His screen name is ron_conte and I believe he’s suspended at the moment.
All I can do is relate my experiences. A couple of years ago I thought the same thing you posted. Then I took the time to read and study Calvinism and found that many of my preconceived notions didn’t hold water when it came to the actually teachings of Calvinism. I still haven’t become a Calvinist but I do have a better understanding and appreciation for the teachings.That’s, like, your opinion man. I needn’t remind you what body part opinions resemble.
I agree that there are many non-Calvinists that misinterpret what Calvinists say, but, and speaking as a former Calvinist, you don’t want to go down that road. It can be, at least to me, a bit psychologically imposing.All I can do is relate my experiences. A couple of years ago I thought the same thing you posted. Then I took the time to read and study Calvinism and found that many of my preconceived notions didn’t hold water when it came to the actually teachings of Calvinism. I still haven’t become a Calvinist but I do have a better understanding and appreciation for the teachings.
You are suggesting all Tradition was written. Where do you get this from?This IS the tradition that was handed down to us.
Wow, did not know that. I know that he is revered among more Calvinistic reformed types.Certainly not all Protestants accept St. Augustine. Back in my Evangelical youth, a local Baptist pastor was reprimanded (by the elders I think?) for referencing St. Augustine in a sermon. No Catholic saints were to be acknowledged period. They certainly recognized that he was Catholic.
How sad. There is SO much wisdom in the early church fathers. Just in Aquinas and Augustine alone even as far removed as they were from the early church there is enough to keep you busy for many years!My maternal grandmother rejected even the Apostolic Fathers. It was her position that the “public” church went off the rails pretty much as soon as the apostles died. Many fundamentalist types hold that view.
Well, they also claim St. Paul, so maybe it’s the same sort of cognitive dissonance?I didn’t mean to sound so stupid, sorry. I was just wondering why on Earth do protestants claim him, and what specifically could I cite to show them that he was devout Catholic?
I’ve only read a quarter of the responses so far, so I may be repeating someone else. Augustine lived long before the schism that divided the Eastern and Latin churches, and even longer before what we call Protestantism appeared on the scene. At the time of his life there was basically only one church in his part of the world to belong to, along with a few heresies that kept sniffing around. So many denominations today are happy to embrace what he wrote and taught without the fear of being tainted by his connection to the big bad Catholic Church, which really wasn’t defined as we think of it today until much later.Can Protestants claim him as one of their own?
But as noted here, he still wrote extensively about stuff the Church still believes. Stuff that Protestants would feel only a deeply devout Catholic would write. They intentionally ignore this stuff and consider it medieval ignorance of the time. Had Augustine lived during the 1500s he most assuredly would’ve become Protestant, is what many Protestants believe.I’ve only read a quarter of the responses so far, so I may be repeating someone else. Augustine lived long before the schism that divided the Eastern and Latin churches, and even longer before what we call Protestantism appeared on the scene. At the time of his life there was basically only one church in his part of the world to belong to, along with a few heresies that kept sniffing around. So many denominations today are happy to embrace what he wrote and taught without the fear of being tainted by his connection to the big bad Catholic Church, which really wasn’t defined as we think of it today until much later.
I’m quite sure they would make the same claim of the Apostles, Ignatius, Jerome, and all the other fine thinkers of the early centuries. But to be fair to my fellow Protestants, I think what they are doing is selecting the best of what Augustine wrote and forgive him for the “failing” of being Catholic. Billy Graham called Augustine the greatest theologian ever, after Paul. One dear friend is a huge fan of Augustine and she’s never set foot in a Catholic church in her life.Had Augustine lived during the 1500s he most assuredly would’ve become Protestant, is what many Protestants believe.