What’s the 3rd Secret of Fatima?

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Hey guys! I’m new to the miracle at Fatima and I’m wondering on what’s the big fuss about the third secret of Fatima? What were the first two? And why are there so many opinions on what the third secret actually is? It kind of confuses me. Was the third secret like hidden or not revealed?
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Was the third secret like hidden or not revealed?
The Third Secret was originally supposed to be opened and read to the world either when the visionary Sister Lucia died, or in 1960, whichever came first. Sister Lucia ended up living until 2005, so 1960 came first. However, in 1960, the Vatican didn’t reveal the secret as had been planned, and instead announced that the Third Secret would most probably stay forever under absolute seal. This set off a big firestorm of speculation about what the Third Secret actually contained. Many people thought it must contain a prediction of worldwide nuclear war, since the Cold War was going on at the time. In 1981 some guy even hijacked a plane and demanded that the Vatican reveal the Third Secret.

When Pope JPII finally revealed the Third Secret in 2000, conspiracy theorists insisted that the Vatican must be holding back part of the Third Secret and speculated that it contained some prediction that the Vatican will be occupied by the Antichrist. These sorts of interpretations are popular with people who don’t like the post-Vatican II changes in the Church and want to cast every Pope who does things they don’t agree with into the role of Antichrist. The Vatican has continued to assert that Pope JPII did reveal the entire Third Secret.
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How old was Sister Lucia when she died? (a side topic, I realize, but still pertaining to Fatima).
She was 97 years old. I’m sure she wasn’t expecting to live that long, especially since she was seriously ill at least once in 1943 (which is what led to her being ordered by the Bishop of Leira to write down the Third Secret, as he was concerned she would die and it would be lost to the world, since she had not previously written it down because Our Lady had told her not to reveal it).

I always chuckle a little because Our Lady told her during the Fatima apparitions when she was a child that she would take Francisco and Jacinta to heaven soon (and they both died within a couple years), but that Lucia would stay on earth “a little longer”. “A little longer” being something like almost 90 more years.
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Well, that makes sense, considering there is no time in Our Lady’s realm. A day can be a thousand years, a thousand years a day, and so on.
I remember as a child reading an article that lamented that more Catholics were (1960) aware of the third secret than the Epistles. I recall wondering why that would be considered a “problem”.

Perhaps if the secret had been released at that moment in time it would have gotten far more attention than the Vatican thought prudent for a private revelation.
I always chuckle a little because Our Lady told her during the Fatima apparitions when she was a child that she would take Francisco and Jacinta to heaven soon (and they both died within a couple years), but that Lucia would stay on earth “a little longer”. “A little longer” being something like almost 90 more years.
Yeah that’s scary, I hope God doesn’t tell me to pray a little longer for my problems to go away, I’d still be praying when I’m in my 130’s.

It worried me when the boy (Jacinta?), was told he had to pray many rosaries before he could go to Heaven. From what I heard about him he was kind and generous little boy. How many millions of rosaries must I pray then to get to Heaven?
All I know is that I grew up in an apocalyptic pseudo-Christian group where private revelation was the norm and I find that these groups and radical traditionalism have very similar outlooks/ mindsets. Be careful.
It’s mainly about the crisis of faith (see my post #16 on this thread).
Yeah that’s scary, I hope God doesn’t tell me to pray a little longer for my problems to go away, I’d still be praying when I’m in my 130’s.
No one has a life with no problems. In this life, we will always have problems. God promised us trials and suffering and rejection, He promised to be with us in those problems so that we can rejoice in the midst of them.

Have you read Fr Phillipe’s book “Searching For and Maintaining Peace”? If you PM me with your email address, I will buy the Kindle version for you (can be read with an app on your phone or computer).

We are always to pray, because until the end of time even after death we will be in heaven praying for those we love below.

The rosary is a private devotion, you may choose to pray it or to pray in many other ways.
I’m just not comfortable with saying that St Pope JPII lied, that the Vatican lied, that Sister herself lied, that Card Ratzinger lied, that they all lied when the document on the 3rd secret was revealed.
If Popes going back to John XXIII had postponed its revealing because it would “cause problems” surely the secret has to include some sort of stark details of the Church. Obviously they didn’t wish to alarm the masses.
A much more likely explanation is that in 1960 there was already extreme focus by the media on private revelation, and the Vatican wanted to focus on public revelation. By postponing the release, it was later given some attention, but not undue attention.

The sentence I bolded is from the Alarmist Textbook.
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From what I understand the messages of Our Lady of Akita parallel Our Lady of Fatima messages, specifically the third secret.

Both are approved by the Church.
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Chris Ferrara has a book called The Third Secret Still Hidden.
Mr. Ferrara determined that prior popes did not sufficiently consecrate Russia to his satisfaction, so he directed then Pope Benedict to do so according to his instructions. When the pope failed to do so Mr. Ferrara and a suspended priest appealed to the mostly atheistic EU government to put legal and political pressure on the pope to comply.
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The Third Secret Vision which was revealed in June 2000 does not continue the words of Our Lady . Since Our Lady does not end Her sentences in “etc”, therefore there MUST be more of Her words, and that is the Third Secret per se , not the Vision .
This is conspiracy stuff. It is essentially, like @TheLittleLady has mentioned, calling into question the Pope’s and Sr. Lucy’s truthfulness.

The “etc” is obviously referring to the third part of the secret. I don’t see any justification in picking apart Sr. Lucy’s use of quotation marks and colons as if she was writing a binding legal document.
The “Third Secret” begins with the words of Our Lady: **"In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved… "
This is actually not part of the third secret. It’s only been eluded to, by some people, as being a hint to the meaning of the third secret.

I’m not sure if Sr. Lucy ever explicitly said why she added that sentence to the end of the second secret when she wrote about it a second time.
It makes sense that She would show them the Third Secret Vision first and then explain it to them.
This ^ line of reasoning is inconsistent with the reasoning you gave for the use of “etc”. If you’re going to take the quotation marks and colons as gospel, then you’re going to have to take the order of the words and sentences as gospel also. And that order puts the “etc” before the vision, not after it.

Sr. Lucy is also on record as saying that it was up to the Pope/Church to interpret the third secret. Indicating, I suppose, that she was never given an interpretation of it.
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I know a non-Catholic who through study became interested in Catholicism, but the Church he found nowadays barely resembled the Church in past times he had come to know–he said it seemed today like the ruins of a once great city. I immediately thought of the Third Secret of Fatima. I see the secret as more symbolic and as more related to a loss of faith, the death of so many vocations, the degradation of the liturgy in so many places, etc. (especially in light of other approved revelations, like Akita, about that same thing). This is why in 1960 it seemed so out of place–the Church was flourishing in these ways in an almost unprecedented way then.

It could also refer to Communist persecution. The ultimate error of Communism is denying man’s supernatural vocation, end and destiny and attempting to replace it with seeking an earthly utopia. Communism led to the physical persecution and death of many, but this error has also destroyed the faith and supernatural life of many.

In any event, the ultimate core of the secret is “penance, penance, penance” (especially since, despite this, the Church after 1960 has done away with much penitential disciplines and the sacrament of penance has been neglected everywhere) and to persevere up the mountain to God, praying for those along the way, despite the devastation and attacks (both physical and spiritual).
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