Actually, I think that Mis said that he listened to her shocking words, and then went with her to her apartment. Then there was some sort of physical contact (a massage, I think), and then he left.A strange assumption to make, especially since he ended up leaving.
No, I don’t think that anyone has defended her behavior. I think that we have tried to RIGHTLY steer Mis or anyone else away from the danger zone of demonizing someone. That is not a feminist cause or behavior or agenda.If you’ll read my first post, you’ll see that I didn’t say the woman was ‘evil’ - although her actions definately were. Subsequent posts seemed to defend her behavior, labeling ‘misogynist’ any notion that a woman ought to behave with some degree of chastity and modesty . Well, I believe unchastity is demeaning to women, not liberating, as well as being uncharitable to men who are trying to be chaste. I guess that makes me a misogynist too.
It is merely an attempt to show that demonizing someone results in dehumanizing that person-- and also usually results in someone not confronting the log in their own eye.
Men and women can be evil. We all know that. But one of the things that Father Corapi stresses is that-- and I paraphrase:
*Usually, it’s ***not **the devil-- it’s just us messed up humans.
Mis-- after all this fiasco of a runaway thread-- I ask you–
How do you view this woman?