What bugs you at Mass?

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melbourne_guy said:
i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:

Some of us aren’t Catholic yet…soon, though.
i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
Well, would you rather have someone who ain’t Catholic yet to take the Eucharist and make a sacralige and offend the CC or would you rather have them sitting in the pews? 😛
The only thing that really bothers me is lack of reverence when receiving the eucharist. I see people holding a child and just taking it in their one hand (not both), putting it in their mouth while walking away. I have small children, so I’ve been in the same boat, and personally I think if you can’t use both hands to receive, then we should have them place it directy in our mouths. I know it’s uncomfortable for some, but once you get past it, it’s great. I never receive in my hand anymore, even if I have both hands free. To each their own, though.
Agreed. Although I usually receive in the hand, when my children were young and I was carrying them on my way to receive the eucharist I needed both of my hands for the child. One to hold them, and the other to hold their hands (so they don’t grab at something they shouldn’t). Time to stick out that tongue!
I am so happy to be there to participate and recieve the Body and Blood of our Lord nothing else seems to be a problem. I look at it as another situation where I can represent Christ. 🙂 🙂
i sometimes leave church after the eucharist. im not a very good driver and sometimes i have to get out of the car park first to be on the safe side. but it happens rarely, i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
Hey, Melborne Guy, have some pity on us. There are some of us who aren’t yet Catholic.

I, for one, have been attending mass for over a year on a regular basis, but didn’t start RCIA classes until this past autumn. It’ll be Easter before I am eligible to receive the eucharist.

I do realize that after the first of the year, the other RCIA folks and I will be asked to depart after the homily. For now, however, I do remain through the entire mass (even though it means stepping out of the pew when everyone leaves to participate in communion…and even though it means having them look at me funny. I may as well have a neon sign flashing over my head “MORTAL SIN! MORTAL SIN” :eek: )
I do get annoyed when parents ignore their children and then the children are going nuts. Tap dancing is great just not on the pews Same with the fist fights over the blue crayon.

The worst ones for me are that people give me dirty looks for not recieving Communion with everybody else

And, the ones that give me dirty looks for my son crying on the way to go change his diaper, I am trying to get out quickly.
…a person or two that prays and sings out of synchronization with the rest…or above the rest …much too loud :whacky:
i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point?
There are several very good reasons why people may, and in fact MUST, do this:
  1. As mentioned, they are adult catechumens (RCIA candidates) who have not yet received their first Communion; or possibly non-Catholic visitors who attend to find out what the Church is about, or to accompany relatives/friends/people they are taking care of.
  2. They are Catholics who are BOUND by the Church’s law to attend Mass each Sunday, but are FORBIDDEN to receive Communion because they have:
  • (inadvertently or through necessity) eaten food or drunk liquids other than water within the previous hour;
  • or have committed mortal sin which they have not yet confessed in the Sacrament of Reconciliation;
  • or (occasionally) because they have already received Communion that day (or intend to receive it at a later Mass).
Rather than get aggravated, you should be glad to see people who are trying their best to keep the laws of the Church.
When non-priests give out the Eucharist…I thought that was the Priest’s job!
You thought wrong. The Church has allowed lay people to distribute the Eucharist for many years.
  1. When I’m kneeling trying to pray before Mass, people walk through and wanna sit in the same pew and they tell you “excuse me” and I have to interrupt my praying, get up from kneeling to let them walk through then go back to praying (then forget what I was praying about!
Why don’t you try going to the middle of the pew instead of the end, so that people don’t have to squeeze past you?
Women wear these too short skirts. A nice way to cause a man to sin!
I’m not defending people wearing immodest clothing, but men see women in short skirts all the time on the street, at work etc. If men can’t control their lustful thoughts in church of all places, how do they control them on the street? Oh and while these women may TEMPT a man to sin, they do not “CAUSE a man to sin”. Sin is a personal decision freely made by the sinner, not “caused” by anyone else.
The worst ones for me are that people give me dirty looks for not recieving Communion with everybody else
And, the ones that give me dirty looks for my son crying on the way to go change his diaper, I am trying to get out quickly.
I know they FEEL like “dirty looks” because you are aware of being the centre of attention. But I’m sure in almost every case they are looks of sympathy, or just blank looks which don’t “mean” anything in particular.
i sometimes leave church after the eucharist. im not a very good driver and sometimes i have to get out of the car park first to be on the safe side. but it happens rarely, i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
Not everyone at mass can receive communion. For instance, if I have not been to confession for a mortal sin, I do not receive communion. It is still my religious obligation to attend mass and participate in the liturgy.

