chance is 3% - which doesn’t lend itself to a simple “magic bullet” of vaccinations.

Additionally, if a family has one child with autism, there is an 8% chance another will have it. Add to that that people are having children later (meaning their first one), and there appears to be a link there too.

Environmental issues, such as the use of pesticides in farming appear to increase with the increase in the number of pounds/acre used. PCBs, previously used in electrical equipment, florescent lights and other products are suspect; and they linger a long time in the environment. They are known developmental neurotoxins. And while organic form of mercury is also toxic to the brain, there is no evidence that children with autism have raised levels of it, and the Institute of Medicine has ruled out vaccines as causal.

Researchers at UC Davis took samples of mothers of children with autism, mothers with children with other non-autistic developmental delays, and mothers with children with no symptoms, and ran tests on the mothers’ immune system antibodies, and tested on brain tissue samples from fetuses; the antibodies were more likely to react with the brain tissue from the mothers whose children had autism than those who did not, and those with autism showed a unique patter to the reactions.

The antibodies were then injected into animals; and the animals displayed abnormal behavior when injected with samples from the autism group, and other animals injected with the non autism group did not.

All of the studies point towards a combination of issues, but not to one specific one.
I grew up in the 1950’s. Back then, there were no vaccines for either measles, mumps, or chicken pox. If you happened to get the three-day measles when you had just gotten pregnant, there was a good chance that your child would be born deaf.

When I was a child, I got all of these diseases, and so did everybody else. Believe me, IT WAS NOT FUN! The older you were when you got these diseases, the more you suffered. Some women used to deliberately expose their children so they could have a mild case of the disease and get it over with! Once you had it, you couldn’t get it again.

These shots are a blessing from God! For heaven’s sake, vaccinate your children, or you’ll be very sorry!
Vaccines are wonderful. No argument there. I do not want to cannibalize a pre-born child for my own benefit.
As stated earlier, no more pre-born babies are being cannibalized to make vaccines.
Plus there is good reason to believe that these vaccines tainted with the cell line of the baby girl that was aborted and then experimented on, will in fact cause autism.
You may think there is good reason, but there is not.
Try that link. Might make things more clear.
No, it is just a rehash of the same myths based on a misunderstanding of statistics.
Also, somewhere in one of these vaccine threads there are links to the Vatican’s response to vaccines that had been derived using fetal cells.

I suggest that anyone worried about cannibalization read the Church’s statement.
(name removed by moderator), I’m going to spend some of my valuable time reading this, It better stand up to your glowing review. I hate reading links almost as much as I hate waisting my time posting links nobody reads. lol

Her motive may be bad, I don’t know her, but we can look at her study and make our own conclusions. (coke tastes good, the CokaCola co. tells me that a lot, in my opinion they are right.)
(name removed by moderator) owes me 10 min. of my life back. DId you even read that? Confounded! That is a good example of why people DON"T read links. It’s usually a rabbit hole.

All they said was DNA can’t attach it’s self to a host, (they don’t but the causation theory) they said the charts could track right along w/ anything “apples”. But they don’t! That’s the thing , th ey do track w/ vaccines, they don’t w/ apples!

They don’t “Know” autism begins in the womb, if they did know how to p(name removed by moderator)oint it in the womb there would be a bigger blood bath than we are experiencing now w/ the Down Syndrome babies. They can’t say it’s genetic.

It was a poor article. It did not dismantle Dr Dresier’s argument.
That was another mistake they made, in that poorly written thing you made me read! :mad: The DPT is given before age 1 and that usually has the fetal cell line.

You seem to care about this issue. I think you should look into it more.
Joe, Austism is not a new diagnosis, there has been an uptick in the amount of children being diagnosed with it.

I do hope I haven’t come across as being anti- Autistic child. I know kids with autism whom I love. However I think if we can prevent our children from having to struggle with this then we should.
Joe, Austism is not a new diagnosis, there has been an uptick in the amount of children being diagnosed with it.

I do hope I haven’t come across as being anti- Autistic child. I know kids with autism whom I love. However I think if we can prevent our children from having to struggle with this then we should.
No worries. You don’t come across as anti-autistic child, just as anti-vaccine. But I think that’s what you are going for. 😛 😉
Here try these charts. They should make it clear to you that the vaccines are giving rise to a problem.
No, not anti-all-vaccines just the ones laced w/ aborted baby biproduct.
There is no common belief on what is causing the autism uptick.

:confused: What are you thinking of?

That article didn’t say anything about the charts tracking being off. It did say a few things that were flat out wrong. And the Dr.s they used to counter Dr. D are not unrelated to this.I thought you were worried about bias? lol 🤷

I’m still mad at you anyway for killing off my time like that:eek:. jk of course. I’m not complaining really. I haven’t been able to find much commentary on this subject so i was glad to read the article. Even if it was subpar.
Hey, any body want to talk about whether or not the pill causes breast cancer?



I’m a little saddened. 😦 I thought maybe there would be more general interest and disgust. I’m surprised at how many people would defend the use of fetal (BS, let’s call it what it is) dead babies in their vaccines. And I am amazed by the verve with which they defend the position.
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