I agree. It needs to be very carefully and faithfully. And religious congregations should take care to bring in young women only as quickly as they can train and educate them properly and acclimate them to real religious life faithfully. This is one of the mistakes that happened years ago and now we see the result of superficial education & incomplete acclimatization to the real purposes of religious life.That would be the likely end result of the process, but I would humbly suggest that it needs to be a more fundamental shift then that. Going back to square one by building your life around Christ through prayer, fasting, almsgiving, and study of His word through Sacred Scripture and the writings of the great saints and fathers within the Sacred Tradition of the Church.
Once that is established and nourished, apostolates will develop from that wellspring of faith and trust in God and the work will be holy and righteous. All of that other stuff will take care of itself if the proper foundation is there.
Much of what we are seeing today is a result of improper and incomplete formation to begin with. All Sisters and Nuns should have a basic level of spiritual and theological formation. Then, if they are going to be nurses, social workers, health care policy experts, teachers, etc. that training should happen on top of their formation, not instead of it and preferably at an authentically Catholic college or university. A certain percentage of sisters should not be trained in the apostolate of their congregation but should instead go for much deeper formation in spirituality and theology. They can then serve as spiritual directors within their own communities, novice masters, DRE’s and RCIA leaders within parishes or Catholic schools, coordinators for lay associates of their congregations, etc.
They can’t always rely on a priest to be around for spiritual direction, and there is no reason why a women cannot learn theology as well as any man. They certainly cannot receive Holy Orders, but they can be of invaluable assistance to their sisters and to the greater Church community by getting a deep and authentic formation in the spiritual and theological tradition of the Church.