I am interested in the approach this forum takes to money. Apart from sex, (which I am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.
Respectfully opinion only in pondering
What would be Jesus approach to money?
How does Jesus measure one to be wealthy, have riches?
What was Jesus reply to the rich man, wanting to enter the Kingdom, asking Jesus what must I do?
Rich man replied to Jesus, he obeyed all the Commandments, observed all the precepts and ordinances of the Law.
After hearing the physically rich man’s reply, >>>> Jesus tells the rich man, if he wanted to enter the Kingdom, go and give away all his wealth, did he not?
What was Jesus saying to the rich man and wanting us all to >>know<<< how our Heavenly Father, measures to determine>>>>
who has attain great wealth
who are of poverty
How he measures ones morality?
Was Jesus telling us?
Those who are physically rich >>know not<< how Spiritual poor they are>> while those who are physically poor>> know not >>how Spiritual rich they are>>
Store up not your riches that will rot, rust, or build barns to store your wealth in?
Be doers of His Word?
Those whom he has Blessed with much, their Blessings were to be given as a>> Blessing to others>>thus He continues to Bless all ?
All have been given to so no one can boast?
Sermon on the mount? Hospitality? Sharing? Take just what we need?
Our Heavenly Father is the richest of all, yet he shares Freely with all that is his, does he not?
Interesting Jesus reply to the rich man, spoke volumes filled with wisdom, indeed.