Dopey and Sleepy… KIDDING!!!
hmmm… I don’t know La Chiara. I think its a stretch to say that if we are don’t call our in-laws “Mom/Dad” that we are somehow ununited to our spouse and disrespectful of them.Hey folks, of course it’s awkward to call people who are not your parents “Mom” and “Dad”. It is for all of us. But it is respectful and a sign that you view your spouse’s family as your own family. I feel very strongly about it. My parents called their respective in-laws “Mom” or “Dad”–sometimes followed by their last name (Mom Smith/Dad Jones). And when I wasn’t feeling especially close to my in-laws, it sure didn’t come easily. But again, it is an issue of respect.
If you can’t do it, maybe you should really think about your own emotional maturity. I don’t say that unkindly. But it is a sign that you are not truly committed to becoming one with your spouse. And like everything, the more you do it, the easier it is. (To give you perspective, I am in my 40s and have been married 20 years.) If a son-in-law finds it too hard to call his in-laws Mom and Dad, I would wonder whether he is mature enough to be getting married and whether we want him in the family.
Oh, I am quite the opposite; I refuse to respond to a child who calls be my first name. Of course, my children’s friends are all under the age of 5. hehe. Seriously, I am Mr. LastName and if you want me to respond to your question, comment or whatever, call me by name. If you don’t I won’t get in a child’s face, but I will tell them that if they want to talk they should call me by name. Likewise, if a child wants something and doesn’t say “please” and “thank you” I go suddenly deaf. I won’t force someone to be polite, but I’ll be damned if I am going to scrap and bow for some child. You would be shocked at what some of these “parents” let their children get away with–out of control.It bugs me when my children’s friends call me by my first name because it just seems weird, but I don’t correct them for it because they mean well and it seems to be very common these days.
Yes and how lucky you are.I’d really like to call them Mom and Dad but just can’t! It must be the anti-touchy-feely in me. We’ve been married over 23 years. I’ve recently been addressing them as that when I write - but haven’t gotten up the nerve to say it. Maybe a New Year’s resolution…because I think they’d both like it, especially the mom-in-law. They call me their “daughter-in-love”. Is that not the sweetest?
I use to think that way but with age my thinking has changed. I like being called Mrs. I guess I am an old fogy(sp) .I call my in-laws by their first names, i wouldnt feel comfortable in calling them Mum and Dad- i already have a Mum and Dad. Likewise my hubby calls my folks by their first names. I dont like people calling me Mrs. Burgess as it makes me feel stifled- weird maybe be but thats just me. Even my sons friends call me by my first name (6 year olds) and i dont have a problem with it in fact its preferable to Mrs. Our 6 year old refers to his Dad by his first name also as he does with his paternal Grandfather. God Bless. Sue.