OutinChgoburbs;4405612Then you must also read *Anthem
[/QUOTE said:
. If you have not already done so of course…Both books are much shorter than Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead but convey a lot of the same thought
Not all of objectivism is abhorrent. While some parts are in direct conflict with Catholic Faith and Practice, the idea that it is not selfish to be able to keep what belongs to one and use it as one sees fit is a very old idea. Rand distinguishes between choosing to give way what one has, as through charity, and having it taken through force by government.
I have read them all. One does not have to agree with a philosophy to understand and appreciate it. Sometimes Rands philosophy can be very thought provoking and there is nothing wrong with that. As a child reading her helped me develop my own ‘question authority’ attitudes which I hold today. I read Anthem first (a very long time ago), if I remember correct it is about Those that rule dictating life for those that don’t ie. Government taking away personal choices until there are none to take away. Good book since I read it in childhood and still remember it.
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