I don’t get it (convert here!).I took 2 years of Latin, and I still don’t understand a lot of it. As many commenters have indicated, if you print the Latin Mass text, and just follow along, you’ll eventually get there.
Everyone talks about doing the Ordinary Form of the Mass in Latin.
But…why not do the Extraordinary Form of the Mass in the vernacular?
That way, people could understand it without consulting a translation. Translations are legitimate, right? It’s OK to use a translation while attending the Latin Mass, right?
Now I’ve seen plenty of posts here on CAF to the effect that translating the Latin in the EF is somehow “not good”–that the Latin contains “something” that makes it “heavenly, not of this earth,” and advising people to just “listen and not try to translate.”
I don’t buy that. Sorry, Latin lovers. I like hearing stuff in my own beautiful language (English), and I read the translations when I attend the Latin Mass in our city, and I don’t feel that I am diluting anything. I like many of the prayers, and the differences between the EF and the OF, and I think that hearing the EF in my own language would be great, and I think it would attract a very large crowd.
So…is my suggestion a terrible faux pas forgiveable only because I am a convert?
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