What bugs you at Mass?

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Kevin PM:
Interesting question, calls for a interesting answer.
  1. cell phones ringing
  2. chit-chat before and after mass, lack of respect for the house of Christ.
  3. parishoners wearing blue jeans to church
So Kevin, do YOU take your cell phone to mass, chit-chat after or before mass in the sanctuary, or wear blue jeans to mass???
These things are never going to change until WE stop doing them. When those who do these things are in the minority, and they are frowned upon by the majority, then they will stop. Until then, we—those who do not like these things—must be an example of how one should conduct themselves at mass. Every time you walk into the Church, think----“Am I part of the problem, or part of the solution?” And act accordingly. The same goes for a lot of the other complaints I’ve heard here. Personally, I :
1.) Kneel to receive Holy Communion
2.) Cover my head (I’m female, and that’s in the Bible)
3.) Genuflect when the Incarnation is mentioned in the Creed
4.) Wear my Sunday best to mass
5.) Don’t "peace with anyone
6.) Keep silence in the Church both before and after mass–out of respect for those who are praying.
7.) Do not participate in the “Kum-by-ya” songs.

Let’s face it—the Church has become what we have allowed it to become. And only we can change that, by no longer allowing it.
Every time you walk into the Church, think----“Am I part of the problem, or part of the solution?” And act accordingly. The same goes for a lot of the other complaints I’ve heard here. Personally, I :

2.) Cover my head (I’m female, and that’s in the Bible)
–What do you cover your head with? Are you talking about the “chapel caps?” When I was a kid, every single Sunday, Dad had to buy 4 new ones, because we could never find them (there were 4 girls), by the time I was a teen, my father was poor!

5.) Don’t "peace with anyone

–Thats a little “snotty” dont ya think? 😛
6.) Keep silence in the Church both before and after mass–out of respect for those who are praying.

–How many people do you really think pray “after” mass?

7.) Do not participate in the “Kum-by-ya” songs.

–Why not? Too good? I dont get your holier than thou attitude! :rolleyes:

Let’s face it—the Church has become what we have allowed it to become. And only we can change that, by no longer allowing it.
bkdianne—I fail to see that it is “snotty” to keep ones attention where it belongs—on God, and not on our “neighbor”. The mass is about God, not about us. We can speak with others after the mass, and outside the church—and I do. I try never to be unfriendly. However, inappropriate songs have no place in the mass, so I don’t participate in them. Sorry if this offends you.
So Kevin, do YOU take your cell phone to mass, chit-chat after or before mass in the sanctuary, or wear blue jeans to mass???
These things are never going to change until WE stop doing them. When those who do these things are in the minority, and they are frowned upon by the majority, then they will stop. Until then, we—those who do not like these things—must be an example of how one should conduct themselves at mass. Every time you walk into the Church, think----“Am I part of the problem, or part of the solution?” And act accordingly. The same goes for a lot of the other complaints I’ve heard here. Personally, I :
1.) Kneel to receive Holy Communion
2.) Cover my head (I’m female, and that’s in the Bible)
3.) Genuflect when the Incarnation is mentioned in the Creed
4.) Wear my Sunday best to mass
5.) Don’t "peace with anyone
6.) Keep silence in the Church both before and after mass–out of respect for those who are praying.
7.) Do not participate in the “Kum-by-ya” songs.

Let’s face it—the Church has become what we have allowed it to become. And only we can change that, by no longer allowing it.
Boy, you are “old school”, and I mean no disrespect.
So Kevin, do YOU take your cell phone to mass, chit-chat after or before mass in the sanctuary, or wear blue jeans to mass???
These things are never going to change until WE stop doing them. When those who do these things are in the minority, and they are frowned upon by the majority, then they will stop. Until then, we—those who do not like these things—must be an example of how one should conduct themselves at mass. Every time you walk into the Church, think----“Am I part of the problem, or part of the solution?” And act accordingly. The same goes for a lot of the other complaints I’ve heard here. Personally, I :
1.) Kneel to receive Holy Communion
2.) Cover my head (I’m female, and that’s in the Bible)
3.) Genuflect when the Incarnation is mentioned in the Creed
4.) Wear my Sunday best to mass
5.) Don’t "peace with anyone
6.) Keep silence in the Church both before and after mass–out of respect for those who are praying.
7.) Do not participate in the “Kum-by-ya” songs.

