What bugs you at Mass?

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Maybe the honeymoon is over (I’m a new convert) … but yesterday at Mass, I was irritated… :ehh:

It’s that early Exodus syndrome. Some leave right after or soon after they receive Communion. :eek: A flood of people leave right after the priest recesses (how demoralizing and insulting to the choir). St. Augustine taught: Singing is praying twice. Well, actually, he said, “Singing well is praying twice.” Granted, I may not sing well, but it is for me a sacred time to glorify Him in song before I leave and definitely a part of worship.

I was so tempted to put up a sign at every door:
“Arrive before the priest processes; leave after the last hymn is sung.” Any suggestions to remedy this situation?

For that matter, what bugs you at Mass?

In God’s Light ,
Peace Pilgrim
A Spiritual Journey
Peace Pilgrim:
Any suggestions to remedy this situation?
 Probably the best suggestion I could give you.  Focus your attention on God before, during, and after the mass.  You can never read the hearts of others, or know what is going on in their heads.  What is absolutely obvious to you could be entirely false.  Even if it isn't, realize that everyone has their own experiences, their own personalities, methods of worship, ways of life.  It's a wonderful thing that the Catholic Church is able to accept everyone and bring us all together in the mass.  But what's even more beautiful than the unity of the mass is the fact that it takes place among so many tiny differences.  

 No two people will ever put exactly the same into a mass, and no two people will ever get exactly the same out of one.  I often find myself judging people because they come late, leave early, don't genuflect, talk quietly during mass, laugh, wear inappropriate clothing, etc.  But someone once mentioned that the big thing, the most important thing, was that for some reason they got up and brought themselves to the mass, and are participating in it in their own way and possibly to the best of their ability.  But that's not for us to judge.  We can only worship the way we know how and allow others to do the same, all united under one wonderful, loving mother Church and under one amazing and loving God.  Isn't it great?
Hang in there Peace Pilgrim. I heard some excellent advice from a priest, he said, “Never let anything or anyone separate you from the Church.”
Sometimes, I don’t think some people dress appropriately for Mass.
What bugs me at Mass the most is women that dress inappropriately.
How people dress and arriving after the priest has started.

People using cell phones. Our church actually asks people to cut their phone off during mass or phones would be ringing all the time. How rude is that to talk in mass?
I sing in thechoir.
Last Sunday, DURING THE CONSECRATION!!!, 3 of the choir members, including the director, began a discussion on the closing song.
I was so angry but not wanting to SAY anything it this sacred time, I just glared at them.
They just kept on talking. :mad:
People chatting noisely before mass. Lack of reverance, reminds me of the non-denominational mega church I used to attend.
If some of those things bother you at Mass, ask the Parish priest to make an announcement with regards to those things or ask to have it posted in the bulletin as an announcement; I’ve seen it done. Or better yet, do what my parish priest did:
He stuck a laminated notice on the back of every pew that listed 4 or 5 things one should not do during Mass some of which included not chewing gum, dressing appropriately as it is the House of the Lord, observing a reverent silence (not talking). I’ve seen great improvement.
I’ve seen another Priest post an announcement in the Bulletin not to leave Mass until after the whole Mass is done, and until the song has finished. God bless you.
lol just to clarify, with regards to what my parish priest did—posting the notice on the back of the pews (see above post) I don’t actually mean that you do it yourself but rather to suggest it to your parish priest and say that you would make the notices if need be. lol ask permission 😛 of course, and ask him (the Priest) to edit the notices if he does allow it God bless.
the most important thing, was that for some reason they got up and brought themselves to the mass, and are participating in it in their own way and possibly to the best of their ability. But that’s not for us to judge. We can only worship the way we know how and allow others to do the same, all united under one wonderful, loving mother Church and under one amazing and loving God. Isn’t it great?
I agree 100% with this…

Rather than look at it from “those annoying inconsiderate disrespectful people!!!” maybe it should be looked at as “how can we help them be more considerate and respectful?”

I would think that a reminder of the importance of staying for the full mass, explaining again the importance of the choir, and letting them know the message it sends out when they leave early or talk, etc. would suffice.

It bothers me that people give me dirty looks at mass for whatever the reason. Maybe I am being inconsiderate and annoying but it is not that they are asking me to be quiet (for example), but how they ask. It bothers me that people are not patient or understanding of others. Think about the fact that not everyone grew up going to church, we are not all familiar with mass etiquette as others.

The majority of the time I do stay for mass the untill the the priest leaves, in fact in the two years that I’ve been going I’ve only left early like 3 times. That was only because at the time I was struggling with other things in my life and felt pressed for time. I cut out early and then I repented and try not to do that anymore. Which I haven’t since then.

I think that being patronizing or antagonistic to others is just as bad as their offences at mass. My advice is to just be loving, understanding, and patient with your brothers and sisters.
Peace Pilgrim:
Maybe the honeymoon is over (I’m a new convert) … but yesterday at Mass, I was irritated… :ehh:

It’s that early Exodus syndrome. Some leave right after or soon after they receive Communion. :eek: A flood of people leave right after the priest recesses (how demoralizing and insulting to the choir). St. Augustine taught: Singing is praying twice. Well, actually, he said, “Singing well is praying twice.” Granted, I may not sing well, but it is for me a sacred time to glorify Him in song before I leave and definitely a part of worship.

