What bugs you at Mass?

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There is no requirement for people to say these or any other words. They are only asked to “offer a sign” to each other. Depending on culture, age, sex, and how well you know your neighbours this could be the word “peace”, a handshake, kiss, hug. bow, or, yes, the two-fingered sign popularised by the hippies.
Hi there Petergee - oh thank you for Posting, now I do not feel quite so foolish!:o for resurrecting a thread a long 12 months cold!..

Peace to you brother! (complete with the two-fingered peace sign popularised in the hippie era and now universally known)…if I turn to someone I know in Mass for the sign of Peace its not unknown for me to give a little hippie peace sign.

Well said in your Post Petergee!

No matter how we express or say it, its communicating sincerity that is the core element.

B arb
What bugs me about the mass, is the way that NO ONE seems to act like they believe that Jesus is truly in the Blessed Eucharist. All throughout the Bible, when people are faced with so much as an angel from God, they fall prostrate on their faces and have to be told to arise and be not afraid. Yet people at mass DARE to take Him in their hands like chips and dip, and don’t even kneel! Some bow beforehand, but in China, they bow to each other in the street all the time! That isn’t any kind of recognition. WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE??? We are receiving the Lord of Creation within ourselves and we don’t even have the proprity to kneeL??? People are required to kneel when they meet the Queen of England, and in the eternal scheme of things—SHE IS NOTHING! I spend every Sunday crying during mass for the disrespect that is shown Him by the very people who should love Him.
I assume these are not Chinese people you are talking about, so the customs of China are irrelevant. And there are many different types of bows in Chinese (and Japanese) culture. When meeting acquaintances on the street, they nod their heads. When meeting a very important person they bow more deeply. A deep and prolonged bow is reserved only for their god/s.

And I certainly would not kneel if I met the Queen of England. I kneel only to God. When receiving communion I do as the priest does - I genuflect beforehand then receive standing up. Some prefer to bow or make another sign of reverence instead of genuflecting and this is quite permissible.

I do agree with your annoyance at people who pick up the host casually like a potato crisp while turning away, but I try not to let these things bug me at Mass; I’m sure all of us do things which some other people find distracting, annoying or irreverent.
“Man judges by outward appearances…but The Lord reads the heart” (l Samuel 16:7)…very often things are not what they seem to my sight, which after all is only what appears to be so to our own perspective and attitude on the matter. Where fault? in what appears to be so…or in my perspective and attitude which is interpreting what appears? But as has been pointed out already, I may score a plus here, but then a minus over there!..we cannot escape our own sinfulness somewhere or other for sure.
Being an Aussie I appreciate the boomerang, and my pointing finger having brought down ‘the foe’ in accusation returns always to myself in accusation.😃

Barb:) …Merry Christmas - blessings and joy in 2006!
What bugs me?

Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, the priest and deacon/s should distribute the sacrament.
In our parish we do not have enough priests and deacons to properly distribute the Body and Blood of the Lord, unfortunately. This is in part due to the fact that our parish holds Mass in several surrounding communities, as well as in the main sanctuary, and this effort to see that all those in our area who are Catholic have access to Mass and the Blessed Sacrament at all stretches the priests and deacons we have to their limits. Extraordinary ministers, while not ideal, so have an important role in parishs like mine, and are allowed for in canon law.
jeeez… some of you are so judgemental. church is not somewhere to be offended!! you shouldnt be worrying about what others are doing. this thread really looks bad on alot of us here. alot of you sound so snooty and “holier than thou”. i dont care if someone goes into church in a pair of torn up jeans and a dirty tshirt… who are you to judge… maybe thats their only clothes. some teenage girls do dress a bit revealing but what are you doing paying that much attention to what others are wearing… What? are you a fashion critic now?

look back and read this thread… youll see how bigoted it sounds
i sometimes leave church after the eucharist. im not a very good driver and sometimes i have to get out of the car park first to be on the safe side. but it happens rarely, i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
Three reasons.
  1. The person is not Catholic. The Mass is open to the public, we are not a secret society.
  2. The person is Catholic but has not yet completed preparation to receive the sacrament.
  3. The person needs to go to confession, has not been able to, and doesn’t want to eat or drink his or her condemnation by partaking of the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin. And as missing Mass without good reason is in itself a mortal sin, who wants to compound the sin they already have by skipping out on Mass? Not being able to receive doesn’t relieve us of our obligation to attend.
jeeez… some of you are so judgemental. church is not somewhere to be offended!! you shouldnt be worrying about what others are doing. this thread really looks bad on alot of us here. alot of you sound so snooty and “holier than thou”. i dont care if someone goes into church in a pair of torn up jeans and a dirty tshirt… who are you to judge… maybe thats their only clothes. some teenage girls do dress a bit revealing but what are you doing paying that much attention to what others are wearing… What? are you a fashion critic now?

look back and read this thread… youll see how bigoted it sounds
PLEASE READ THIS as I have to confess that up until a month ago I was annoyed at this late 40sh mother of 4 who started to come to our church. They sat way to side and the back of the church. She was all dressed pretty but her teenagers were dressed in T-Shirts, they had long hair and the boys had those jeans that showed thier underwear. When they would bring their friends to mass they looked even worse than they did with piercings. The five of them really stood out and I was very judgemental towards them. I never saw a dad with them, just her and her kids. Then…

3rd Sunday of Advent, my wife and I are kneeling praying before mass with our boys and guess who comes to sit in the row in front of us. She, her 4 children and 3 friends. A few minutes later an usher came and said hello to her and asked how she was doing. She breaks down and starts to cry and says to the usher how difficult it has been since the death of her husband last summer.
I did not know how to react and I felt like a stupid judgemental jerk. I felt so rotten inside I could not contain my tears at some points and I felt like a hypocrite when we exchanged a sign of peace. Talk about beating yourself up, I did for almost an entire week.

