Awesome book.The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks
Just finishing 1st to Die by James Patterson and starting 2nd Chance also by Patterson
Awesome book.The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks
Would you mind telling me who the translator is?Crime and Punishment – Dostoevsky
This is so good and not hard to read.
I really enjoyed these books along with Robert jordan’s books. I wonder how I will like them now as a Catholic. I find that my tastes have changed. I dont have a problem with the fantasy aspect…but sometimes books have really immoral content I just get bored with. Might have to make a run to the library this weekend!The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks
Rent a copy of Ben Stein’s “Expelled.” Not a scholarly film, but a good one. Dawkins comes off creepily obsessed. There obviously have to be some underlying personal issues going on.Hard to take him seriously afterwards.Richard Dawkins’ ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’ which got me so upset I had to find an outlet and found you guys. My first post is to tell you what a devastating attack it makes on faith as if those who believe in God are totally deluded. Grr! Evolution just doesn’t feel true. It seems so horrible. And yet the pope seems to think it is. I don’t know what to think. Fortunately, I may have found the antidote in a new book by someone called Scrooby, juicily titled The Attempted Murder of God.
The publishers set up a fun online game last year and I’ve been waiting for news of its follow-up. Instead, the game disappeared and now they seem to have moved into publishing. I can’t seem to get the ISBN to check out on Amazon so I don’t know what’s up with that, but it looks just about what I need to read right now, so I bought me a copy and I’ll let you know the verdict. If anyone else can think of an antidote to Dawkins, please let me know.
God Bless.
Try God Is No Delusion, by Father Thomas Crean, O.P.Richard Dawkins’ ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’ … If anyone else can think of an antidote to Dawkins, please let me know.
God Bless.
Thanks Cracker Mom. I’ve never heard of Stein but I found this on Wikipedia and will rent it out -Rent a copy of Ben Stein’s “Expelled.” Not a scholarly film, but a good one. Dawkins comes off creepily obsessed. There obviously have to be some underlying personal issues going on.Hard to take him seriously afterwards.
Googlesearch Hitler Lenin, Mao et al; John Dewey’s (name removed by moderator)ut is interesting, too. Fides et Ratio:thumbsup:Originally Posted by turin
Richard Dawkins’ ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’ which got me so upset I had to find an outlet and found you guys. My first post is to tell you what a devastating attack it makes on faith as if those who believe in God are totally deluded. Grr! Evolution just doesn’t feel true. It seems so horrible. And yet the pope seems to think it is. I don’t know what to think. Fortunately, I may have found the antidote in a new book by someone called Scrooby, juicily titled The Attempted Murder of God.
The publishers set up a fun online game last year and I’ve been waiting for news of its follow-up. Instead, the game disappeared and now they seem to have moved into publishing. I can’t seem to get the ISBN to check out on Amazon so I don’t know what’s up with that, but it looks just about what I need to read right now, so I bought me a copy and I’ll let you know the verdict. If anyone else can think of an antidote to Dawkins, please let me know.
God Bless.
Thanks Cracker Mom. I’ve never heard of Stein but I found this on Wikipedia and will rent it out -
“Stein has publicly denounced the theory of evolution, which he and other intelligent design advocates term “Darwinism,” declaring it to be “a painful, bloody chapter in the history of ideologies,” “the most compelling argument yet for Imperialism,” and the inspiration for the Holocaust. Stein does not say belief in the theory of evolution alone leads to genocide, but that scientific materialism is a necessary component. He co-wrote and stars in Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, a film that aims to persuade viewers that the theory of evolution was instrumental to the rise of the eugenics movement, Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust, and portrays advocates of intelligent design as victims of intellectual discrimination by the scientific community, which has rejected intelligent design as creationist pseudoscience.”
Makes it sound kind of like evolution is like evil-solution or something. I read somewhere that Dawkins and his evilution friends were trying to get the people who deny evilution treated like Holocaust deniers!! I can’t believe the world has suddenly got to the point where it’s okay to deny God but not okay to deny evilution!! I just don’t get where we’re going with all this stuff. Scary to think someone could pass a law somewhere on the planet that says people who believe in God and deny evilution could be sent to prison or something like Holocaust deniers. Dawkins sounds like some kind of mad scientist scheming to sort of ethnically cleanse the world of faith!! Can anyone really do that? Oh yeah, they did that in the Soviet Union before it collapsed, I remember…
God bless,
I’m reading a different version, “Aquinas’s Shorter Summa: Saint Thomas’s Own Concise Version of His Summa Theologica”. Good luck to you, Aquinas is such a worthwhile read, slow though (for me anyways, I’m a quick reader and there is a lot of rereading involved here).“A Shorter Summa” by Peter Kreeft (Ignatius Press)