What books are you reading?

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*I Should Have Seen It Coming When The Rabbit Died *
by Teresa Bloomingdale.

I loved that book, but it’s out of print now; may be used copies on Amazon or at used book stores. I gave it to my Mom but read it first.

This is great!🙂

Prayer: The Great Conversation - Peter Kreeft
Fundamentals of the Faith - Peter Kreeft
Distinctively Catholic - Fr. Dan Donovan

And more to come!!!
Among other things, Witness to Hope by George Weigel. Just started it-has anyone read it?

I always have several books on the go
  1. Summa contra gentiles Thomas Aquinas (good brain candy)
  2. St Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox by GK Chesterton (boring …more style than substance … but i paid $15 for it, so I’ll finish it off)
  3. Lettres Philosphiques by Voltaire (actually that one’s sitting ready to be my ‘read while I commute book’ once I’ve finished with Chesterton)
  4. LOTH … twice a day, every day
  5. Cantique des cantiques (Song of Solomon) (a little poetry never hurts … especially since I’m too much of a logical type … need to expand my horizons 🙂 )
  6. La nuit obscure (Dark night of the soul) St Jean de la Croix (St John of the Cross) (stuff I can relate to :o )
  7. Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings
  8. Usually I have a piece of fiction on the go. Just finished the 4th Harry Potter book … looking around for something else.
I always have several books going at once, to suit my moods.

Luke (Navarre Bible) - for my weekly hour of Eucharistic Adoration

Picture of Dorian Gray (EXCELLENT book by Wilde, sort of a study on the soul and confession)

Anne of Green Gables (reading for the zillionth time – such a sweet book)

Jurassic Park (for the third time – fun summer reading)

The New AntiCatholicism by Philip Jenkins (depressing)

Recently finished Brideshead Revisited (for the second time) – a MOST excellent book about the faith. The hilarious thing is, gay folks consider the TV series “their own,” but it couldn’t be further from that, A wonderful book about the deep roots of Catholicism and redemption. Makes me cry! I shouted out “YES!” when I read the final chapter – the meaning of which was lost on me when I first read it decades ago.

And I guess that is it – today. Tomorrow I’ll certainly add something new to the mix!

I can’t believe out of all the posts on this thread, only one person is currently reading something by G.K. Chesterton! He is IMHO the hands-down best Catholic thinker/writer (even before he became Catholic) of the early 20th century.

(OK, true confession: I’m not reading any of his works at the moment).

I am reading or just finished:
The Summa of the Summa by Peter Kreeft (I don’t have the time for the whole Summa. Well, OK, I don’t really have time for this excellent annotated review either!)
The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort
The Soul of a Lion (Alice von Hildebrand’s biography of her husband Dietrich)
G.K. Chesterton: The Apostle of Common Sense by Dale Ahlquist
The Holy Bible (I re-read it continuously by alternating in this fashion: 1) one of the Gospels; 2) one of N.T. Epistles/Acts/Revelation; 3) O.T. book(s); 4) back to a Gospel. This way I hit every Gospel at least once per year, and the entire Bible every two years or so.

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.” G.K. Chesterton, What’s Wrong With the World
“A Brief History of the Catholic Church” (fascinating and moves along at a good pace)
“Theology for Beginners” (Fulton Sheen - extremely difficult but worth it)
“The Roman Catholic Controversy” (Protestant apologetics book by James White. I traded with my Fundamentalist friend, who agreed to read “Catholicism and Fundamentalism”)
“Handbook of Prayers” (nice reference)
“This Rock” (subscriber via Radio Club member)
Several other non-religious books I haven’t had time to get to

Theology of the Body Explained by Christopher West

Eat the Rich by P.J. O’ Rourke

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy by James B. South

and a book on Pilates
Letters to a Young Catholic by George Weigel. I have really enjoyed the different vignettes that he has used to present the history and traditions found in the Catholic faith. 👍
BTW it is for Catholics of all ages:)
Bobbi Brown Beauty, Bobby Brown
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Ann Catherine Emmerich
More Than Money, Neil Cavuto
The I.R.A., Tim Pat Coogan

I just finished The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel, Arrogance and Bias by Bernard Goldber and The Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Bobbi Brown Beauty, Bobby Brown
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Ann Catherine Emmerich
More Than Money, Neil Cavuto
The I.R.A., Tim Pat Coogan

I just finished The Courage to be Catholic by George Weigel, Arrogance and Bias by Bernard Goldber and The Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Wow, you must love to read! And I bet you’re a wonderful wife too.

Three books, aside from the Bible, that have changed my life have been:
  1. In His Steps by Charles Sheldon
  2. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
  3. Boundaries by John Townsend and Henry Cloud (actually, Boundaries in Marriage is wondeful too!)

  1. *]Fatima Priest by Francis Alban
    *]Lepanto by G.K. Chesterton
    *]Chosen for a Purpose by Eva Benton
    *]a book about C.S. Lewis and his writings which I’ve misplaced:crying: , temporarily:rolleyes:

    Recent and no so recent reads available for discussion:

    1. *]Rome Sweet Home by Scott & Kimberly Hahn
      *]The Truth About Mary in Three Volumes by Robert Payesko
      *]Pope Fiction by Patrick Madrid
      *]TRIUMPH, The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church: A 2.000 YEAR HISTORY by H.W. Crocker III
      *]A Tourguide to Heaven

      Forgive this post which goes just beyond the limits of the topic, but not too far.
Witness To Hope by George Weigel

True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis De Montfort (transaltion by Fr. Federick Faber)

Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross (transaltion by E. Allison Peers)

For a great modern Catholic novel, try The Endless Knot by William L. Biersach. Very entertaining and educational at the same time.
The Spirit of Catholicism by Karl Adam (which I cannot put down, EVERYONE HERE needs to get a copy of this book and read it
 i have a few copies available to sell, email me
 if you'd like to buy.
For scripture= Ignatius Catholic Study Bible- The Gospel of John


Life Giving Love- Kimberly Hahn

God and Ronald Reagan- Paul Kengor

Praying Like Jesus- James Mulholland

finished- The New Faithful- Colleen Carroll- great read!!
  1. Salvation Is from the Jews, Roy H. Schoeman: very interesting perspective on the role of the Jews in salvation history by a Hebrew Catholic.
  2. Letters to a Young Catholic, George Weigel: great read for young and old alike.
  3. D-Day, Stephen Ambrose: Finished this around 6/4.
  4. Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church, a 2,000-Year History, H. W. Crocker: Great reference book.
Most of my reading time is devoted to the Bible. I have never read the entire thing, so I am working on that first.

I have started 2 other books also:

“Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis
“Where We Got the Bible…Our Debt To the Catholic Church” by Henry Graham

I also have to read some boring books not worth mentioning for the Masters of Science degree I am working on.
Ellen Marie:
Among other things, Witness to Hope by George Weigel. Just started it-has anyone read it?

Hi- I’ve read it… well, actually listened to it on tape… It was very enjoyable. I think you’ll like it.
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