It was sad and interesting to hear reports here recently of children feeling the brunt of the whole thing…feelings of hopelessness and depression about the worlds future .These children needing psychological help as they feel the burden of guilt for adding to ‘climate change’ .As if they don’t have enough stresses already in life.I have zero interest in climate change. There’s nothing more I could do anyway. My wife and I both walk to work year round (I bike in summer) and the car is seldom used outside of shopping. We keep the furnace turned low in winter and don’t even have an air conditioner for summer. Every can, bottle, and paper is recycled. We’re selective with our purchases and, aside from a small electric lawn mower, we own no powered garden toys. If climate change is caused by human activity, I’m not to blame and don’t care anyway.
So there is another money making spin coming out of ‘climate change’, trying to repair the agendas push on children