What bugs you at Mass?

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Nothing bugs me at Mass. I look forward to it and crying children, the way people dress etc etc do not bother me because my focus is on why I am there and that is to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
It seems to me that many people go to Mass with the main focus on trying to find abuses or things that annoy them!
I agree completely, plus, when I was growing up, it seemed everyone had children, and lots of them and we didn’t have “crying rooms”, so if children bother some people so much, then perhaps you ought to arrive early and sit in the front pews. Actually, it might be better if those with little one’s arrived early and sat in front so they could see what is going on. I don’t know, it just seems to me that some people are there for a “show” and not for the right reason at all. Sometimes when I read through these threads it just seems to me like I long for the “good old days” when everyone prayed with and for one another, and didn’t have a clue who’s child was crying, or care, because sometimes children do that. Of course, back then, no one would have dared dress like some do now at Mass now either. Maybe what we all need to do is focus on Jesus more, and one another less, much less.
if children bother some people so much, then perhaps you ought to arrive early and sit in the front pews.
Good idea. The noisy children are what I find most distracting. I’ll try your suggestion.
i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
Yes, there is: praise God in the public prayer of the Church, the Holy Liturgy.

Besides, praise those who remain seated for conscience of grave sin, for they’re not dessecrating the Holy Eucharist.

I’m not defending people wearing immodest clothing, but men see women in short skirts all the time on the street, at work etc. If men can’t control their lustful thoughts in church of all places, how do they control them on the street? Oh and while these women may TEMPT a man to sin, they do not “CAUSE a man to sin”. Sin is a personal decision freely made by the sinner, not “caused” by anyone else.
It’s amazing that there are always people trying to defend lack of modesty, even when saying that they aren’t defending it…

Exposing your neighbor to an occasion of sin or near sin is a sin.

And, BTW, the lustful thoughts also take place on the streets, at work, etc. Can’t we be spared this temptation at church either? Can we have some peace to praise the Lord instead of fighting Satan?

If even St. Anthony rolled on thorns to quench his lustful temptations, what do you think us Catholic men of a much lesser caliber go through?

Do you have an explanation as to the general superiority of the people who go to church with you there?
I wouldn’t say superiority, but stronger family ties help.

I had never heard of families not dining together, parents eagerly expecting to get rid of their kids after high-school or off to summer camp, each family member watching his or her own TV in the bedroom alone, etc, :tsktsk: before immigrating to the US.

why…the Geckoes of course…they are distracting when they are eating the bugs,
why…the Geckoes of course…they are distracting when they are eating the bugs,

But they are suppose to be good luck!
What bugs me about the mass, is the way that NO ONE seems to act like they believe that Jesus is truly in the Blessed Eucharist. All throughout the Bible, when people are faced with so much as an angel from God, they fall prostrate on their faces and have to be told to arise and be not afraid. Yet people at mass DARE to take Him in their hands like chips and dip, and don’t even kneel! Some bow beforehand, but in China, they bow to each other in the street all the time! That isn’t any kind of recognition. WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE??? We are receiving the Lord of Creation within ourselves and we don’t even have the proprity to kneeL??? People are required to kneel when they meet the Queen of England, and in the eternal scheme of things—SHE IS NOTHING! I spend every Sunday crying during mass for the disrespect that is shown Him by the very people who should love Him.
Wow, everyone on this thread is so spiritual! Either they have better ettiquette in church, a proper solemn attitude towards the Eucharist, or else they are so incredibly holy that they are way above having a critical thought about their fellow worshipper! Just read all the responses and you’ll see how humble and in union with the Divine everyone is! 👍
Good idea. The noisy children are what I find most distracting. I’ll try your suggestion.
I can understand that people desire and need to take thier children to Mass. But bringing a bag full of toys isn’t teaching these children what Mass is all about.

When the attempts to quiet an unruly child fails after a couple of attempts – please remove them from the service! Disapline them (outside the church) , and try again the follwing week.

Sitting up front doesn’t help much in our church The speakers system is such that a screming child still over speaks the Priest.

When the attempts to quiet an unruly child fails after a couple of attempts – please remove them from the service! Disapline them (outside the church) , and try again the follwing week.

ok—I have a technical question. How can I change the font for my postings? When I click on changes, it just prints what I’ve changed it to, and the print stays the same. Is there some kind of save button I have to hit or something? I don’t get it. I’m a technical unwizard. (?)
i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
I just returned to the Church after a 35 year hiatus. I have yet to go to confession, figuring I should probably make an appointment rather than spend 20 minutes in the confessional. I am certain there are many who take communion without going to confession first. I would rather NOT do that, so in the meantime I worship, enjoy the mass, enjoy the music, and try to get brave enough to go to confession with that ream of notes in my hand.
I just returned to the Church after a 35 year hiatus. I have yet to go to confession, figuring I should probably make an appointment rather than spend 20 minutes in the confessional. I am certain there are many who take communion without going to confession first. I would rather NOT do that, so in the meantime I worship, enjoy the mass, enjoy the music, and try to get brave enough to go to confession with that ream of notes in my hand.
We will keep you in our prayers and offer communion tomorrow for your good confession so you wont be in any ones way 🙂
Is it only me or is there a certain hostility towards children expressed either explicitly or implicitly here? Enough already!

No wonder the US were the first Western country to legalize the slaughter of children in the womb… :tsktsk:

It’s amazing that there are always people trying to defend lack of modesty, even when saying that they aren’t defending it…

Exposing your neighbor to an occasion of sin or near sin is a sin.

And, BTW, the lustful thoughts also take place on the streets, at work, etc. Can’t we be spared this temptation at church either? Can we have some peace to praise the Lord instead of fighting Satan?
If even St. Anthony rolled on thorns to quench his lustful temptations, what do you think us Catholic men of a much lesser caliber go through?
The women of our time are going to have a LOT to answer for in this regard. And I am a woman. I do not, however, dress immodestly. But I would have to say that the way women dress is even distracting to women! I’ve stood behind 70+ year old women, who stand there with their pants puckering up in unmentionable places, and it is distracting to me—not to mention ugly. How offensive this must be to Our Lady!
Is it only me or is there a certain hostility towards children expressed either explicitly or implicitly here? Enough already!

No wonder the US were the first Western country to legalize the slaughter of children in the womb… :tsktsk:

Dear Augustine

Children naturally are closer to God by their incapacity to sin and because of their incapacity to sin they are in communion with God and the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs and they live in it and go to it if they die as a child (given the age of them) and as such should anyone ever dispise any of these little ones and shun them or deter them from the Holy Altar of God then they would do well to remember that the angels of these little ones look directly at the face of God and the Kingdom of God is that of a child and the childlike love and trust of God.

If communion with God is disturbed by the cries of a child then I hardly believe for one minute that the person disturbed ever had true communion with God for it to be so easily broken, peace begins within and if it is taken away by a child crying, talking, giggling etc, then it wasn’t any peace to begin with and not the peace of Christ who beckoned the children to Him.

Piety is not to shush everyone around you, but to see the Christ within others.

I am tired of this kind of psuedo piety that condemns others without even loving the other. Jesus is not a condemner! It is only humanity that condemns oh and satan the accuser. Love excuses, love forgives, read the pslams if you don’t believe me!

Faith is a family and that includes children and all that goes with them.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you always and to your wife

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