I was so tempted to put up a sign at every door:
“Arrive before the priest processes; leave after the last hymn is sung.” Any suggestions to remedy this situation?
For that matter, what bugs you at Mass?
Actually though you wouldn’t know this, the problem of people leaving straight after Communion is now less common than it was a few years ago, when many people had a very legalistic mindset about the minimum requirement to fulfil their obligation to go to Mass.

Leaving during the final hymn is not really an insult to the choir. It’s a “recessional” hymn, which means we’re meant to sing it AS WE’RE GOING OUT. When the priest says, “The Mass is ended, go in peace” we are actually meant to GO. After waiting respectfully for the priest and servers to process out first of course. And of course after we leave the church, we can stay in the porch or the front yard of the Church as long as we like, communicating with other members of the parish community. And of course it’s rude to, as some do, loudly chatter while leaving their pew while others are trying to sing.
The only thing that really bothers me is lack of reverence when receiving the eucharist. I see people holding a child and just taking it in their one hand (not both), putting it in their mouth while walking away. I have small children, so I’ve been in the same boat, and personally I think if you can’t use both hands to receive, then we should have them place it directy in our mouths. I know it’s uncomfortable for some, but once you get past it, it’s great. I never receive in my hand anymore, even if I have both hands free. To each their own, though.
What bugs me at Mass? Hearing the phrase “This Thursday is a Holy Day of Obligation”. I do not like to attend Mass because I’m obligated. That implies I’m only going because I have to. I go simply because I love the Mass and I love to be closer to the Lord.

I prefer to call it “A Holy Day of Opportunity”!

It really bugs me to see smirky, bored looking altar boys. Last Sunday at the 10:00 there was a young man who is about 14 who was really uninspiring. He was slouchy, looked utterly bored, and kept laughing at the antics of his younger brother in the front row. It was really distracting.
The only thing that really bothers me is lack of reverence when receiving the eucharist. I see people holding a child and just taking it in their one hand (not both), putting it in their mouth while walking away. I have small children, so I’ve been in the same boat, and personally I think if you can’t use both hands to receive, then we should have them place it directy in our mouths. I know it’s uncomfortable for some, but once you get past it, it’s great. I never receive in my hand anymore, even if I have both hands free. To each their own, though.
Yes, me too. Aside from the cheesy music apparent in our hymnbooks, and repetitious homiles, the Eucharist has to be the worst place for lack of reverence.

I have been to Reconciliation, and we only have one day for it. Only about ten people come to Confession. However, we have 4 Masses (1 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday), and almost EVERYONE take the Eucharist, and I know some of the Parishioners who are Catholic in name only.

Every time I partake of the Divine Gifts and eat of His Body and drink of His Blood, there are people, from my age to adults who take the Holy Bread, eat it quickly, speed up an excuse for the Signum Crucis and then go to their seat. Not only that, but every Mass I go to, people all stop their prayers at the same time after Consecration, while I feel so horribly embarrassed because I still want to pray because it is the Eucharist that is about to be received.

Sometimes, I just want to move parishes, because I can tolerate an iffy homily, bad music, and even hand-holding during the Our Father (which I don’t see as a problem). However, I just can’t tolerate the lack of respect for the Eucharistic gifts. I don’t want to judge, but I know that some people should never take the Eucharist unless they go to Confession first. (This is why I go to Mass alone; my mother does not want to go to Reconciliation [she’s a lapsed Catholic anyways], and my brothers see religion as a bothersome institution).

This is how much the Eucharist is important to me. sigh
I don’t go to church looking for things to complain about. However sometimes you don’t have to look too hard. There are 2 things that I find very irritating: adults who yakkety yak and “undisciplined” children.
~ Kathy ~
i sometimes leave church after the eucharist. im not a very good driver and sometimes i have to get out of the car park first to be on the safe side. but it happens rarely, i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
What can you say about other people at Mass. I used to go to Church and get nothing out of it. One day, I saw a lady in Mass that seemed to be getting so much more out of the Mass than I was. She experienced pure joy all the way through the service.

I finally realized, that the difference was me. We were sitting through the exact same service and I was the one who found it lacking. This was one of the reasons I started looking more into the Church.

I guess what I’m trying to get at, is we can affect others. If we show the Eucharist the reverence it deserves, and lead by example, maybe others will realize that there might just be something here that they are missing.

One thing I know for sure - you’re not going to convert anyone with frowns and dirty looks. Remember, it’s between you and the Lord, not you and them.

There’s a lot of things:
  1. Kids walking around. (You don’t see that on EWTN’s Daily Mass. :whistle: )
  2. People walk in late even when Father’s giving the homily for crying out loud!
  3. When non-priests give out the Eucharist…I thought that was the Priest’s job!
  4. When I’m kneeling trying to pray before Mass, people walk through and wanna sit in the same pew and they tell you “excuse me” and I have to interrupt my praying, get up from kneeling to let them walk through then go back to praying (then forget what I was praying about! :banghead: ).
  5. Women wear these too short skirts. A nice way to cause a man to sin! :mad:
  6. Yes, people leave after receiving the Eucharist.
  7. When Mass doesn’t match that of EWTN!!! :hmmm:
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