Sebaldus:Maybe each parish could establish a Credentials Committee that could set up a little table at the head of the Communion line to question each potential recipient.
I don’t think it’s that. The problem is that of SCANDAL via the mixed message or what Scripture calls the “Uncertain Trumpet”. People such as Ted Kennady and John Keary promote anti-Catholic Bigotry in their attempt to promote their PRO-DEATH Political Agenda during the week and then take Our Lord’s Body and Blood, the most precious gift God can give us, and defile it on Sunday while they eat and drink judgment on themselves.
The Catholic cannot accommodate this evil and should never have accomodated this evil in the hopes that the US government would take the onurous job of taking care of the poor and the homeless from its overworked and overtaxed priests.
The Church now finds itself in the unenviable position of having to undo a deal with the devil of PRO-DEATH politicians they though would get the government to do the Church’s job and relieve the Church of taking care of the poor and the homeless.
Part of undoing this Faustian Bargain is denying PRO-DEATH politicians access to the greatest gift our Lord can give any of us, which is Himself in the Eucharist. Having done that, the Church’s message on LIFE and SEXUALITY (they are both entwined) will begin to become much more clear.
At the same time, the Church will be doing the most loving thing it can do with people who are really not right with God, allowing them a chance to rethink their positions and to possibly repent before they once again “eat and drink judgment on themselves”.
I really do believe that St. Paul was quite serious when he wrote those lines and that he wasn’t joking around.
At the same time, he Church has a chance to once again call the faithful to better than just showing up and occupying a seat on Sundays. The Church can begin to call the faithful to participate in the Church’s mission to evangelize and help the poor, homeless and lost in the myriad of ways Our Lord calls us to do.
I think there is little that brings people together like working on a common cause for a common good.
Blessed are they who act to save the Innocent, Michael