What do witches/sorcerers deserve now?

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Michael C:
What does Gerald Gardener say? Yes or no to reincarnation?
Do you hold him as an authority?
While Gardner is the founder of Wicca, and all Wiccans hold to the same basic beliefs (such as acceptance of the possibility of reincarnation), there are several traditions within Wicca, one being the Gardnerian tradition. I am not a part of this tradition, and while I do accept the possibility of reincarnation, I’m still evaluating my beliefs in it.
Yes. While Gardner is the founder of Wicca, and all Wiccans hold to the same basic beliefs (such as acceptance of the possibility of reincarnation), there are several traditions within Wicca, one being the Gardnerian tradition. I am not a part of this tradition, and while I do accept the possibility of reincarnation, I’m still evaluating my beliefs in it.
“Acceptance of the possibility” sounds like no belief at all. I am a Catholic because of evidence and proof. Is there any evidence or proof that convinced you that wiccan must be the true faith ?
Blessed be, So your going to Summerland ? Sounds really like a real hot sizzling place to go. I believe you are right. In christianity we call it HELL. :eek:
So now you are playing God, condeming me to “hell”? :tsktsk: But no, where I am going is nothing like the Christian place called hell. Personally, I picture it more like an eternal spring if anything. Eternal paradise, where I will be united with my loved ones that have gone before me and my Creators. Since everyone’s going there, I guess I’ll see you there too. 😃 How fun.
BlessedBe,Yes I can read your mind,because I recognize the Spirit behind it. :eek:
Michael C said:
“Acceptance of the possibility” sounds like no belief at all.

Yes, I definitely believe in a paradise-like afterlife. And I believe that it is possible for one to choose to be reincarnated. As I said I am still studying and learning.
I am a Catholic because of evidence and proof.
Which is what?
Is there any evidence or proof that convinced you that wiccan must be the true faith ?
Yes, there is evidence of an Ultimate Creator because we had to come from somewhere. Even if the big bang theory was correct, that still has to come from somewhere. Through prayer and meditation God and Goddess have revealed themselves to me and I know they are real. That’s why it is called faith. Looking at it from a logical perspective, Wicca makes perfect sense and is the truth.
BlessedBe,Yes I can read your mind,because I recognize the Spirit behind it. :eek:
What does that have to do with anything, and no you cannot. What am I thinking at this very moment then? I doubt your guess would even be close. And you aren’t in the room with me, so you can’t see what is behind me, which (I’ll give you a hint), is nothing but a bookcase and a few file cabinets.
So now you are playing God, condeming me to “hell”? :tsktsk: But no, where I am going is nothing like the Christian place called hell. Personally, I picture it more like an eternal spring if anything. Eternal paradise, where I will be united with my loved ones that have gone before me and my Creators. Since everyone’s going there, I guess I’ll see you there too. 😃 How fun.
Once again you decieve yourself,Im not condemming you to hell,you are condemming yourself by your own free will. Boy are you going to be in for a surprise. It like being in the desert and seeing an oasis,and when you finally reach it ,it really wasnt there,but only in your mind… :eek:
What does that have to do with anything, and no you cannot. What am I thinking at this very moment then? I doubt your guess would even be close. And you aren’t in the room with me, so you can’t see what is behind me, which (I’ll give you a hint), is nothing but a bookcase and a few file cabinets.
This is not a game Blessedbe. :eek:
Once again you decieve yourself,Im not condemming you to hell,you are condemming yourself by your own free will. Boy are you going to be in for a surprise. It like being in the desert and seeing an oasis,and when you finally reach it ,it really wasnt there,but only in your mind… :eek:
Nope, as I have been told here that hell is for those who choose to go there and who reject God then: 1. I do not choose to go there. 2. I do not reject God.

Keep in mind, it may be you who is in for the surprise.

