I wish that Iran doesn’t need war (Im Lebanese Maronite) but sometimes, I feel it may be necessary. Iran is a country of persecution and millions live under an evil regime of Islam and its proxies who sell narcotics to latin Americans like Hezbollah. It’s a shame half the maronites support hezbollah and Iran. I think as the U.S.A, it is our duty to stop human rights violations. We can’t just sit and let the world burn. These countries like Iran and Syria must change their ways. Sure ware may be deadly, but I fear in some cases, especially when they provoke it, it might be necessary.
I hope I didn’t commit a sin by saying that war in Iran to free the people and the Christians might be necessary and must happen at one point or another…
The thing is, the assassination of Soleimani was either murder, or an act of war. Catholic Just War doctrine forbids use of war
unless all other means are exhausted. Reports say that Soleimani was delivering information and was involved in, efforts to deescalate hostilities between Saudi Arabia and Iran. It was essentially a peaceful mission.
If a leader planning to assassinate is justifiably murdered, then those who planned Soleimani’s assasination are also justifiably targets. This is completely against Just War doctrine.
When he went to withdraw from Syria people on the left went nuts, howling about how his plan For withdrawal was too fast, it was wrong and how it was going to cause some kind of disaster etc.
People who are pawns of AIPAC, on the left and right, went “nuts” until Trump realized his error in angering AIPAC, then he capitulated.
And We’ve by no means witnessed the end of war
This war is unjust, according to Just War Doctrine.
We have no business being over there.