Let’s face it—the Church has become what we have allowed it to become. And only we can change that, by no longer allowing it.
Ah, I see we have a living saint amongst us lesser folk… 😉
So Kevin, do YOU take your cell phone to mass, chit-chat after or before mass in the sanctuary, or wear blue jeans to mass???
These things are never going to change until WE stop doing them. When those who do these things are in the minority, and they are frowned upon by the majority, then they will stop. Until then, we—those who do not like these things—must be an example of how one should conduct themselves at mass. Every time you walk into the Church, think----“Am I part of the problem, or part of the solution?” And act accordingly. The same goes for a lot of the other complaints I’ve heard here. Personally, I :
1.) Kneel to receive Holy Communion
2.) Cover my head (I’m female, and that’s in the Bible)
3.) Genuflect when the Incarnation is mentioned in the Creed
4.) Wear my Sunday best to mass
5.) Don’t "peace with anyone
6.) Keep silence in the Church both before and after mass–out of respect for those who are praying.
7.) Do not participate in the “Kum-by-ya” songs.

Let’s face it—the Church has become what we have allowed it to become. And only we can change that, by no longer allowing it.
Definately the 7 fold path on the path to holiness! Follow this list precisely, and you have the formula for success assured… 😃
bkdianne—I fail to see that it is “snotty” to keep ones attention where it belongs—on God, and not on our “neighbor”.
I believe Jesus said, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” What better way than to take 5 seconds, and wish somebody peace in their lives.
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I fail to see that it is “snotty” to keep ones attention where it belongs—on God, and not on our “neighbor”. The mass is about God, not about us. We can speak with others after the mass, and outside the church—and I do. I try never to be unfriendly. However, inappropriate songs have no place in the mass, so I don’t participate in them. Sorry if this offends you.

–Lizzard, no disrespect intended, but, HOW is not participating in the “Peace be with You” NOT focusing on God? Dont you think God wants Peace between us? Of course he does!!! Doesn’t the priest say, “May the Peace of the Lord be with YOU ALL?” Let us offer EACH OTHER the Sign of Peace? God wants Peace for each of us, He also wants us to live Peacefully together in His Name.
As for the music, to each his own I guess 🙂
Peace 🙂
I pray that this thread does not get locked.

And if it does, I want to be sure to get in my thanks. This thread has been most informative and I have learned so very much from your open and frank discussions.

As new Catholics, we are not church-savvy. Church etiquette is not handed to us on a silver platter and most of it is not self-explanatory. Much of it is learned by the “Monkey see, monkey do” and “Learn by doing” methodologies, so this thread has been very helpful with its explanations.

Your contributions have also taught me that there are differences among parishes and individuals and to be aware, be sensitive to and respect those differences. Most of all, I have learned not to sweat the small stuff and keep focused on God during the Mass.

I hope you will continue to contribute to this thread, as there are situations that come to light that we who are new to the flock can learn from ahead of time – or before it bugs us, humans that we are.

