We need to stop worrying about who is “right.”

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Lets stop talking about what type of Christianity is “right” and start preaching the gospel we are all believers of Jesus but don’t you think we should stop worrying about who is right and start saving people from the devil. We are all believers of Jesus Romans 12:18 Let’s start worrying about bringing people to God more and how we may do that.
Not to be too snarky… but… Should we think that you are “right” about this???

See the problem?

And then the question comes - what exactly is being preached?
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I hear what you’re saying, but we can’t lie just to get butts into the pews.

ETA: For years, we’ve heard the refrain “if only the Church would allow contraception and divorce-and-remarriage and premarital sex and not have to go to church every Sunday, etc. Everybody would come back to the Church “
Except—not so.
The Protestants have been allowing all this for decades and they’re shrinking too.
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And yet Jesus spoke of false gospels. It’s good for us to know the simple truths that the church has carried with her down thru the centuries. Whether or not God wants us to baptize and whether or not infants should be baptized, whether or not Jesus is really present in the Eucharist, whether or not Jesus is really God, whether or not one can lose salvation and may need to repent and confess their sins again, whether or not abortion is ok. It’s about knowing what we need to know about the nature and will of God to the greatest extent possible. Is He an angry and wrathful God, and what does He expect of us? It’s about understanding this very simple yet profound truth that the church teaches which most Protestant theologians would reject:
At the evening of life we shall be judged on our love.”

Christianity is not about humans being right although we can easily use and abuse the faith in that way since self-righteousness is an all too human trait or attraction for us and, ironically, indicative of something that’s quite wrong with us. And that’s the real point; Christianity is all about humans standing back and acknowledging that there’s something basically wrong with humanity, that we don’t have the answers, that we need divine revelation in order to make us right, in order to awaken and heal and reconcile us with the only One who can truly make us right, the only One who is right is the absolute sense. And for that we need this revelation, this knowledge, to be true.
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I invite you to check my post again. Seeing clearly the nearly 180 degree differences between many Christians, including those whose idea of ‘love’ means encouraging a woman to abort out of ‘love’ for her wellbeing and ‘love’ for the infant ‘to protect the child from growing up unwanted’; whose idea of ‘love’ is to embrace same sex marriage, divorce and remarriage, contraception, etc., please tell me how and why Christ would come to teach us truths and die for our sins, tell us to go out and teach His ‘good news’ and yet allow huge numbers of people to teach contrary things in His name In order to ‘bring people to Him’ when they are denying His truth.

He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life”, and He gave us a Church which preserves and continues to teach those unchanging Truths even when others try to twist or deny them.
I invite you to check my post again. Seeing clearly the nearly 180 degree differences between many Christians, including those whose idea of ‘love’ means encouraging a woman to abort out of ‘love’ for her wellbeing and ‘love’ for the infant ‘to protect the child from growing up unwanted’; whose idea of ‘love’ is to embrace same sex marriage, divorce and remarriage, contraception, etc., please tell me how and why Christ would come to teach us truths and die for our sins, tell us to go out and teach His ‘good news’ and yet allow huge numbers of people to teach contrary things in His name In order to ‘bring people to Him’ when they are denying His truth.

He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life”, and He gave us a Church which preserves and continues to teach those unchanging Truths even when others try to twist or deny them.
I didn’t read your post to begin with. And I’ll stand by the Church’s teaching.
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My experience with unity has been quite negative, many of protestants have forsaken core christian doctrine for the sake of peace. I will list some examples below.

No Mary
No eucharist
No authority
No chaste marriage
No marriage as a vehicle for holiness but a secular process.So essentially there is no difference before and after marriage in a spiritual sense.
No logic or reasoning
No mysticism and thus vulnerable to demonic sources of mysticism outside the church
Encourages bible literalism
Encourages anti intellectualism
Encourages secularism

If all these don’t matter in the name of peace, it cheapens the death of the martyrs and what they fought for. Imagine the danger the world would be in if everyone did away with doctrine.
@ChristopherA, you said that we should work to save people and bring them to God. That’s a great idea. How do you think you (and we) can best do that?
Agree @Berylos

@ChristopherA, I agree with what you posted. I think we spend so much time trying to prove who’s right and who’s wrong about their theology that we forget God.

We are suppose to preach/share/give the key to the kingdom, Jesus is your Lord and Savior, He is the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world.

Instead placing great emphases on the differences of the people who have faith in the grace of God, we should be emphasizing that we have faith in the grace of God… we all put our faith in the certainty that Jesus is God, Jesus became man, Jesus died for us, Jesus lived and ascended into heaven. (I may not have said it exactly right, but you know what I mean)… but some people believe that believing in God’s truth isn’t enough.

I say lets go back to Acts 2:37-42, and start over… we already have the book breathed out by God 2 Timothy 3:16
So in other words your statement is not to be taken as true since truth is subjective? Or is it to be taken as true despite truth being subjective which is a contradiction?
So in other words your statement is not to be taken as true since truth is subjective? Or is it to be taken as true despite truth being subjective which is a contradiction?
Thou shall not kill, unless you’re at war, or a cop, or in self defense…

Huh, guess truth is subjective.
Already took it.
Right, or truth depends on circumstances, need and or a plethora of other reasons. What’s right for you maybe not right for me.
You may enjoy a night cap, I maybe a recovering alcoholic. The “sin” as it were isn’t in the drink of itself as much as the who, why, when or how much.
“A writer who says there is no truth, or that all truth is relative, is asking you not to believe them. So don’t.” – Roger Scruton.
If you like it, you’ll find a way to justify it.
But if you don’t , you’ll find ways to falsify it.

Toba Beta
See!!!, even the non-religious can teach us the need for truth. :man_shrugging:t3:
I think St Peter was worried about being right. In 2Peter 3:16 he warns against those who twist what St Paul teaches “to their destruction.”

The correct interpretation is important.

NO! We need and ought to worry who is “right”!

as far as teaching others about religion…well…that old saying comes to my mind, "you can take a horse to the trough, but you can’t make him drink! Proof is…my sibling thinks just because she was baptized that she has a right to receive Holy Communion…and she even wanted to abort her son…I tried to help her but exhausted my effort… 😬
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