Our souls manifest through our reason. Who I am is not because of reason, but who I truly am is because of my soul.Rationality is the quality or state of being reasonable, based on facts or reason. This requires knowledge. Knowledge is structured information and information requires form. Form occupies space. Hence those are our brains which produce reason since soul doesn’t occupy any space.
You’re right our minds and our souls are not the same thing, however, the animating force–the spirit of our souls come to occupy our bodies. They become inseparable through knowledge.
An example of this is wisdom. Wisdom is the knowledge that a person attains through experience about good and evil. This knowledge comes directly from the soul. Its rationalized through reason, however, you are not recognizing this knowledge. Our soul is in communion with our body. Knowledge of the soul is poured into our minds through this communion directing ourselves about who we truly are. We may or may not see this. But evidence of my soul is in my reason and any knowledge transmitted from my soul is rationalized by my mind. It gives me a glimpse into who I truly am.
If you say that knowledge cannot be transmitted from your soul into your mind then you probably don’t have a clue of who you really are. If you know yourself then you will be known. If you don’t know yourself then you exist in a poverty and you are that poverty.