And also the unitive aspect of it. Moreover, the NFP simply kills one of the most important feature - the spontaneity. Don’t forget, there is no need to include pleasure to procreate, and there is no need to procreate to have pleasure. They are not logically interconnected - unlike in all the animals - except the higher apes.
Nfp is not a fun thing so I’m not going to defend it

but it killing spontaneity is irrelevant in terms of morality.
But it still not explained why both have to be present every time
Technically, it means you just can’t separate the two. You can intentionally have sex when you’re not fertile. For some people, they say that ‘hey, there’s no procreative aspect to this’. The Catholic response to that is, ‘they’re not working against life’. Regarding their body parts, that is. Things are going where they should go, lol.
Same reason why people who are infertile can still have sex. Because in terms of actions and the use of their bodies, they’re not working against life.
And probably more than two instances of sex every week - especially when they are young… (twice a day?

)So the pleasure and the unitive aspect are much more important than the procreative aspect
Don’t get me wrong, having sex just for intimacy is perfectly fine! And even encouraged, I would say, precisely because of the way our cycles work.
You forget the zero-calorie diet drinks and the no nutritional types of cakes.
Good point. I was thinking more about eating disorders. It’s fine to indulge in ice cream, cakes etc (pleasure). Working against nutrition/energy would be purging it all back up because through your body, you’re refusing the calories. Your digestive tract isn’t made to expel energy (unless you’re sick).
Think actions and what you’re doing with the relevant body parts.
Having sex with your spouse just because one is ovulating and both aren’t necessarily into it isn’t disordered (although a waste of opportunity, lol).
Raping your spouse because she’s ovulating would be sinful because through the lack of consent, you’re actively working against pleasure and inflicting trauma onto her. (Before anyone freaks out on me, it’s also sinful because you’re disrespecting the general autonomy and dignity of the person)
Having sex with your spouse because she looks so darn good that day and she isn’t fertile isn’t sinful
Having sex with your spouse because she looks so darn good that day, and you work against it by using birth control, would be sinful.
I apologise if this isn’t written clearly. I’m no expert in the faith, I’m just a very sleep deprived girl writing at 1am!