The Church has a problem because human beings. Simple as that. May I remind you once again that the incidence of abuse in the priesthood is no greater than the incidence ‘outside’ the priesthood? In BOTH places we should be working to get that incidence down to zero, but we simply cannot pretend that the root causes (which are what we need to address as a society, and for the world) are somehow different for ‘The Church”. After all, the majority of child abuse cases in the world are perpetrated upon children by their parent (s). Not by priests, not even by teachers, or by strangers, but by parents.
So long as we’re out there willing and able to turn a spotlight, if you will, not just upon ‘churches’ but upon “the Catholic Church” and pretend that the whole sex abuse crisis is all about a ‘culture of clericalism’ and a ‘coverup mentality’ all brought about due to a ‘forced celibacy’ which by its nature leads to abuse, we’re presenting a false narrative that sex abuse comes from “the Church” and that ‘any abuse’ comes about from things like “not being able to express one’s sexuality’. Which of course will simply feed into ‘the world’s’ last 50 years or so of rebellion, the ‘sexual revolution’, the tearing down of any kind of authority over any individual, and the objectification of persons and the elevation of thee primacy of having ‘sex’ whenever.
In the slamming down and demonification of all Catholic priests as ‘repressed men’ forced to find an outlet in raping children, protected by ‘the leaders’ for fear of their ‘institution looking bad’, and now calls for ‘transparency’ the howls are out to ‘let them marry’ (as if celibacy caused abuse, which it does not), ‘Sue them for all they’ve got’ which causes churches and services to be stretched to the breaking point or closed, leaving more and more without priests or help, and making it appear the Church never really did much for anybody to begin with; turns the 96% of faithful priests into pariahs, lessens the desire of youth to consider the priesthood leading to even fewer priests in the future, and above all, has no effect ‘outside’ the Church in helping to stop the abuse of children, women, and men through rape, other violence like sex trafficking, porn, etc.
Because it’s the CHURCH with its discredited ‘moral authority’ and its terribly wrong teachings which needs to be fixed, right? Not ‘society’ which is what the Church is being ‘urged’ to be ‘more like’.