What do you think of those who say the mark of the beast will be the covid vaccine?

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There are several theories from Catholics who think the vaccine for covid will be the mark of the beast especially if it becomes mandatory. On one video someone commented that the microchip will be “hidden” in the vaccine and when I said I thought the mark of the beast could not be hidden in a such a way i got attacked.

This priest seems to think that covid is a chastisement and the coming vaccine is the mark of the beast at least most of the commenters on his videos do too. I was praying for a vaccine now I’m not so sure…
Let me think of all the things that have been announced as the mark of the beast in my lifetime:

Polio Vaccine

Small Pox Vaccine

Social Security Numbers (odd, because that means that the USA is the only country involved)

Credit Cards (yes, the old run it through a machine with carbon paper sort)

Any Vaccine

Cell Phones

PCs, Tablets, Smart Phones



Direct Deposit

Debit Cards

Bar Codes

QR Codes


I know I am missing some of them.

This is fringe quasi protestant teachings. Be not afraid.
I think you hit on the major ones @TheLittleLady. When a hammer is one of the few tools you have, everything looks like a nail.
Oh boy! i liked watching him, why is Bishop Sheen there. Who really knows for sure.
I think it’s spinach and I think this priest is skating on the thin edge of unacceptable stuff for the forum.
why is Bishop Sheen there. Who really knows for sure.
Complete misuse and exploitation of Venerable Archbishop Sheen by questionable priest.
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Whether it is or isn’t, you know the saying, “come and pry it from my cold dead hands”? Well, I’m going to start another, “you won’t vaccinate me against my will until I’m cold and dead”.

And to be VERY clear, I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I do get the flu shot, although I haven’t every year, and only started 3-4 years ago. I’m just not into the federal government forcing me through threat of penalty to put ANYTHING into my body I do not want.
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The issue isn’t whether you get a shot or not, the issue is that some Catholics believe that COVID vaccines are “the mark of the beast” which is not in accordance with Catholic teaching.

Big difference between saying you don’t want a shot because you think there’s a health risk or you don’t trust the vaccine maker or whatever, and claiming it’s the mark of the beast.
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Here’s a thought. And do I believe it is not (edit, I forgot the “not”) the mark of the beast. No. But one day the world will end. We will go through the end times. But as Catholics, that is little to no concern to us. Be prepared, keep your “house” in order, and hope in Christ.
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Hi there! Thanks for your reply. I totally agree that vaccines should not be mandated. What I’m wondering is if others agree with this priest and his followers that the upcoming vaccine will be the mark of the beast. It seems like it wouldn’t be up for speculation and it would be obvious not “hidden” in a vaccine.
This priest seems to think that covid is a chastisement and the coming vaccine is the mark of the beast at least most of the commenters on his videos do too. I was praying for a vaccine now I’m not so sure…
People love all this speculative conspiracy theory nonsense. Don’t listen to random people on YouTube.
If they FORCE everyone to be vaccinated then it could be.

I’m personally not aware of a single vaccine that the whole world is forced to receive, and there are viruses out there that are far worse that COVID-19.

So if the whole world is FORCED to receive a vaccine, then perhaps it could be.

Or perhaps it’s nothing more than a vaccine?

The only thing we know for sure is that the enemies of God will always attempt to take advantage of a crises like this to advance their agenda.

God Bless
That’s why I said he’s skating on the thin edge of what is acceptable. He sure is using the “Mark of the Beast” comment as well as the big picture of Archbishop Sheen to promote himself. He embraces a lot of questionable stuff. He is not on a good track, he is leading people astray, and I hope his bishop is keeping an eye on him.
You’re not an Internet priest trying to build a following with scare tactics. The comparison is not apt.

My personal opinion is that you’re overly focused on end times stuff, based on your posts here, but that’s true of a lot of Catholics and it’s also your personal preference as a Catholic layperson, so you’re entitled to it. A priest on the other hand is in a position of responsibility and needs to be careful that he’s not creating division or confusion or driving people away. . . .

And yes, the Fr Michel business is what kind of put me over the edge with Fr Goring.
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According to Scripture the ‘mark of the beast’ will be on the right hand or the forehead. I have never heard of a vaccine being administered by way of forehead injections.

According to Scripture the purpose of the Mark is that nobody can buy or sell unless they have the mark. I do not see how a vaccine will accomplish that result.

No, I don’t think the Covid-19 vaccine will be the mark of the beast.
Hi thank you for the reply! I have heard rumors that they will make the vaccine mandatory if you want to travel etc. But that’s just speculation 🙂
Also is your real name Zaccheus? My son’s name is Matthias the last deciple chosen to replace Judas and I just found out that he was actually Zaccheus!
I’m just not into the federal government forcing me through threat of penalty to put ANYTHING into my body I do not want.
Fair enough. How do you feel about the military draft? What do you make of draft dodgers?

In that case the government forced young men - under penalty of imprisonment - to put their entire body in the line of fire - presumable to save others’ lives and liberties. (And made them take a whole bunch of shots in the process!)

I would argue a vaccine is similar. One of its great benefits is due to its socialized nature. There are people who, for various reasons (allergies) can’t take the vaccine. Those people are protected from the focus disease only if a great many other people are vaccinated - perhaps sacrificing some civil liberties in the process.

I suppose I’m ok with the “not my body” reasoning as long as it’s consistent.
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I would argue the two are not similar, except I’m not going down this rabbit hole.

And whenever someone says “of a socialized nature” and “sacrificing civil liberties in the name of others”, I immediately see Socialist red flags, and we are not going to get along.
I would argue the two are not similar, except I’m not going down this rabbit hole.
In the case of the draft, the government is forcing men (now men and women presumably) to sacrifice - potentially their lives - to get shot at (and get a lot of federally mandated vaccinations!) to protect those incapable of defending themselves.

In the case of a federally mandated vaccine, the government would force people to sacrifice - potentially their lives - to get a shot to protect themselves and those incapable of defending themselves.

Seems similar to me - or at least not very rabbit-holey.
And whenever someone says “of a socialized nature” and “ sacrificing civil liberties in the name of others”, I immediately see Socialist red flags, and we are not going to get along.
Every civil liberty that we have is at the expense of someone or something else. The 14th amendment is a perfect example. In that case, the federal government forced the southern states to sacrifice their economic freedom for the cause of human dignity and respect.

The founding fathers presumed that freedom would only be possible if those governed lived by the golden rule - “you first, me second.” Freedom and sacrifice always go hand in hand.
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