Now perhaps you would be kind enough to stop bringing the thread off topic as this discussion is not about who is going where in the afterlife.
Yes, I definitely believe in a paradise-like afterlife. And I believe that it is possible for one to choose to be reincarnated. As I said I am still studying and learning.
Which is what? Yes, there is evidence of an Ultimate Creator because we had to come from somewhere. Even if the big bang theory was correct, that still has to come from somewhere. Through prayer and meditation God and Goddess have revealed themselves to me and I know they are real. That’s why it is called faith. Looking at it from a logical perspective, Wicca makes perfect sense and is the truth.
Jesus had to fulfill hundreds of prophesies for him to be the masiah and he did. Jesus worked miracles, believers state this and unbelievers state he was sorceror. Jesus was resurrected, there were hundreds of witnesses. I know there’s evidence of a creator. I asked you what evidence wiccan has given that it is the true faith.There can’t be more than one truth.How has God and Godess revealed themselves to you?
Michael C:
Jesus worked miracles, believers state this and unbelievers state he was sorceror.
I believe it is quite possible Jesus may have performed miracles, but that does not make him God. God may have aided him in performing miracles, but that still does not make him God.
Jesus was resurrected, there were hundreds of witnesses.
Did you witness it? Even if this did happen, it does not make him God.
I asked you what evidence wiccan has given that it is the true faith.
Wiccan is a person. Wicca is the religion. And I answered your question. What sort of “proof” are you looking for.
There can’t be more than one truth.
In the end, no there can’t . But I don’t believe any religion knows what the ultimate truth is, but they have ideas. That is why it is called faith.
How has God and Godess revealed themselves to you?
I answered that as well. Through prayer, meditation, as well as in my daily life.
I believe it is quite possible Jesus may have performed miracles, but that does not make him God. God may have aided him in performing miracles, but that still does not make him God.
Did you witness it? Even if this did happen, it does not make him God.
Wiccan is a person. Wicca is the religion. And I answered your question. What sort of “proof” are you looking for. In the end, no there can’t . But I don’t believe any religion knows what the ultimate truth is, but they have ideas. That is why it is called faith.
I answered that as well. Through prayer, meditation, as well as in my daily life.
You said you are here to clear up misconceptions about wicca. I asked you for an authoritative source and you said you’re currently looking for info. There is a wicca bible but you don’t own one. The founder Gerald Gardener states that there is a summerland and that there is a core belief in the acceptance of the possibilty of reincarnation. You believe a person may choose to be reincarnated. Your proof that wicca is the one true faith is the big bang theory. I only speak for myself but you have cleared up nothing for me. If anything I’m more confused about what you believe and I question if you even understand what you believe. At this point you should be frieghtened by any God or Godess that has revealed themselves to you.
Michael C:
I asked you for an authoritative source and you said you’re currently looking for info.
There are several sources that can be considered authorities on Wicca. However, “The Witches Bible” by Janet and Stewart Farrar is based on the teachings of the Gardnerian Tradition of Wicca
The founder Gerald Gardener states that there is a summerland and that there is a core belief in the acceptance of the possibilty of reincarnation. You believe a person may choose to be reincarnated.
Point being? I believe in the Summerland and accept the possibility of reincarnation.
Your proof that wicca is the one true faith is the big bang theory.
Not at all. I don’t even believe in that theory. I said even if the big bang theory is true, the gases, etc. that caused that had to be created by something.
I only speak for myself but you have cleared up nothing for me.
You asked questions and I answered them. If you are confused on anything you should write it so that I can explain it. What sort of “proof” are you looking for. Scientific? A book? Those sort of things are not what one should base their faith entirely upon. To get information from, yes. But to base one’s faith on it, no.
If anything I’m more confused about what you believe and I question if you even understand what you believe.
I understand completely what I believe. You asked me for sources on Wicca. There are several, what are you looking for.
At this point you should be frieghtened by any God or Godess that has revealed themselves to you.
Not at all.

Either way, I am trying to give good answers, but they are probably not my best as I am also at work right now. If they are vague, I’m sorry, and let me know so that I can better explain. I understand I was vague in regards to the Wiccan “Bible” but that was because while I had heard of such a thing, it is also true that there is no single authoritative book, as there are several traditions of Wicca. Other than on that subject, I don’t really see any other place that I was vague, so if I was, let me know.
Then stop acting like it is by pretending you can read my mind.
Whos pretending? I walk by faith. I walk in the spirit. I enter into a spiritual realm. Im sorry to freak you out,but these are gifts from the Holy Spirit.I can see what you cannot.I know whats behind you. I am invisable to the enemy. :eek:
Whos pretending?
Apparently you are. As you have not given me proof. If you are going to claim to be able to read my mind, then I would like proof. You cannot, therefore you are pretending.
I enter into a spiritual realm. Im sorry to freak you out,but these are gifts from the Holy Spirit.
I’m not freaked out at all. I believe it’s possible to enter a spiritual realm. I don’t believe that you can read my mind. As I said before, what am I thinking now?
I can see what you cannot.I know whats behind you.
The problem with that is that regardless of what realm you are on, earthly or spiritual, you have to know where I am to see what is around me. You do not. And if you claim to, you have not offered proof.
**General reminder:

Please keep the conversation on the issue under discussion and avoid personal ad hominem. If the thread continues to deteriorate it will have to be closed. Thanks!**
Apparently you are. As you have not given me proof. If you are going to claim to be able to read my mind, then I would like proof. You cannot, therefore you are pretending.
I’m not freaked out at all. I believe it’s possible to enter a spiritual realm. I don’t believe that you can read my mind. As I said before, what am I thinking now?
The problem with that is that regardless of what realm you are on, earthly or spiritual, you have to know where I am to see what is around me. You do not. And if you claim to, you have not offered proof.
So you think,Like I said this is not a game, You cannot see because you do not walk by the Holy Spirit.:eek:

As the charity reminder was ineffective, the thread is now closed. Thanks to all who participated in the discussion.**
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