WALSH: Biden Endorses The Idea That 8-Year-Olds Can Choose Their Gender, Proving That He Is Owned By The Radical Left

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Ah, I see. You want to change the meaning of what he said because it doesn’t fit the narrative.
no, you don’t see,

this exact issue was addressed by the USCCB at its Nov conference

if all are equal, besides past popes, the USCCB is also wrong for prioritizing abortion as the greatest intrinsic evil and defining some issues as just prudential judgment issues

Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego tried to make the same claim you are
The U.S. bishops’ inclusion of the word “preeminent” before mention of abortion in another part of the letter, he said, “is a statement that I believe is at least discordant with the Pope’s teaching, if not inconsistent,” and one that “will be used to, in fact, undermine the point Pope Francis is making.”
with Archbishop Chaput responding
“But I am against anyone stating that our stating it [abortion] is ‘preeminent’ is contrary to the teaching of the Pope. That isn’t true. That sets up an artificial battle between the bishops’ conference of the United States and the Holy Father, which isn’t true,”
“I don’t like the argument Bishop McElroy used because it isn’t true,” he added, eliciting a round of applause from the bishops in the hall.
the bishops voted down the idea (143-69) that other issues were as grave as abortion
Archbishop Sample
“We are at a unique moment with the upcoming election cycle to make a real challenge to Roe v. Wade, given the possible changes to the Supreme Court,” he wrote. “We should not dilute our efforts to protect the unborn.”
other issues are important but not as important (bold mine)
Father Daniel Maria Klimek, an assistant professor of theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, said other issues like caring for the homeless, refugees, immigrants and prisoners on death row are important, but none are as massively destructive or as imminent as “the immediate killing of innocent human lives” in abortions and euthanasia.

“There are some issues, particularly abortion and euthanasia, that always have a higher moral gravity because they are intrinsically evil acts that constitute the direct killing of innocent human life,” he wrote. “Supporting such fundamentally evil acts is a mortal sin.”

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops also is encouraging Catholic voters to make protections for unborn babies a “preeminent priority” at the voting booth in November.

Biden’s policies are the opposite of pro-life. He said he plans to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law and appoint Supreme Court justices who will support abortion on demand. Biden also said he would fight to end the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for elective abortions – which could lead to 60,000 more unborn babies’ deaths to abortion each year.

Also concerning to many Catholics, Biden promised to restore an Obama-era mandate that would force the nuns with Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious employers to fund contraception, including types that may cause abortions, in their employee health insurance plans. (MICAIAH BILGER)
I recognize the lies I’ve been told. So no, the situation isn’t identical.
Everyone likes to say that.
I believe in the one true church. Evangelicals don’t. The comparison is faulty.
can we trust a politician who would allow an 8-year-old to choose their gender?
If a candidate is fundamentally wrong on such a basic and preeminent human rights issue of grave consequence to the most innocent in our society and to our own future, how can I trust the candidate to make moral and prudent decisions on many other important social justice issues pertaining to the common good?
When one votes for a pro-abortion candidate, they have, in fact, made a statement that there is some other issue of higher importance.

I think the question up thread here applies well.
What issue is this?
How does it really have greater weight then the laundry list already provided…
abortion, 50 million kids a year die worldwide, 60 million in the USA since RvW
the LGBT agenda,
embryonic stem cell research,
identity politics,
the destruction of the family,
Yes, they have.
So…what exactly is this issue that people place above everything listed?
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Which falls in line with.

You have to read the Pope’s own words in his encyclical “Gaudete et Exsultate.
And scroll down to item 101
101. The other harmful ideological error is found in those who find suspect the social engagement of others, seeing it as superficial, worldly, secular, materialist, communist or populist. Or they relativize it, as if there are other more important matters, or the only thing that counts is one particular ethical issue or cause that they themselves defend. Our defence of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred and demands love for each person, regardless of his or her stage of development. Equally sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the abandoned and the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human trafficking, new forms of slavery, and every form of rejection.[84] We cannot uphold an ideal of holiness that would ignore injustice in a world where some revel, spend with abandon and live only for the latest consumer goods, even as others look on from afar, living their entire lives in abject poverty.

