Here’s an update on my socially distanced birthday celebration from the weekend. Travel time up and back to/from my daughter’s was 4+ hours and time spent with her and family was 5 hours. It was time well spent as far as I am concerned. Even the drive time was spent well listening to the recitation of the Rosary. When I got there the grand kids (ages 8 and 5) escorted me through the back gate, into the back yard and up onto their patio deck. My daughter had my own umbrella covered table set up in one corner of the deck set up with a tray of fresh veggies/fruits and a dip. The grandkids (with masks on) excitedly gave me 2 cute birthday cards along with a small gift bag. Inside the bag was Ninjabread cookies that they and their Mom had made for me. My 8 year old grandson then read me the story of the Ninjabread Man (parody of the Gingerbread Man) while his sister turned the pages and commented on the drawings to make sure her Nana didn’t miss anything! It was very sweet and so were the cookies! While my SIL grilled our dinner of fresh salmon filets (from AK salmonshares), tricolored small potatoes and seasoned cabbage; my daughter got to sit down at a table across from me to share conversation over sweet tea. The kids romped in the back yard until it was time to eat. After dinner my daughter used her phone to call her brother and we all took turns talking with everyone. My son and his family live another 5 hours away from where my daughter lives. My favorite birthday cake, chocolate, was brought out in individual slices. There were 7 candles crowded onto my slice and 1 candle on each slice for the grandkids to represent my age!!! It felt good to be part of my family again in a more normal setting even while observing these stifling COVID restrictions. The weather was mild with a light mist of rain off and on but the mosquitoes were out in full force! This gift of time spent close to my family celebrating life is a memory that I will cherish. Thanks be to God for His goodness.