No, it means that if you heard the non negotiables were a teaching of lay people you can trace that canard to an ‘ecumenical blog’.
They’re a lot smarter than some think, and they have developed a clear moral sense, like faithful Catholics often do. They look at what Trump actually does, not what some odious left wing medium says about him. And what he actually does is a good deal more moral than what the liberals do and espouse.This only proves that Trump has successfully hoodwinked Evangelicals.
I’m a faithful Catholic. How does that fit with the fact that I disagree with all of your beliefs about Trump? Is it really the best you can do to say people like me are just brainwashed by the media?FrankFletcher:![]()
They’re a lot smarter than some think, and they have developed a clear moral sense, like faithful Catholics often do. They look at what Trump actually does, not what some odious left wing medium says about him. And what he actually does is a good deal more moral than what the liberals do and espouse.This only proves that Trump has successfully hoodwinked Evangelicals.
It’s like developing any human capacity. They see immorality for what it is.
a teaching of the popesWritten by lay people.
Pope John Paul defining non-negotiable… but not using the words. (bold mine)As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, the principal focus of her interventions in the public arena is the protection and promotion of the dignity of the person, and she is thereby consciously drawing particular attention to principles which are not negotiable.
Pope St. John Paul II, Encyclical The Gospel of Life 74
Christians have a “grave obligation of conscience not to cooperate formally in practices which, even if permitted by civil legislation, are contrary to God’s law. Indeed, from the moral standpoint, it is never licit to cooperate formally in evil. [ …] This cooperation can never be justified either by invoking respect for the freedom of others or by appealing to the fact that civil law permits it or requires it ”
I didn’t say you are brainwashed by the media.I’m a faithful Catholic. How does that fit with the fact that I disagree with all of your beliefs about Trump? Is it really the best you can do to say people like me are just brainwashed by the media?
Oh, I see. So what good are you trying to achieve by voting for abortion that is equal in gravity (proportionate) to the death of a million innocents per year? Or conversely, what evil are you preventing that is equal in gravity to that million deaths?No, it’s you I disagree with. The church and I are square.
Never did I say my vote is ordained by God; only by the teachings of the Church as expressed by the Popes and the bishops of the U.S.The better question is why would I spend time attempting to explain myself to a stranger on the internet who sees his vote as ordained by God and my vote as sanctioned by Satan. I’ve seen plenty of folks provide answers to you already. You have more time and patience than I do.
You are saying the same thing about Evangelicals and Trump.it really the best you can do to say people like me are just brainwashed by the media?
are Pope Benedict and Pope St John Paul II both wrong?All values are non-negotiable, Pope says in new interview
in light of past popes and the normal misinformation that surrounds Frances, I believe the article doesn’t carry the proper context.Is Pope Francis wrong?
In the Italian context in which the interview was granted, the expression “non-negotiable values” is the fruit of a national debate that began in the 1980s – when the Church in Italy celebrated its national convention in Loreto in 1985.
The convention ended with an appeal for the unity of Catholics committed to politics: which meant support for Christian Democracy, a political party founded in 1943 and supported by the Church.