What do you enjoy or look forward to?

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How did you get into birding? How do you do it? Do you just take a walk with binoculars? Is there a book or website where I might learn about the birds in my area and how to bird watch? I live in Colorado.
How did you get into birding?
While I had some family members who were into birding, I caught the bug on a 7th grade field trip to a wildlife refuge. It was springtime and all the ducks were in paired up and in breeding plumage, and we had nesting Canada Geese flying just over our head. That said, going somewhere where you can look at ducks is a great way to start birding. They’re generally easy to observe and identify
How do you do it? Do you just take a walk with binoculars?
To me, birding is simply being aware that we are surrounded by these amazing, jewel-like creatures. My former pastor (memory eternal) would tell me that when St. Paul tells us to ‘pray incessantly’ we can do it by being aware of God throughout the day. Birding, for me, is a lot like that. Just sitting quietly anywhere for 5 minutes and listening for bird sounds could be considered birding.

Binoculars are a useful tool for bringing birds in close. I spent a number of years where I birded without binoculars and today I bird a lot more by ear than I do by sight. If you want to get more into identifying birds you’ll definitely need pair. I carry a camera with me as well. My normal birding method is to walk slowly, listening and looking carefully and stopping regularly. If I don’t recognize a bird call I’ll definitely track it down, but many times I’ll try to get a lens on the birds I do know just for the thrill of seeing them.
Is there a book or website where I might learn about the birds in my area and how to bird watch? I live in Colorado.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is probably your best resource. I use them quite a bird, especially for their library of bird sounds. EBird is a lot of fun too if you’re into making lists and keeping track of your sightings.

Sibley’s bird guides are my favorite. He has the best illustrations and more of them. The thing to do, since they cover large geographic areas, is to look at the range maps and learn what you might expect in your area. BTW, Colorado has some excellent birding.

If you want to follow me around on birding trips I’m posting my sightings and photos on this thread:
What is your favorite bird? And every fowl encounter you've had under the sun Casual Discussion
Say what? [DSC_2901 (2)]
OK, to be fair that photo was taken two weekends ago at a lodge that caters to birders. The have about a half dozen feeders being fought over by couple of dozen hummingbirds. Amazing place. I didn’t know where to point my camera. My personal theory is at times like these they reach ‘critical mass’ and ‘personal distance’ goes out the window. At my own feeders I’ve noticed the birds sort of give up at the end of day and share a feeder with each oth…
Hope that’s not too much info, let me know if you want more. 😃
Thanks! That’s really helpful! I think I have some binoculars somewhere in my basement! I will dig them out.
Your parents are very blessed to be so well cared for by you. Kudos to you for not putting them into a nursing home.
Right now I am enjoying the silence since the upstairs condo neighbor is gone. Usually I hear toilet flushing, sink water running, cabinet doors slamming, creaking footsteps and more.
Your parents are very blessed to be so well cared for by you. Kudos to you for not putting them into a nursing home.
Thank you so much for your kind words! Nursing homes, especially now with covid, are such scary places to be. My grandmother spent her last days at a nursing facility, because she was completely immobile and needed 24hr care And equipment that my dad and his sisters could not give her at the time. The nurses and aides completely neglected her. It was awful. They’d forget her meals, medicines, etc. I never want my parents to have to experience that. The treatment of elderly people in our society is appalling. A change is needed.
I look forward to checking on the garden every morning to see if anything is ready. Today I got a handful of potatoes and we had them with our dinner. 😋
Just coffee these days…life was already hard enough before co-vid and lockdown.
I said the rosary with my daughter last night. That was wonderful as most of my family aren’t active in their faith, so it’s a rare treat.
Your parents are very blessed to be so well cared for by you. Kudos to you for not putting them into a nursing home.
Thank you so much for your kind words! Nursing homes, especially now with covid, are such scary places to be. My grandmother spent her last days at a nursing facility, because she was completely immobile and needed 24hr care And equipment that my dad and his sisters could not give her at the time. The nurses and aides completely neglected her. It was awful. They’d forget her meals, medicines, etc. I never want my parents to have to experience that. The treatment of elderly people in our society is appalling. A change is needed.
In Oriental cultures, the elderly are revered and well-respected. In our culture, they are often viewed as throwaways who’ve outlived their usefulness, or as annoying, often demanding inconveniences. Never mind all the positive contributions they’ve made throughout their lifetimes.

Even the cantankerous ones, I feel have earned the right to be a little crabby. Older folks often don’t feel well, and sometimes resent the loss of their freedom. One needs to be patient and compassionate with them, and keep their lives interesting for them instead of just shoving them away into a nursing home and forgetting all about them.

It’s shameful how we treat our elderly in our society.

I’m sure your parents know they’re well loved, and knowing that one is still very much loved helps with their quality of life and overall well being. it can be challenging taking care of older folks, but it can also be very rewarding, both for them and for the caregivers who truly do care.

God will bless you.
I am now looking forward to my sister and brother coming out here to help me celebrate my 70th birthday on September 15th. I can hardly believe I shall be 70! Nobody else can believe it, either.

How did THAT happen?
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My “baby” brother turns 70 tomorrow and in his birthday card I gave him the following advice. I told him that the first thing he needs to do as he turns 70 is to plan on being 80! I hope you celebrate your birthday in a grand way that will bring you many happy memories. On mine my family and I took a 2 hour river boat dinner Blues Cruise. I love listening and dancing to the blues. Even got up my nerve to ask an older gentleman to dance with me. Turned out he was 75, very spry and we both enjoyed ourselves. Then the Captain invited me to come into the wheelhouse and steer the boat! It was sunset on a gorgeous Southern September evening as I kept the bow headed down the middle of the river back towards the city. Time of my life that I will remember fondly. My family had asked me ahead of my birthday how I wanted to celebrate it and this was my choice. They made the experience happen for me and it turned out better than I could have imagined. Enjoy your visit with your siblings because being with family matters the most! Have a very Happy 70th Birthday.
Aw, thank you, all. And yes, striving to turn 80 and remaining in good health would probably be my next goal. Aside from a few minor pain issues that nearly everyone around my age has to deal with, I’m still walking around, still have my senses and my faculties. I’m still able to work in my garden and do most of the things I enjoy. No serious diseases – yet.

The BIG EVENT is still just over a month off, but getting closer with each passing day.

Praise the Lord!
Amen JanR! Every day is a gift from God and to the theme of this thread that is what I give thanks for on first waking up. Since I retired at age 70 from what was my life’s work as a nurse, I take my joy in the simple pleasures of this life of which there can be an abundance. I can rejoice over baking a loaf of bread then having a slice along with a good cup of coffee. Add to that a good book to read and I am happy. Doesn’t take much!
What a wonderful and memorable event! That sounds like a once in a lifetime day! 🙂 I hope you have many more special days like that!
Reading messages from friends around the world :blush:Hearing from my parents and children .
Going out in the morning to feed welcoming pets,letting the hens,ducks and Goose out to forage,watching them spread winds and run and flap,play fight
I used to enjoy walking down to the postbox ,but there’s nothing in it these days 🤔
I’d like to start writing to family again,and finding things to send .
Each day is moving closer to Spring ,so gradual changes in nature,in the garden 🙂
I’m sorry you’re ill. Is it something chronic? I will pray for you.
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