WALSH: Biden Endorses The Idea That 8-Year-Olds Can Choose Their Gender, Proving That He Is Owned By The Radical Left

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that one may vote for a pro-choice candidate for proportional reasons.
I am still waiting for a proportionate reason to vote for an intrinsic evil.
St John Paul II did not talk about voting
What do you think maximum determination means, everything but voting? I don’t think so

All else is false and illusory

Abortion is the preeminent priority
600,000 aborted babies each year
50 million since RvW

Oh, don’t forget euthanasia, SSM, contraception, socialism, the destroying the family social plan, etc

There are no proportionate reasons to allow a Catholic to vote for these anti-Catholic Democratic policies
It is up to each Catholic to decide that for themselves, not for you to decide for them.
No one is trying to decide for you.
We are still wondering what exactly the proportionate reasons are.
We have a laundry list of various evils that a vote for Biden will support.
What is so morally grave that opposing it allows at least tacit support for the other grave evils he supports?
I was waiting for the ‘Hitler comparison.”

So really, I’m with upant. What, exactly is such a moral evil in the platform of the Republicans that one can accept the slaughter of millions of innocent children rather than the ‘moral evil of the Republican platform?”

The only possibility one can see is that a guaranteed death of MORE than the innocents killed in abortion and euthanasia would be the result of a Republican presidency.

So what in the Republican platform then is equivalent to the Democratic platform laws with regard to abortion and euthanasia?

How many people will die as a direct result of Republican laws and nothing else?

For example, people talk about illegal immigrants being sent back and ‘killed’. While tragic, were they killed by people in the US or by people ‘back home?” Had they stayed in the US would they have been guaranteed not to have ever died? Not to have been killed somehow in another way? Could they be hit by a bus in the US with all the traffic, yet gone back home to a small village and never in danger of that accident?

Immigration policies are not a certain death sentence.
the Democratic platform and its intentions with regard to abortions and laws, state and federal, IS a certain death sentence to preborn children.
By that logic, one should support Hitler because he wanted more German babies and was against abortion
Deflection, what is worse than the anti Catholic policies of the Democrats. These policies are pushing intrinsic evils on our kids
This is why you see statements that are more nuanced from our Church leaders that you are misinterpreting.
They are written as is because sometimes the choice is between two people who both are pro-abortion. Then you will have to look for a proportionate reason

What is your reason?
So Sloan, what exactly is the Republican platform issue that is so heinous an evil that it justifies the support of a Democratic platform which promotes the slaughter of millions of children?

We are waiting. All ‘nuances’ aside, since you are claiming that there is an issue in the Republican Party which justifies you supporting the Democratic platform as ‘more moral’, less evil, etc., please stop dancing and tell us what the evil is.
There is no evidence of that and it certainly isn’t what is said in the text. I think you are misinterpreting again.
The video in the attached post is exactly what I am saying or is this priest also misinterpreting and what about the quotes he uses?
Powerful Homily Church Teaching on Voting Popular Media
[Powerful Homily: Church Teaching on Voting] This is a homily by Fr Chris Alar, MIC. He does not endorse a party or candidate as his religious order does not allow him to. He does however discuss the non-negotiables (the dignity and protection of life, the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman, and the protection of religious liberty) and the negotiables.
Just pointing out a flaw in your argument.
Using hitler? Please explain how hitler’s policy is a flaw in the church teaching on abortion

And still you haven’t given a proportionate reason
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Well, let’s consider what you wrote elsewhere in this forum tonight…
You confuse church teaching with personal opinion or do you consider what pope Francis recently said about civil union to be church teaching?

The good priest in the video used the catechism, writings of the popes, and statements of the bishops

Still waiting for your proportionate reason
No, it just isn’t relevant to this discussion, which is your misinterpretation of Church teaching.

It is relevant that you won’t state what your proportionate reason is

You keep saying misinterpretation but you won’t provide proper interpretation. You don’t say what the acceptable proportionate reason is that would make your interpretation correct
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What ‘other reasons’ are there? We are talking about millions of deaths from abortion on the one hand. What possible issue or issues combined are a greater ‘moral evil’ than that, such that one can disregard those abortion deaths as less evil than the ‘other issues”?

