Jansenists were given the slap down but only after they had had their ‘time to strut’ and their influence is still wafting around in places.
I’m just reporting what I know from the theologian in question. I have my own opinion on SP which I will keep to myself, but in all fairness. I think it is too soon to judge whether the impact has been positive or negative. It certainly didn’t result in a
rapprochement with the SSPX, if that was the intent.
I just wanted to comment on your bringing up of the Jansenist issue. Some times good intentions that turn bad (and in this was was a heresy as well) can do very lasting damage. Jansenism nearly ruined the Church in Québec where I live (and it did no good in Ireland either). We underwent the “quiet revolution” in the early 60s at the same time as Vatican II was getting underway. Quebecers at that time decided to throw off the yoke of an oppressive Church (and yes it was oppressive).
The backlash was so tremendous, the Church here may never rise from its ashes Society has completely kicked the Church out of the public sphere (health care, education), crucifixes were subjected to about the same treatment as statues of Lenin at the fall of the USSR, and church attendance fell to all-time lows. Vocations are next to nil. Our abbey struggles to get a few interns a year. It’s been years since one stuck around long enough to enter the noviciate. Last I heard there were something like 16 priests in formation in Québec seminaries. Sixteen! For a population of 8.5 million!
From some of the horror stories I have heard from first hand experience, the Québec Church got what it richly deserved. Fortunately it opened up the Church to real change and now the people in Church are there because they want to be. There is no appetite in Québec for rolling back
any of the reforms of Vatican II, if anything most Québec Catholics feel it didn’t to far enough. I am among those who wouldn’t roll back a single VII reform, nor would I roll back the liturgy although I am all for incorporating tradition (people around here know I’m a huge fan of Gregorian chant) into the modern liturgy.