What bugs you at Mass?

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Hang in there Peace Pilgrim. I heard some excellent advice from a priest, he said, “Never let anything or anyone separate you from the Church.”
Sometimes, I don’t think some people dress appropriately for Mass.
What disgusts me, is at the last 2 baptisms, some women
were wearing tops, or dresses that showed 1/2 of their cleavage :mad: This is NOT appropriate attire, it is blatantly disrespectful,
and disgusting! The Mass is NOT a place to advertise yourself!
:mad: That’s NOT the ONLY time it happened either! some
women do this regularly it is extremely offensive! :mad:
It may have good theology and all, but it is not proper for a hymn during mass. If you read the old hymns they are all composed in a way that they praise God or exhort Him to have mercy or something along those lines. There are some that are prayers to Mary. On Eagles Wings is just a mishmash of statements.

I don’t bring this song up because I have heard it during Advent, I haven’t. I bring it up because it is the first to come to mind that fits the description.
I don’t like the song either, BUT take a look at Psalm 91 before you call it inappropriate for Mass.
I go to mass too and I’m in RCIA. I’ve been going to the Catholic Church for about 8 months now and I can’t take communion. I still go to Church though because I want to worship God, and be in his presence, even if I cannot receive…So yeah there’s a point.

Also you don’t know why that person is there. The person might be a fallen away Catholic visiting again , and this person may know they cannot take communion. Or it might be someone who forget about the fast and so realized they couldn’t take communion. It’s a mortal sin to miss mass on the weekends, but its not a mortal sin to miss communion. So, yes there’s a point.

I sometimes wonder, do people think I’m in this great state of sin, because I’m not being able to take communion? But then I realized well that’s there problem. The Bible says not to judge. Something tells me a catchuman whose heart is right before God, might get more out of mass than someone whose received but well whose heart isn’t right before God.
My husband and I attend mass every Sunday and he does not go up to receive because he needs to go to confession. I have tried to help him realize that he is missing a very important part to the mass but he insist he does not want to make a good confession. So, for now he does not receive, I’m sure people must say things about him, but if you are truly sincere in your presence with God then no one should make any judgement as to why you are not going up to receive Jesus. I myself never look at people who are not going up because I am preparing myself to receive Jesus and I need to keep that in mind and so should everyone who is going up. Don’t worry about what other people think. You are doing the right thing
Short list:

Noisy chatter and disrespect to the Blessed Sacrament, both before and after Mass.

Liturgical abuses by the priest. To go into all of them requires another list, not so short.

All of that godawful music written after 1965—and played on guitars, bongo drums, harmonicas, kazoos, you name it.

People who don’t turn off their cell phones and let them tweedle 20 times before shutting them off—or worse, they answer them and sit there and jabber in the middle of Mass.

Church architecture that looks like a cross between a dance hall and a stock exchange, filled with blatantly ugly modern abstract art.

There. Toldja it’d be short. 😉
What bugs me at Mass the most is women that dress inappropriately.

-What type of dress do you consider inappropriate? I see nothing at all wrong with jeans. You can always dress up a nice pair 🙂 I dont think God would mind, do you? 👍
Jamie Burns:
I don’t like the song either, BUT take a look at Psalm 91 before you call it inappropriate for Mass.
–Oh Lord, I love the song “On Eagles Wings” I cant believe ya’ll dont :confused:
It is done universally around the world and is not forbidden in most countries. You cannot say its wrong.
You can choose to hold hands or not. Its up to you.
–Exactly! 👍
  1. When people “rush” through “I confess to almighty God, …”
is it a contest to see how fast you can say this. The last time I checked, there wasn’t a chipmunk episode being filmed at my parish.
  1. people that leave early, arrive late.
  1. People that sit on the ends of pews without anybody in the middle. could you sit in the middle and give others a chance to sit on the end, so they don’t have to crawl over you, especially if you are on the kneeler?
Short list:

Noisy chatter and disrespect to the Blessed Sacrament, both before and after Mass.

Liturgical abuses by the priest. To go into all of them requires another list, not so short.

All of that godawful music written after 1965—and played on guitars, bongo drums, harmonicas, kazoos, you name it.

People who don’t turn off their cell phones and let them tweedle 20 times before shutting them off—or worse, they answer them and sit there and jabber in the middle of Mass.

Church architecture that looks like a cross between a dance hall and a stock exchange, filled with blatantly ugly modern abstract art.

There. Toldja it’d be short.

-You dont ask for much do ya? 😃
Maureen Fiore:
I think holding hands is quite good for Protestants to show unity. But not for us Catholics. We Catholics are graced with the body of Christ instead

–This statement sounds a little weird. You dont think Catholics should show their unity?
jeeez… some of you are so judgemental. church is not somewhere to be offended!! you shouldnt be worrying about what others are doing. this thread really looks bad on alot of us here. alot of you sound so snooty and “holier than thou”. i dont care if someone goes into church in a pair of torn up jeans and a dirty tshirt… who are you to judge… maybe thats their only clothes. some teenage girls do dress a bit revealing but what are you doing paying that much attention to what others are wearing… What? are you a fashion critic now?

look back and read this thread… youll see how bigoted it sounds

-AMEN justin…I was thinking this the whole time I was reading it…totally amazing how irritated you seem to be at Mass. Whats the point in going if your gonna be THAT irritated when you leave? Especially at what someone is wearing?!? That is just unbelieveable to me! 😦
I acknowledge that this thread ‘has gone cold’…completely and totally so!!! But I had not sighted it and have been going over the Posts reading others comments. The Church to me is a gathering into unity of a motely type of crew indeed!..and we were from the very beginning and the first twelve!
My failings are indeed someone else’s virtue and vice versa. If I am pointing the finger at someone then equally can someone point the finger at me for some reason. We are a motely and colourful crew and God loves us! I was reading a Post by Joysong, but cannot recall where and she states about pondering in the presence of the faults I can see in another, the virtues that I cannot see and to offer these unsighted virtues to God rather than dwell on any negatives about the person. A wonderful concept!