justint77, said it best, who are we to jugde.
i get more aggrivated when i see people who dont take the eucharist. why would you come to mass and not recieve communion, is there a point? :confused:
I go to mass & can’t take the eucharist because I am in RCIA. Before I started RCIA, I went to mass and sat there the whole time. I actually wondered if people were wondering why I didn’t go up to recieve. I guess there probably were some…
Oh well.
Paris Blues:
There’s a lot of things:
  1. Kids walking around. (You don’t see that on EWTN’s Daily Mass. :whistle: )
  2. People walk in late even when Father’s giving the homily for crying out loud!
  3. When non-priests give out the Eucharist…I thought that was the Priest’s job!
  4. When I’m kneeling trying to pray before Mass, people walk through and wanna sit in the same pew and they tell you “excuse me” and I have to interrupt my praying, get up from kneeling to let them walk through then go back to praying (then forget what I was praying about! :banghead: ).
  5. Women wear these too short skirts. A nice way to cause a man to sin! :mad:
  6. Yes, people leave after receiving the Eucharist.
  7. When Mass doesn’t match that of EWTN!!! :hmmm:
This is the main reason why my wife and I have decided to attends Tridentine Latin Mass. No problem here. 🙂
The thing that really bugs me at mass is during the “Our Father” people decide to hold each others hands. This is wrong and I refuse to do that. I don’t care if a family decides to hold each other hands, but don’t enclude me. I think during this prayer we should be in full communion with Jesus, not individualism, like holding hands.
Is this done in anyone’s parish??
Maureen Fiore:
The thing that really bugs me at mass is during the “Our Father” people decide to hold each others hands. This is wrong and I refuse to do that. I don’t care if a family decides to hold each other hands, but don’t enclude me. I think during this prayer we should be in full communion with Jesus, not individualism, like holding hands.
Is this done in anyone’s parish??
Yes, the same at our parish but only a few among families. I believe they should hold hands at home not at Mass while praying the Lord’s prayer or any prayers. :blessyou:
Maureen Fiore:
The thing that really bugs me at mass is during the “Our Father” people decide to hold each others hands. This is wrong and I refuse to do that. I don’t care if a family decides to hold each other hands, but don’t enclude me. I think during this prayer we should be in full communion with Jesus, not individualism, like holding hands.
Is this done in anyone’s parish??
It is done universally around the world and is not forbidden in most countries. You cannot say its wrong.
You can choose to hold hands or not. Its up to you.
I think holding hands is quite good for Protestants to show unity. But not for us Catholics. We Catholics are graced with the body of Christ instead.
It is done universally around the world and is not forbidden in most countries. You cannot say its wrong.
You can choose to hold hands or not. Its up to you.
Here in the states, you cannot say that it is right.
It is approved or discouraged depending on your Bishop. Just because it is not forbidden among family members doesn’t mean that it is right to encourage it in a congregation during the liturgy.

A simple wave of the hand stating that one can chose not to do it, does not do anyone a service. I know for sure that if you are in Cleveland or St. Louis, it is discouraged. Check with your OWN Bishop and do not go on the word of any poster on an internet site, including me.
netmil(name removed by moderator):
Here in the states, you cannot say that it is right.
It is approved or discouraged depending on your Bishop. Just because it is not forbidden among family members doesn’t mean that it is right to encourage it in a congregation during the liturgy.

A simple wave of the hand stating that one can chose not to do it, does not do anyone a service. I know for sure that if you are in Cleveland or St. Louis, it is discouraged. Check with your OWN Bishop and do not go on the word of any poster on an internet site, including me.
I agree with you. I said in most countries it is allowed. The USA is only one country but from other threads it seems to be widely practiced, otherwise there would not have been so many complaints from your fellow countrmen and women about it.
It is not mandatory but is allowed if the bishops give the okay but even then it is up to each person to choose to do it or not.
The Judas Shuffle.

For those not familiar with the term…walking out during the Lit. of the Eucharist.

in XT.
What bugs me at mass is people who talk to someone next to them through the entire mass.

Walking out after commuion has to be the worst.

I don’t completely blame the people when we have some priest who think that a secular humanist gospel is a good as the Uncompromised word of God as taught by Holy Church and sacrid scripture.

We even have some Bishops who fall into this catagory who will not even excomunicate polititions who are proabortion. I thank God for the few Bishops who stood up to be counted in this last election and refused commuion to these wolves who claim to be for the little man and say that they are for killing unborn even up to the last 9 months and will only nominate judges who have the same sick view of children. God Bless and keep the Faith
I go to mass & can’t take the eucharist because I am in RCIA. Before I started RCIA, I went to mass and sat there the whole time. I actually wondered if people were wondering why I didn’t go up to recieve. I guess there probably were some…
Oh well.
I go to mass too and I’m in RCIA. I’ve been going to the Catholic Church for about 8 months now and I can’t take communion. I still go to Church though because I want to worship God, and be in his presence, even if I cannot receive…So yeah there’s a point.

Also you don’t know why that person is there. The person might be a fallen away Catholic visiting again , and this person may know they cannot take communion. Or it might be someone who forget about the fast and so realized they couldn’t take communion. It’s a mortal sin to miss mass on the weekends, but its not a mortal sin to miss communion. So, yes there’s a point.

I sometimes wonder, do people think I’m in this great state of sin, because I’m not being able to take communion? But then I realized well that’s there problem. The Bible says not to judge. Something tells me a catchuman whose heart is right before God, might get more out of mass than someone whose received but well whose heart isn’t right before God.
Some things are iritating for sure…as to the op…when deacon or priest announce the Mass is over…you can leave as soon as the priest exits…
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