What bugs you at Mass?

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When I spoke of disciplining children outside of the sanctuary, I was speaking of children who refuse to sit down—not of children who cry because they’re tired or hungry, or because they want their mom or dad—nor was I speaking of babies who make baby noises. Last Sunday, we had about 5 children running up and down the aisles, and chasing each other around! With NO ONE in pursuit! Did they not come with parents??? What kind of respect does this show for the Sacrifice of the Mass which is going on? What kind of reverence does this give our Savior? Children do not inherently know how to behave (they are not created perfect, but are born into Adam and Eve’s sin)—They need to be taught how to reverence God and how to respect His home.
Maureen Fiore:
I think holding hands is quite good for Protestants to show unity. But not for us Catholics. We Catholics are graced with the body of Christ instead

–This statement sounds a little weird. You dont think Catholics should show their unity?
We don’t have to show our unity during mass because we are graced with the Eurchristic body of Christ. I think and feel that it is a distraction for others and the Our Father is directed to God from each person individually.
We don’t have to show our unity during mass because we are graced with the Eurchristic body of Christ. I think and feel that it is a distraction for others and the Our Father is directed to God from each person individually

-I understand you gripe about “holding hands” during Our Father, but the way your putting it, only Catholics can have Grace. If a protestant was reading those words, its as if “only we” are graced
by God, so it sounds very “holier than thou” in my opinion. We are all a people of God. No matter what religion you are. I am Catholic too, but I certainly dont think I’m better than a Baptist, Methodist, etc. I love my faith deeply, and I’m sure that other religions feel the same about theirs. I’m sure there are people of other religions that read this board, so maybe you should rephrase that! :eek:
We don’t have to show our unity during mass because we are graced with the Eurchristic body of Christ. I think and feel that it is a distraction for others and the Our Father is directed to God from each person individually

-I understand you gripe about “holding hands” during Our Father, but the way your putting it, only Catholics can have Grace. If a protestant was reading those words, its as if “only we” are graced
by God, so it sounds very “holier than thou” in my opinion. We are all a people of God. No matter what religion you are. I am Catholic too, but I certainly dont think I’m better than a Baptist, Methodist, etc. I love my faith deeply, and I’m sure that other religions feel the same about theirs. I’m sure there are people of other religions that read this board, so maybe you should rephrase that! :eek:
You may have misunderstood my statement. I am definitely not better nor think I am better than anyone else. Yes, I agree we are all God’s children. But, we are graced with the prescence of Jesus in the Eucharistic, also our present pope Benedict 16 has criticized these interruptions.
Again, it is my opinion, you don’t have to agree, just like I don’t have to hold hands.
When people receive the Holy Eucharist with an irreverent attitude. I have observed that some people do not say “Amen” when the priest/EMHC says “Body of Christ”. In addition, some (when receiving in the hand) do not make a proper “throne” with their hands, and raise the hand up a bit; instead they leave their arms fully extended leaving the priest/EMHC to guess as to whether they wish to receive on the tongue or in the hand.
You may have misunderstood my statement. I am definitely not better nor think I am better than anyone else. Yes, I agree we are all God’s children. But, we are graced with the prescence of Jesus in the Eucharistic, also our present pope Benedict 16 has criticized these interruptions.
Again, it is my opinion, you don’t have to agree, just like I don’t have to hold hands.