To me The Mass is just incredibly beautiful from only one angle considering the prayers in The Mass … and also wonderful to contemplate that in The Mass all over the world universally and without exemption, we are all celebrating exactly the same Mass…only different locations and nowadays in our own native tongue. And that about sums it all up…we are all at a different spot spiritually…and have our own unique spiritual identity…yet celebrating the One Lord.

I may arrive late for Mass now and then and annoy the lady who is sitting next to me…but she keeps jangling her rosary beads and annoying me! God love us!🙂

Viva la difference! A tapestry is of many colours but the one tapestry and every single colour no matter how minute to a purpose in the overall tapestry! I do love tapestry and work with it now and then - put one stitch wrong and it glares out of the entire tapestry. Every stitch important!..from this little stitch!..and since this Thread went cold in January 12 months ago…as oft is, I lag way behind the rest.:whacky:

Happy Christmas all…Barb

-Very, very well said!!! 👍
Soaring on eagle wings is best left to guitar strumming around night camp fires at folkie gatherings.

-This is actually in response to the post above yours, but I cant figure out how to make it “quote”

In the song “On Eagles Wings” they are talking about God, raising you up, the great things God can do, if you will…I think its a wonderful song. And I like the guitars & tamborines too! I used to play when I was a kid going to Catholic School. (I played with Lorrie Morgan)
I agree with Jimmy—the mass, and all the hymns and rituals contained in it are meant to glorify God—everything is about Him. It’s not about us or how we feel or what we want or how we may soar on wings like eagels—it is about Him and extolling His greatness and His glory. That is what hymns were created for. Today’s church has become so mundane—we have tried to bring God down to our level, instead of striving to take ourselves (with His help and His grace) to His level.

–Todays Church? What I’m hearing in this is you dont like change, right? All are songs of Glory & Praise to Christ our Lord. All of them. We can sing about “Eagles Wings” God made them didn’t he? And for Petes’ sakes, thinking WE are trying to bring God down? YOU have GOT to be kidding!!! Unbelievable!!!I I guess you dont like “Lamb of God” either? :confused:
What can you say about other people at Mass. I used to go to Church and get nothing out of it. One day, I saw a lady in Mass that seemed to be getting so much more out of the Mass than I was. She experienced pure joy all the way through the service.

I finally realized, that the difference was me. We were sitting through the exact same service and I was the one who found it lacking. This was one of the reasons I started looking more into the Church.

I guess what I’m trying to get at, is we can affect others. If we show the Eucharist the reverence it deserves, and lead by example, maybe others will realize that there might just be something here that they are missing.

One thing I know for sure - you’re not going to convert anyone with frowns and dirty looks. Remember, it’s between you and the Lord, not you and them.

-Thank You…Very Well Said! 👍

  1. *]People the don’t genuflect towards the tabernacle (my kids included)
    *]People that talk before and during mass
    *]People that want to hold my hand for the Lords Prayer
    *]People that receive communion and chew on it like it was a snack
I see nothing at all wrong with jeans. You can always dress up a nice pair 🙂 I dont think God would mind, do you? 👍
I don’t either, except when it’s so tight one can figure the kind of panties a lady is wearing and whether she’s got a period. :bigyikes: If you get my drift, yes, we look, almost mechanically. :banghead:
What bugs me is myself when my mind strays at the Eucharistic prayers. At the moments of consecration it has happened many times that the entire episode of the consecration has passed me by without me realizing it has occurred untill I hear the Doxology being pronounced. Oooh, that just bugs me! How can I let that happen!

Sometimes I will be aware of the consecration of the bread, but by the time the wine is consecrated, my mind already is off into space. I have specifically asked Jesus to help me with this problem. Sometimes, He helps me, and other times it is the same old story - no awareness of the Consecration or only part of it.

But, lately, yes, there is something else that bugs me and that is when the Gloria is sung. Everyone is supposed to participate in the Gloria: the priest, cantor, choir, the entire congregation. It does seem that not many people know this.

As of late, with the sung Gloria, everyone will start out to sing Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to His People on Earth. Then the choir takes over, and only the ones who know that they should participate continue with also the part of what the choir sings. I see the presiding priest participating, but the cantor mouthed it, not audibly, so as to keep the faithful in the congregation quiet. And, yes, practically no one in the congregation participates but will only chime in with the Glory to God in the Highest, etc. It’s really a shame that at such a beautiful part of the Mass, the faithful are seemingly being dumbed down, again.

Another thing is changing the word “disciples” to “friends” when the priest prays the prayers of Consecration. Not every priest does it, and the priests that do change the word don’t always make the change. It just jars me each time the word “friend” is used, instead of “disciples.” As far as I am concerned there’s a difference between those two words. But, then, there might be another take why it is being done. Who knows?
I don’t either, except when it’s so tight one can figure the kind of panties a lady is wearing and whether she’s got a period. :bigyikes: If you get my drift, yes, we look, almost mechanically. :banghead

-Thats rather gross! It also sounds like a personal problem to me…but your statement is in very bad taste! 😛 Nobody makes Anyone sin…that is totally the sinners call! Very gross statement
It also bugs me when people leave early but since I am in RCIA, this no longer is a problem for me because our class leaves Mass after the Liturgy of the Word and goes to class. 🙂 Thankfully, the parish I attend is extremely respectful and the Mass usually proceeds without a hitch. 🙂
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