Thank you for the wealth of information that you have shared with me. God bless each and every one of you who has helped me learn about our faith and its practices.
–Lizzard, no disrespect intended, but, HOW is not participating in the “Peace be with You” NOT focusing on God? Dont you think God wants Peace between us? Of course he does!!! Doesn’t the priest say, “May the Peace of the Lord be with YOU ALL?” Let us offer EACH OTHER the Sign of Peace? God wants Peace for each of us, He also wants us to live Peacefully together in His Name.

bkdianne—Better question—How is your attention on God if you are seeing and hearing and talking to someone else? From the beginnings of the Church, (until Vatican II) everything that happened during the mass, everything that was said or read, the way the church was decorated, etc… All these things were calculated to turn one’s mind and heart to God. Now, we distract ourselves with jazzy music, talking to our neighbors, and many churches have even gotten rid of their statues.
I believe Jesus said, “Love one another, as I have loved you.” What better way than to take 5 seconds, and wish somebody peace in their lives.
ABSOLUTELY! But not during mass. Mass is intended as worship, not fellowship. Most Churches have fellowship halls or other appropriate places for socializing to take place. How do you “love one another” by distracting them during mass? I guess it’s all in your point of view.
Ah, I see we have a living saint amongst us lesser folk… 😉
spiritblows–no one has even suggested that these things will make one holy or make one a saint. I merely commented that if we are going to complain, then we should make sure that we are not doing those things about which we are complaining. If that was all it took to become a saint, it would be WAY too easy! 🙂
ABSOLUTELY! But not during mass. Mass is intended as worship, not fellowship. Most Churches have fellowship halls or other appropriate places for socializing to take place. How do you “love one another” by distracting them during mass? I guess it’s all in your point of view.
To each is own I suppose, but it is a church sanctioned part of the liturgy.
I’m not saying anybody’s wrong in their observations, but when you think someone’s giving you the bad-eye for not going to communion, are you sure that it’s not just a case of their eyes wandering? I mean, you either look at the back of the head in front of you or you look off to the side, and maybe your eyes settle on someone and it gets misinterpreted. I hope that is the case!!

I only know that I’m a cradle Catholic (and a revert), and it never occurred to me that I should scan the pews for people who were not receiving communion. NEVER! I assure you! I’m not saying this because I’m a saintly, non-judgmental person, but because it truly never occurred to me.

In fact, I had no idea it was something to be ashamed about, and I felt nothing when I refrained from joining the line myself. No shame at all, well, except that I personally had to go to confession. It didn’t even occur to me that people might notice it.

I just never thought to even wonder about it. I felt more put-on-the-spot standing there in line, and I was concentrating more on receiving the Eucharist.

And I knew that Protestants went to our Masses for whatever reason (having to do with family).

I only write this in case it comforts you!
By the way, be assured that a lot of Catholics don’t even *know *that you can’t receive communion in the state of mortal sin. Either that, or they don’t care. Sadly, a lot of Catholics stopped their catechetical education at grade 8 or so.

Look how short the lines to confession are, versus how many go to communion each week. Something’s not quite right. I don’t think a lot of them make the mortal sin+Eucharist connection at all.

So it’s possible that people are wondering why you aren’t going to communion when they assume you have a perfectly good reason to go. 🙂 Just never mind the looks.
By the way, be assured that a lot of Catholics don’t even *know *that you can’t receive communion in the state of mortal sin. Either that, or they don’t care. Sadly, a lot of Catholics stopped their catechetical education at grade 8 or so.

Look how short the lines to confession are, versus how many go to communion each week. Something’s not quite right. I don’t think a lot of them make the mortal sin+Eucharist connection at all.

So it’s possible that people are wondering why you aren’t going to communion when they assume you have a perfectly good reason to go. 🙂 Just never mind the looks.
I think alot of Catholics feel they take care of their sins at the Penitent Rite (Lord, I am not worthy to…) that is said before communion.
I think alot of Catholics feel they take care of their sins at the Penitent Rite (Lord, I am not worthy to…) that is said before communion.
I agree with this and I also feel that it is up to the pastors of each parish to explain to the parishoners the importance of Confession. It is a Sacrament that is lost as a child moves onto adulthood. I see the same thing in my parish. The lines to Communion are longer than the lines to Confession. Both important Sacraments.
I wasn’t going to add anything to this thread…but have thought of something…

When you are not going up to receive communion …please get up and move to end of pew …so others don’t have to stumble over you.
I hate seeing people chewing gum during Mass. That’s what bugs me the most.
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