You still haven’t said.
I have read them over and over. Not all the ‘other issues mentioned’ come even close to the loss of millions of lives of preborn children. Can you personally list even ONE of those others which, to you, is more important than all those deaths? One. Just one. One whose evil is morally equivalent to the guaranteed and inescapable deaths of millions of children.
Oh, so I am only giving an ‘opinion’ but your stance on there being issues ‘on the other side’ which are more important than the slaughter of millions of children is not an opinion?

Sheesh, if I had known you were arguing based on opinion instead of facts, I wouldn’t have bothered. Pretending that something is so incredibly morally important it outweighs the slaughter of millions of children and then turning it into a ‘but of course this is all opinion’ is disingenuous and insulting to the majority of people who have posted on the topic.
You’ve changed the goalposts. It was never about opinions or viewpoints but about actual moral issues. Not our ‘opinion’ about moral issues but about which moral issue was so compelling that one would have to choose it over the slaughter of millions of children.

Frankly, an ‘opinion’ regarding something being ‘worse’ than the death of millions is itself risable. Is there a person here so incredibly inured to death that so long as he or she is ‘already here’, he/she doesn’t care about the death of millions?

Remember, that millions of children have been killed during abortion is not an ‘opinion’. It is a matter of fact.

Still waiting for the factual Republican platform items which are literally a ‘fate worse than death’.
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No, the discussion was about viewpoints the whole time. I’m sorry you missed that.
No, our discussion was and is about what’s a proportionate reason to allow someone to vote for the anti-Catholic policies of the Democrats, including the idea that an 8-year-old can choose their gender

My first post asked for the proportionate reason (see post 22)

160 post later, we still don’t have this reason

Why are Biden supporters not willing to share what would enable others to vote for Biden, unless there is no proportionate reason
Why are Biden supporters not willing to share what would enable others to vote for Biden, unless there is no proportionate reason
I can’t speak for them but my best guess is that this isn’t a real dialogue and they sniff that out. It doesn’t seem like you’re open to being persuaded that there may actually be a proportionate reason so what’s the point?
I can’t speak for them but my best guess is that this isn’t a real dialogue and they sniff that out. It doesn’t seem like you’re open to being persuaded that there may actually be a proportionate reason so what’s the point?
It is hard to dialogue when from the start the poster evaded the question. It was in my first post.

So try me, besides there are readers who may be interested in what the reason is

Sometimes you speak to the readers and the lack of reason speaks volumes to them.
You (and a few others) want it to be a different discussion, but it’s really that and I have kept it that.
Actually my first post asked for your reason which you didn’t and still haven’t answered and now are trying to change that

Why not give a reason? You speak to more than just me when you answer
Well if there IS a proportionate reason, what is it?

People keep saying that it is all right to disregard the fact that the Democratic platform calls for the death of millions of children; that particular fact (not opinion but fact) is ‘proportionally’ not so important as the supposed fact that the Republican platform contains, either in part or in toto, a plank that is morally a greater evil than the death of those innocent children.

All that I, and others, are asking is exactly what evils in the Republican platform morally outweigh the evil of abortion in the Democratic platform?

It is, really, a simple question. The fact that no answer has yet been given is a strong indicator that no apologist for the Democratic platform can truly put forth a proportionate case.

And if one tries to pin them down the wiggles start about ‘viewpoints’ and ‘opinions’ and attempts to redirect the conversation away from one simple, and still unanswered, question.
The answer is, they don’t have any. Nothing is this world is worse than the systemic murder of the unborn (except for maybe some terrible genocide I am not aware right now). Millions of children have died, thousands of elderly have died, marriage and families destroyed, and Faith destroyed because of the Democrats platform. I think the only two possible explanations are that either 1. These people truly do not care for human life or 2. Make politics more important than God.
You apparently didn’t read my comments fully. I for one see no reason to be brow beaten by fellow Catholics who think a vote for Trump is a vote for God and a vote for anyone else is a vote against God. That’s a nice straw man but it’s one I have no interest in entertaining.
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