Heathen Dawn:
What dualism are you referring to?
Peace be with you Heathen Dawn,
A dualism is the exsistence of two ultimate essenses which make of reality. I assume because there exists a male and a female God in your metaphysics you recognize them as two distinct essences. That posit is a dualism because what you are saying is that the ultimate nature of reality is a division into two distinct esssences which commingle. Some would argue that this is nothing more than simple “projection” of the human nature, the only nature we understood in primative times, onto the reality. This is not what is taught in Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Even Taoism doesn’t start with the Yin/Yang which is a manifestation of the Tao, which is one essense and the source of all things.
It is a foundation belief of Hinduism in the Vedas. They believe that their sacred scripture, the Vedas, are divine wors that manifest the glorious primal energy of both creation and eternity.
they believe in a supreme Ground of All Being, the Brahman, who is uncreated, unborn, changeless, incorruptible, and utterly holy.
“‘Ekam sad vipra behudha vadanti.’
Truth is one, but is called by different names.” - The Vedas
Renunciation of what, then, are you talking about?
Sin! The ego! The lower self! The desire to see oneself as independant and separate from all things. The extend of one’s slaverly to one’s sin is the extend that one will ultimately need purification and repentance and reform. Bringing oneself to the awareness of sin and one’s own sin is the first step. There are many and few take them to the face of God.
Would it be right to say youêre arguing here for spiritual ?litism?
Do you recognize that some animals are prey and some are predator? Some are above and some are below. the fact that some men can be closer to God should not repulse you, what should repulse you is how far we have moved away from Him. Each step brings us closer and opens the blossom of the Holy Spirit (Christ in us) that much more. As we open up to the divine self we shed our separateness and we die in the self to be born in Christ. We are no more but Christ in us as St. Paul said. Elitism is the elevation of the “Self” over others. This is the Reign of the Ego and the birth of the One Who Divides. You should be capable of many this distinction.
To tell the truth, I donêt know what they did in the days before consciousness of safe sex.
Or do you mean before you separated sex from the creation of children? Sex does create bonding pairs through chemical and emotional elements but that is to insure that the couple does not separate before the child reach adulthood. It is once again a means of survival and an ends to a means. To use it as any other means is to misuse it and to misunderstand it. many do and it is unfortunate.
It doesnêt even have to be a physical act of sex. It can be symbolised by lowering the athame (magic knife) into a wine-filled chalice.
Fertility Ritual. I get it. What I don’t get is why you would do it when you don’t even want children? Please explain? Again this is misuse and misunderstanding of not only sex but even your own pagan fertility ritual. You see most primative culture wanted their women to be pregnant through the winter months when the tribe had stores of food and large predators were less mobile. It would also allow for late spring and early summer births when survival of children would be most high. Again it’s all about survival not pair bonding as you appear to limit it.
Peace, Love and Blessings,