-Maybe I did misunderstand you, and if so, I am sorry! 😉
  1. Extremely loud music during Communion (I can’t concentrate on my prayers).
  2. People answering their cell phones and talking quite loudly while they slowly leave.
  3. EMHCs who are wearing extremely inappropriate clothing, act like peppy smiling restaurant hostesses and plop the Eucharist into your hand like it was a necco wafer.
I try not to let things distract me from what I should be focused on in Mass, really I do, but sometimes, it can’t be helped. Mostly I am only bothered by things that severely interrupt my concentration.
  1. People that sit on the ends of pews without anybody in the middle. could you sit in the middle and give others a chance to sit on the end, so they don’t have to crawl over you, especially if you are on the kneeler?
Ha! This will never go away. 😃
When people receive the Holy Eucharist with an irreverent attitude. I have observed that some people do not say “Amen” when the priest/EMHC says “Body of Christ”. In addition, some (when receiving in the hand) do not make a proper “throne” with their hands, and raise the hand up a bit; instead they leave their arms fully extended leaving the priest/EMHC to guess as to whether they wish to receive on the tongue or in the hand.
If your really focused on Jesus Christ, then why are others “irreverant actions so noticable.” What if people don’t know the correct way…That’s possible.
If your really focused on Jesus Christ, then why are others “irreverant actions so noticable.” What if people don’t know the correct way…That’s possible.
The actions are so noticable to me, because I am an EMHC. I agree that many people may not know the correct way. Perhaps additional catechesis is appropriate. It might make a good subject for a homily.
All of that godawful music written after 1965—and played on guitars, bongo drums, harmonicas, kazoos, you name it.
I love the more contemporary music, accompanied by guitars, drums etc. It seems to speak to me spiritually, which is why I choose to attend our parish’s Life Teen mass. We have 7 Sunday masses, only 1 of which has the contemporary music.
I think it’s nice if people have a choice, as long as the song choices are liturgically appropriate.
I love the more contemporary music, accompanied by guitars, drums etc. It seems to speak to me spiritually, which is why I choose to attend our parish’s Life Teen mass. We have 7 Sunday masses, only 1 of which has the contemporary music.
I think it’s nice if people have a choice, as long as the song choices are liturgically appropriate.

-Me too Irish…they always do a wonderful job, and your right, very, very uplifting!!! 👍
]When people receive the Holy Eucharist with an irreverent attitude. I have observed that some people do not say “Amen” when the priest/EMHC says “Body of Christ”. In addition, some (when receiving in the hand) do not make a proper “throne” with their hands, and raise the hand up a bit; instead they leave their arms fully extended leaving the priest/EMHC to guess as to whether they wish to receive on the tongue or in the hand.

I hope this isn’t a dumb question, but what is EMHC? I know EM is Eucharistic Minister, but what does HC stand for? Thanks 🙂
Nobody makes Anyone sin…that is totally the sinners call! Very gross statement
I apologize for the graphic language.

Ever heard about being an occasion for sin to a brother?
“Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.” (Rom 14:13)
I apologize for the graphic language.

Ever heard about being an occasion for sin to a brother?
“Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.” (Rom 14:13)

–THank you!!! I’ve heard, “and to avoid the near occasion of sin”
I’m not judging you, you are judging me…by the clothes I wear…not fair…I dont go to church for you to look at my butt. Even if a man is sitting in front of me, you cant help but look, I mean its right there :confused: Now if I was thinking obscene thoughts about his behind, THATS a different story, but he wouldn’t be making me THINK these thoughts either. Understand?
God Bless You Too!
ps. I’m wearing a moomoo to church Sunday 😉
I’m not judging you, you are judging me…by the clothes I wear…not fair…
No, I’m not judging you in any possible way. I never said nor implied any kind of clothing you wore. As a matter of fact, I have no idea what you wear, in church or anywhere.

Yet, in church and everywhere, men and women must dress modestly, and I read between your lines that we’re on agreement here.

My apologies if any of my words upset you.

No, I’m not judging you in any possible way. I never said nor implied any kind of clothing you wore. As a matter of fact, I have no idea what you wear, in church or anywhere.

Yet, in church and everywhere, men and women must dress modestly, and I read between your lines that we’re on agreement here.

My apologies if any of my words upset you.


-You read correctly, we are in agreement 👍
Bless You 🙂
bkdianne said:
When people receive the Holy Eucharist with an irreverent attitude. I have observed that some people do not say “Amen” when the priest/EMHC says “Body of Christ”. In addition, some (when receiving in the hand) do not make a proper “throne” with their hands, and raise the hand up a bit; instead they leave their arms fully extended leaving the priest/EMHC to guess as to whether they wish to receive on the tongue or in the hand.

I hope this isn’t a dumb question, but what is EMHC? I know EM is Eucharistic Minister, but what does HC stand for? Thanks 🙂

I believe the HC stands for Holy Communion. I maybe wrong, if not correct, someone please correct because I would like to know too.

God Bless :confused:
I hope this isn’t a dumb question, but what is EMHC? I know EM is Eucharistic Minister, but what does HC stand for? Thanks 🙂

It stands for Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
I hope this isn’t a dumb question, but what is EMHC? I know EM is Eucharistic Minister, but what does HC stand for? Thanks

I believe the HC stands for Holy Communion. I maybe wrong, if not correct, someone please correct because I would like to know too.

God Bless :confused

–Thank You Maureen! It sounds right to me 👍
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