How do you accomplish that in the USA?
We start by standing up for what is right right and good. We stop letting the media and celebrities tell us what we should think, how we should behave, and how we should feel. We stop the relativistic point of view that everything is truth and everything is good. We bring God back into the homes and back into culture.
When people behave in a manner that is not conducive to traditional family values, such as some of the horrid stuff going on at the women’s march in 2017, the majority has to have the guts to stand up and say it is not okay to behave that way in public.
We need to make fathers relevant in the lives of their children. We need to honor men as men, not the bumbling idiots the media portrays them to be. We need to empower women to be a woman, not a man in a women’s body. We need to bring back the real definition of feminine.
We need to get rid of the message that money and -stuff- will make one happy. That no one needs the biggest house or the fanciest car, the latest TV or iPhone. We need parents to stop competing with each other on how much their kids can do. We need parent’s to realize the only thing kids really need to be happy is their mom & dad to spend time with them, not toys, play groups, this class or that, this sport or dance.
We need to take time to be. More front porches and less running around. More table time as a family and less eating in the car on the way to one more thing. More neighborhood parties and less Disney vacations.
That is a good place to start.