Now Lets Bullet point these other Equally Sacred Items

Equally sacred, however, are
  • the lives of the poor,
  • those already born,
  • the destitute,
  • the abandoned
  • the underprivileged,
  • the vulnerable infirm
  • elderly exposed to covert euthanasia,
  • the victims of human trafficking,
  • new forms of slavery,
  • every form of rejection.
As Pope Francis says, all lives are “equally sacred”.

All Lives Matter. Equally.

It is actually some on the left that gets bent out of shape when you affirm this truth.

(Try putting an “All Lives Matter” sticker on your car and see how long it takes you to get your paint “keyed”.)

As I have said before . . .
I just want to say a quick word about section 101 of GEE.

POPE FRANCIS Our defence of the innocent unborn, for example, needs to be clear, firm and passionate, for at stake is the dignity of a human life, which is always sacred . . . Equally sacred, however, are the lives . . . those already born . . .
  • Pre-born people = Sacred
  • Born people = Sacred
Equally sacred.

All lives are equally sacred.

That is not the same thing as all issues are of the same political importance.

After all, if you are not allowed to be born, none of those other issues even come into play for you.

Ask yourselves WHO gets bent out of shape if you proclaim: “All Lives Matter”?

It is the LEFT that gets livid and REJECT this don’t they?

At least in the setting of their “demonstrations”, social media, etc. Not always but frequently.

Here is a CBS news post trying to shame you into
NOT proclaiming All Lives Matter
giving convoluted “reasoning” for their inversion of the truth.

Why “all lives matter” is a hurtful thing to say​


Even on this secular level you get harpooned from the left if you proclaim “All Lives Matter”.
I have seen it many times.

To the readers here:

Try going to a leftist Black Lives Matter riot and holding up a sign that says “All Lives Are Sacred” or “All Lives Matter” (either one or both one on each side of your sign if you wish).

One group of lives that don’t matter, to the left (the national leftists), at least in terms of being “equally sacred”, are pre-born lives.

Pre-born lives are LESS than a person to the national left.
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The vote was turning down the idea of including a paragraph from Pope Francis in Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.
No, don’t leave out the rest of the story, Bishop McElroy wanted the preeminent removed from abortion and it wasn’t. Abortion is still the main issue and as Bishop Chaput says this doesn’t create an issue with the poor.
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No, the vote that you cited was specifically on whether or not to include a paragraph from Pope Francis in the document. And, surprisingly, the bishops rejected including a paragraph from the Holy Father. But that does not invalidate that paragraph in being used by discerning Catholics in deciding how to vote:
so what did Bishop Chaput believe was wrong? the argument isn’t over the inclusion of a paragraph, Bishop Chaput said he agreed with the paragraph but abortion is preeminent in America.
“I don’t like the argument Bishop McElroy used because it isn’t true,” he added, eliciting a round of applause from the bishops in the hall.
And, surprisingly, the bishops rejected including a paragraph from the Holy Father.
not surprising when you understand that abortion will expand and more children will die.

however, it isn’t just abortion
abortion, 50 million kids a year die worldwide, 60 million in the USA since RvW
the LGBT agenda,
embryonic stem cell research,
identity politics,
the destruction of the family,
breaking the seal of the confession,
federal funds to pay for abortions,
forced abortions in Catholic hospitals,
the selection of liberal judges who will uphold these policies,
the anti-family welfare system,
Surprising in that the Holy Father is the head of Christ’s Church on earth and his statements should be included if they are relevant.
The American Bishops know the American people. They know the culture, they know the language, and perhaps most important, they know when people will try to inject wiggle room into something when there really is not.

If they decide not to include something in their specific guiding of the flock, it is probably because they know their flock and understand that their flock specifically will not understand and will lead themselves astray with it.

And it would appear they are right.
And by the way.

I’m still waiting for that issue that is more important than the list provided.

Biden Endorses The Idea That 8-Year-Olds Can Choose Their Gender​

This is sick. At least that’s my opinion.
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Ah, so the bishops didn’t include a direct quote from the Pope because it contradicted what you perceive what their meaning was.
They chose not to include the quote because they knew people in America would use it as an excuse to support abortion.
They chose not to include the quote because they knew people in America would use it as an excuse to support abortion.
they were right, as we see in threads on CAF all the time, people ignore abortion for prudential judgment issues

600,000 deaths, yet, judgmental issues are more important…
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