huh,… seems some CAF posters have been duped by various “Merchants of Doubt” into parroting their message,… for example in some older CAF discussions, we see,…The science is settled on increased radiated warming from doubling CO2. We’ve always known it will increase temperatures by ~1.1C

just sayin,… there was a PsyOp started long ago to try and win hearts and minds,… AND this can be proven quite simply by skimming over a document of collective key evidence*John Coleman, who co-founded the Weather Channel, shocked academics by insisting the theory of man-made climate change was no longer scientifically credible. Instead, what ‘little evidence’ there is for rising global temperatures points to a ‘natural phenomenon’ within a developing eco-system. … “I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid.” Mr Coleman said he based many of his views on the findings of the…
(this “redirect” link points to a PDF on GoogleDocs which outlines what actually happened behind the scenes to Roger Revelle, who was a prominent scientist that did pioneering CO2 studies)
then check out the historial revision fairy tale being pushed in the general public,… using an interview on a local TV station
[KUSI News] Full unedited interview with S. Fred Singer parts 1 and 2
WRT to science and looking at the big picture,… what “Merchants of Doubt” and their believers have neglected is, not fully considering the knock on effects of elevated CO2 levels in other realms
for example, there are big problems in the oceans one should consider

(for details,… see full text of entry “83” on this tread)of course there are going to be exceptions to the rule,… biological adaptations has happened in the past which is why extremophile exist in hostile environments oceanservice[dot]noaa[dot]gov/facts/extremophile.html and biological adaptations will happen durning climate change BUT looking at the larger trends,… as I pointed out before, we still have to account for the fact basically “winners” are going to be very, vary, vary rare,… it would be sorta akin to investors who won big on credit …
or in simple gardening or farming,… see
(7th question,… why the veg-table?)
in this section I’ve outlined a few symptoms of global life being stressed,… which is akin to symptoms of a low grade fever in a human being,… IOW consider the avg human body temp is 37C and a 38C body temp means a fever caused by an infection or illness
bottom line IMHO,… an increase of ~1.1C in global temperature is kinda like a fever caused by an infection (specifically CO2 due to IR properties), that various life forms on planet earth is having to deal w/