Fear is only phobia if it is an IRRATIONAL fear.Your logic and common sense is falling on deaf ears. Half of the US now officially fears not only inanimate objects, but FREEDOM.
Fear = phobia. Talk about the need for mental health!
Why?Regulating weapons that take lives would likely cut down on the number of deaths.
Of course these aren’t ignored - that’s why we have road rules, seat belts, speed limits, traffic lights, speed cameras, more and more mandatory safety features in cars and improvements in road design. Don’t know about the US, but I believe here in Australia the injuries and deaths per car on the road are going down.Fear of what ‘might happen’ is paralyzing and quite possibly irrational. Treatment is available for such phobias, neuroses and anxieties. I am not kidding. I deal with such on a daily basis.
Or, we could turn the MEDIA off and, as painful as it might be, start thinking for ourselves and live in greater peace. I do not allow the leftist-for-profit media to program my thoughts.
How utterly hypocritical of the radical progressive left that they ignore the THIRTY-SEVEN THOUSAND deaths yearly from automobiles in the US.
103 daily, 24/7/365. But that’s OK, right?
Utterly hypocritical.
Interesting. According to wikipedia, there were almost 34,000 deaths by gun in 2016 in the US. Very comparable to car deaths. Given how much more widely cars (and the roads they drive on) are used than guns, it seems that car risks and car deaths are comparatively well managed.Non-sequitur. Car scan be stolen. Taken without permission. Driven under the influence. Texting while driving. Simple carelessness. Casual murder.
Why guns? I fear knives. They are always loaded. They never run out of ammo. I can go to Kroger and buy as many as I want. No questions. No background check. No red flags. You can slit a throat and no one will hear. When I carried a badge, I was trained to be wary of kitchens. Full of killer assault knives.
Focusing on cars will net far greater results - without shredding freedom. Why does no one focus on cars? Why is everyone so ready to surrender freedom - freedom which was attained at a high cost in blood?
Why? Those 37,000 dead do matter, don’t they?
Don’t they?
The only way you can know that is by being a socialist yourself! Your trying to sound absurd by littery telling the truth which we won’t believe so you can lure us into a false sense of security!The liberal left’s fear of an instrument that can do no harm by itself…talk about irrational.
But perhaps it’s not fear but power that motivates them.
Non-sequitur. It is hardly like they are reporting on every single one of the hundred-odd gun deaths and many more gun injuries that occur every day in the US either. The newspapers and news bulletins would be full of nothing else if they did.Since this thread was started, 721 men, women and children have died.
49,497 injured - from minor to disabling.
By cars.
The media is not reporting on it, so I guess it’s OK.
There is only one We. The different lobbies demonstrate that We are not in generally agreement on the matter. We do not have the general agreement that We would need to amend the Bill of Rights (super majority in both federal houses, and in the states), so instead there are competing lobbies, and we ‘jockey for justices’ in the S. Ct.Well, that’s a nice non-answer. But going with it anyway, you speak of “we” as if there is only one “we”. I think if your friends lobby for an interpretation of the 2nd amendment it will be quite different than if my friends lobby for an interpretation.
It’s an interesting thought experiment if we did. We would be consumed with all the death, and we would focus our political will upon all the death, and we pretty much wouldn’t have enough attention left over to consider anything else, if we were always told about all of the death that’s always occurring all around us every moment of every day. Hundreds of thousands of ppl die each year due to failed health, tens of thousands are lost to drug overdose, thousands lost to slips, trips, and falls. The list is long but not endless, and I find it very interesting to consider your thought, what if we always were told by the press whenever anybody dies? It’s such a local problem, it would be difficult to imagine how we could even begin to think about regional, national, or global matters, with so much death happening all the time all around right where we all live. Thank you for suggesting it.po18guy:
Non-sequitur. It is hardly like they are reporting on every single one of the hundred-odd gun deaths and many more gun injuries that occur every day in the US either. The newspapers and news bulletins would be full of nothing else if they did.Since this thread was started, 721 men, women and children have died.
49,497 injured - from minor to disabling.
By cars.
The media is not reporting on it, so I guess it’s OK.
As the video states, fewer guns doesn’t equal less gun crime.What do CAF members think of this opinion piece?