Also, people may be going to mass to try it out and have not yet been received. At this point they would not be able to receive communion. This judgement of yours is not well thought out.
Where do I begin? There are a lot of things that bug me. Here are some of them:
  1. People talk before and after the mass
  2. Choir practice just before the mass
  3. People dress if they are on their way to a beach, a park or shopping
  4. The priest omits / skips parts of prayers or gestures
  5. Home made bread (there is even a ‘ministry’ to do that) instead of hosts
Nothing bugs me at Mass. I look forward to it and crying children, the way people dress etc etc do not bother me because my focus is on why I am there and that is to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
It seems to me that many people go to Mass with the main focus on trying to find abuses or things that annoy them!
Nothing bugs me at Mass. I look forward to it and crying children, the way people dress etc etc do not bother me because my focus is on why I am there and that is to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
It seems to me that many people go to Mass with the main focus on trying to find abuses or things that annoy them!
Gee, I wish we were all as spiritual as you, thistle! You are pretty holy, I will admit! 👍
Gee, I wish we were all as spiritual as you, thistle! You are pretty holy, I will admit! 👍
I wouldn’t say I’m that holy. I simply know why I go to Mass and don’t let anything distract me.
I’m British but live in the Philippines and from what I read in many of the forums here I think people from USA would have a hard time at Mass here. There is movement at the sign of peace, crying children, people talking, hand holding during the Our Father but nobody complains because they are there to receive Jesus. Everone is happy to be there. My local church has 10 Masses on a Sunday and they are all packed to overflowing. The church is open on three sides (locked overnight by grills) so the additional people are sitting on plastic chairs at the side and even standing outside. If Mass attendences are declining in the west they definitely are not declining here. I guess what I am saying is that everyone should forget about little things that might annoy them and focus on the main reason for being at Mass.
I guess what I am saying is that everyone should forget about little things that might annoy them and focus on the main reason for being at Mass.
You said this beautifully. In life there are going to be situations and people that annoy us, but we shouldn’t let it get to us. Even more so with the Mass. I used to get distracted by things like people coming in late, kids fussing when they shouldn’t be (not babies or tiny tots!),people talking, but I realized that how I approach these things is my problem, not theirs. Of course we should be reverent, try to be on time, etc, but things happen. We’re there to worship God, we shouldn’t let anything annoy us during this time!
Dear thistle,
Wow, it really does sound like folks in the Philipines have the right spirit. I must say, us Americans really do sound rather less spiritual than our Philipino brothers and sisters. Do you have an explanation as to the general superiority of the people who go to church with you there?
Dear thistle,
Wow, it really does sound like folks in the Philipines have the right spirit. I must say, us Americans really do sound rather less spiritual than our Philipino brothers and sisters. Do you have an explanation as to the general superiority of the people who go to church with you there?
I wouldn’t say they are superior. It might be with half the country living below the poverty line that they fully surrender themselves to God and put their trust in him. Everywhere you go there are signs on billboards, buses, taxies, jeepnies (mode of transport) about Jesus. Most people talk about Jesus every day here and nobody gets annoyed when anyone mentions him in a conversation.
Apart from EWTN there are local Catholic tv channels. This is the country that started the “Get the 3 o’clock habit” meaning to pray the Divine Mercy every day at 3pm.
Some commercial buildings have small chapels where people can attend a lunchtime Mass or just go to pray.
The country is 85% Catholic so there are about 76 million Catholics here.
Depsite most being poor the people are the warmest and friendliest people I have met.
Everyone loves our Lord Jesus and that’s why the Sunday Masses are well attended and nobody is bothered by trivial things that might annoy some.
… i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point?
Yes, there often is. If someone is in a state of mortal sin (soul cut off from the sanctifying grace due to committing a grave sin with full knowledge and assent of the will), then it is sacrelige to receive the Eucharist. It is still good to go to Mass however… the readings and homily may help the poor sinner that is brave enough to go… and may bolster his confidence enough for him to go to confession also.

Another reason for people to attend Mass and not receive the Eucharist is if they break the fast. I believe that the fast is 1 hour in North America (I’m not sure about other parts of the world).

Don’t let it bother you that people do not receive. Pray for them instead, because they’re depending upon you to participate and intercede for them.

OP, try asking the priest to make an announcement informing the congregation of the need to stay until after the closing prayer and the procession of the clergy and the servers. Or you could offer your services as an usher, then kindly remind people when they are going to leave before the appropriate time that they should stay until the entire Mass is finished.

As far as what bothers me… oh my, its a long list. 😦

I suppose some things that are completely unnecessary that bother me are:
  1. people talking before, during, or after Mass in the church… some people are trying to pray.
  2. inappropriate music that isn’t conducive to prayer… especially music with a snare drum or electrical guitars (no, I’m not kidding… unfortunately)
  3. poorly dressed people, especially women (because I’m a guy, and I don’t need to kneel down to pray and see that the lady in front of me is wearing an interesting colour of undergarments!)
  4. extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion at every Mass… not needed, and not appreciated… there are many other ways to serve the Lord.
  5. glass or clay vessels… this is specifically forbidden in Canon Law, is it not?
I’ll leave it at that for now. I basically keep my eyes shut and my head down during Mass these days, just to shut out all the distractions that occur (abuses or not). The things that used to bother me so much that I’d miss half the Mass now bother me less and I am able to go the entire Mass without distraction (oddly enough it’s easier when my girlfriend is by my side :rolleyes: ).

God bless,

i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
Actually, even if someone is a state of mortal sin and cannot take Communion, they are obliged to attend Sunday Mass as Sundays are days of obligation and its a sin not to go to Mass.
What really bugs me is when people carry on conversations before Mass starts. It is hard to Pray and listen to Jesus when I hear people behind me two rows taliking about the Football Game comming on in a few hours. Also, right at the end of Mass people flock out before the Priest, and the whole church starts talking (like a protestant Church!) 85% of our Church doesnt genuflect(spelling?) Alot of people dont dress appropriate for worshiping the Lord. These things bug me. Our Priest never addresses any of them as well and that also bug’s me.
Ok, here’s my biggest problems:

People talking throughout the homily and the readings complaining about the music, or they don’t like the architecture, or they think the priest should learn to speak English (we have a lot of foreign priests). There is a time and place to address what may very well be legitimate concerns, but during the readings, homily, and the CONSECRATION is NOT that time!!! Then the people who are incredibly disrespectful (talking during the consecration about how they think the piano player is attractive, playing Game Boy, ect).

I realize that it’s a good thing that they’re there, because especially for college students, it’s not “cool” to go to Mass. However, there is a certain kind of behavior that I think should be expected. Would someone have a cell phone conversation at a business meeting? No, probably not. So why should that behavior be acceptable in Mass?

The only thing I feel I can (and should) really do though is pray for those people, that they will know what it is they are about to receive, and that the Eucharist will help them in whatever they need help with.
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