AGAIN, why to you keep trying to pretend the issue is lack of knowledge about CO2, when it’s all about the feedback.basically from what I have seen, hardly anyone knows blah, blah, blah about basic properties of CO2 and people in general have very little basic understanding of science/math,… #sad
You’ve not refuted one post I’ve made, or really engaged with what I said
There really isn’t any dispute among opposing ‘experts’ that CO2 is a GHG and will warm the earth about 1C with doubling, due the physics of radiative forcing.
The whole climate change dispute is about the feedbacks that are second order effects. The climate models have thousand of ‘feedbacks’ written into their code and they are projected to cause anywhere from 0.5 to 3.5C in additional warming because of the increased CO2.
If the discussion and research was focused on validating the feedbacks, we could come to a true consensus.
I understand CO2 radiative forcing, but was hoping to have you recognize it’s not the major contributor in projected warming. For most estimates, over 2/3 of warming is being driven by the feedbacks.
None of the experts disagree on the direct impact from elevated C02 levels
The experts do however disagree on the second order effects, the ‘feedbacks’. In particular, they don’t agree on how it will change water vapor, another GHG.
- They agree on how much warming will be contributed for a given increase
- They agree on how it changes ocean PH levels
The battle to gain broad consensus and action resides in gaining consensus on the feedbacks and their impact.